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101. The World's Major Religions And Belief Systems The world s Major religions and Belief Systems. Unlike most belief systems that are less rigid in their external structures and may http://www.cftech.com/BrainBank/OTHERREFERENCE/RELIGION/MajorReligion.html | |
102. Light Of Life Zainal Arifin's personal page on many of the world's religions. http://www.geocities.com/light_of_life9 | |
103. The Baha'i World -- Official Site Of The Baha'i Faith Bahá à community. world s independent religions, established in 235 countries and territories throughout the world. We come from http://www.bahai.org/ | |
104. World Peace 2000 - Australia Organisation working in support of UNESCO Manifesto 2000, providing a forum for all religions, multicultural groups, and the people of the world to encourage world peace for 2000 years. History, events, links to related sites, and membership information. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~wp2000au/ | |
105. Global Calendar 2003 A multicultural educational resource which honors all religions and countries. Gives full and new moon, eclipse, meteor, and comet information. http://www.zapcom.net/phoenix.arabeth/1world.html | |
106. Religion: An Overview Of The World's Religions An Overview of the world s religions. Introduction. It should be kept in mind at all times that no religion is monolithic. The summaries http://www.theology.edu/relig02.htm | |
107. Parliament Of The World's Religions PARLIAMENT OF THE world S religions Cape Town, South Africa * December 1 8, 1999. ORDER BY CONFERENCE CODE PWR99. If the Parliament http://www.conferencerecording.com/newevents/pwr99.htm | |
108. Parliament Of The World S Religions The Second Centennial. Parliament of the world s religions. The second Parliament of the world s religions was held in Chicago August 28 Sept. 5, 1993. http://www.earthspirit.org/Parliament/parlinfo.html | |
109. Godulike - An Irreverent Look At The Faith Industry An irreverent analysis of over 100 religions. http://www.godulike.co.uk/ | |
110. Exploring Religions Home Overviews of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. Includes an extensive crosslinked glossary for each religion. http://uwacadweb.uwyo.edu/religionet/er/ | |
111. Religions Of The World -- African Background information and links. http://members.aol.com/porchfour/religion/african.htm | |
112. SelectSmart.com Selectors, Decide, Decision, Choice, Recommend, Choose, Pick, Se Online questionnaire that rates religions by their compatibility with your beliefs. http://www.selectsmart.com/RELIGION/ | |
113. Tolerance In Islam Islam appears to be the only religion which contains real tolerance for other religions. This page contains plenty of sources and examples on this issue. An Abridged Version of the 1927 Lecture by Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall http://www.erols.com/gmqm/toleran1.html | |
114. Centro Di Studi Religiosi Comparati Edoardo Agnelli Promotes interdisciplinary research on religions in contemporary societies. Includes details of events and scholarships, and full text documents for download in PDF format. Site also available in Italian. http://www.centroedoardoagnelli.it/ | |
115. Alternative Religions Links, articles, and resources for the traditional religions of the African continent as well as AfroCaribbean religions and ancient Egyptian religion (About.com). http://altreligion.about.com/religion/altreligion/cs/africanreligions/ | |
116. TEO, Le Magazine Des Religions En France Publication en ligne anim©e par des ©tudiants de l'Ecole de journalisme de Lille. Articles traitant des principales religions. http://www.esj-lille.fr/atelier/magan2/teo/ | |
117. United Religions Initiative A global community dedicated to promoting daily interfaith cooperation, ending religiously motivated violence and creating cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. http://www.uri.org | |
118. Western Religions In Mr. Dowling's Electronic Passport Briefly compares Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. http://www.mrdowling.com/605westr.html | |
119. Summary Of Native American Religions School paper about the religion of the Iroquois Nation, Dakota (Sioux) and Apache tribes. http://are.as.wvu.edu/ruvolo.htm | |
120. Analyses Of Cults And Religions By Watchman Fellowship Hundreds of articles and links to resources on cults and alternative religions; a 1200entry, cross-referenced Index of Cults and religions. http://www.watchman.org/ | |
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