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61. World Religions Sub Directory Welcome to. Ministries. http://www.letusreason.org/WorldR.htm | |
62. CrossCurrents Magazine: The Best Thought And Writing On Religion And The World. Brings to the internet selected topics of the major world religions with movies, reviews, chat, spirituality, newsletter, and humor. http://aril.org/ | |
63. History Timeline Of World Religions And Their Founders History Timeline of world religions and its Founders. 2,085 BC. JudaismAbraham. 1,500 BC. Hinduism- no specific founder. 560 BC. Buddhism- Gautama Buddha. 550 BC. http://www.letusreason.org/Cult11.htm | |
64. Online Bible Study King James Verses Texts from the major world religions and a few small ones as well. Search the Bible. http://www.online-bible.org/ | |
65. Religions Of The World Religions of the World. Hinduism Judaism Zoroastrianism Buddhism, Christianity Islam Sikhism Bahá à Faith. Relics of Ancient Religions New Pagans, Wicca, Magic http://www.edunet.ie/resources/religion.html | |
66. World Religion WebQuest world religions WebQuest Third, your Major world religions Chart will be the basis for much of the work that we will do during this unit. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/mruland/MWH/WebQuests/wreligion.html | |
67. WAR AND WORLD RELIGIONS world religions WAR AND PEACE. What follows is a very brief summary of what the worldÂs major religions say about war and peace. http://www.ppu.org.uk/learn/infodocs/st_religions.html | |
68. HistoryWiz :World Religions world religions. Featured in Macworld one of the best history sites on the web. Adherents.com Statistics on world religions. Exploring http://www.historywiz.com/religions.htm | |
69. Religious Calendars -- The Calendar Zone Upload your own greeting/card and send! (627); Interfaith Calendar A calendar of primary sacred days for all major world religions. http://www.calendarzone.com/Religious/ | |
70. Lane Community College Library - World Religions Site Lane Community College world religions Site. Click below for access to internet information on each of these subjects http://www.lanecc.edu/library/faith.htm | |
71. Ocean - World Religions Free Research Library It contains over 1000 books of 10 world religions in English as well as collections in six other languages (French, Spanish, German, Russian, Dutch, and http://www.bahai-education.org/ocean/ | |
72. MMRC: North America: Decline And Fall Of World Religions, 1900-2025 North America Decline Fall of world religions, 19002025 by Justin D. Long. However, itÂs the big world religions that are really showing their muscle. http://www.gem-werc.org/mmrc/mmrc9805.htm | |
73. Religions On The WWW - Scriptures Of World Religions Here are English language Scriptures and documents of world religions, showing where they may be found online. There are additional http://members.aol.com/porchfour/religion/scriptur.htm | |
74. SelectSmart.com Selectors, Decide, Decision, Choice, Recommend, Choose, Pick, Se BELIEF SYSTEM SELECTOR an exploration of world religions By SelectSmart.com Staff With just 20 questions, our goal is to provide a fun and informative http://selectsmart.com/RELIGION/ | |
75. Madison Area Interfaith Network Includes calendar of holy days for 14 world religions and the most diverse and most local links for religious and spiritual organizations. http://www.danenet.wicip.org/mainlink | |
76. WORLD RELIGIONS PAPER kalachakra.jpg (163734 bytes)Research a world religions phenomenon, such as any religious cultural expression (eg, a ritual, artifact or a sacred art form); or http://www.uwec.edu/greider/WorldReligions/world_religions.paper.htm | |
77. World Religions of Wyoming. Facets of Religion WWW Virtual Library Directory and search engine to sites on major world religions. Finding God http://bullpup.lib.unca.edu/library/rr/religions.html | |
78. ThinkQuest : Library : A Bow Of The Head: A Look At The Different Religions Of T A site for those who wonder about other religions and wanted to know more. Features history, quotes, images, links, literature, and easyprint articles about major world religions. http://library.thinkquest.org/28505/ | |
79. Jesus And World Religions A brief look into the major aspects of Jesus Christ, which stand in stark contrast to what s in the world s religions. Looking at http://www.everystudent.com/wires/religions.html | |
80. World Religions 14. world religions AND SPIRITUALITY. CHRISTIANITY. 6. Buddhism is the world s fourth largest major religion behind Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. http://hsb.baylor.edu/html/vanauken/rcul.htm | |
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