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121. Are Owned Cats Causing An Overpopulation Crisis? A National Pet Alliance report compares 1000 feral cats with 1000 pet cats, over their life span, to examine population growth. http://www.fanciers.com/other-faqs/owned-cats.html | |
122. SC Advanced Pop Trick FAQ Tactics for achieving explosive population growth, at various stages of the game. Includes detailed text with formulas and examples, and a quick reference summary sheet. By Orion Empire. http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/alaska/953/ | |
123. Geographic.org Population Country Ranks - Economy, Geography population statistics by country total population, growth rate, birth rate, death rate, migration rate, life expectancy, infant mortality, and population density. http://www.photius.com/rankings/population.html | |
124. W. P. Carey School Of Business - Bank One Economic Outlook Center Provides forecasts of employment, retail sales, population growth, real estate and related issues that affect the economies of Arizona, the Western states, Greater Phoenix and Mexico. http://wpcarey.asu.edu/seid/eoc/ | |
125. CNN.com - US - Census Figures Show Dramatic Growth In Asian, Hispanic Population CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/08/30/minority.population/index.html | |
126. Johns Hopkins: Population And Family Health Sciences Home Page PFHS addresses problems and changing patterns of population growth and reproduction globally with academic programs, related links, FAQs, seminars and a course schedule. http://www.jhsph.edu/pfhs/ |
127. Praying At The False Altar Of Diversity The influx has become so significant that it has actually destabilized the ethnic balance population growth will be driven by post1970 immigrants and their descendants in the next century. And suddenly, the immigration enthusiasts are in favor of this transformation. http://members.netnormal.com/library/altar.htm | |
128. Smithsonian Intitution Global Change Research: World Population Growth Smithsonian What is global change? Evidence. population curve from world Almanac and Book of Facts 1994. Link to Smithsonian Institution. http://www.globalchange.si.edu/gc_essay_pop.htm | |
129. 2021 Regional Planning Project - Queensland, Australia A cooperative regional planning project managing the effects of rapid population growth and planning for sustainable development in South East Queensland. It involves the three spheres of government and the community. http://www.seq2021.qld.gov.au/home.asp |
130. All 10 Million Europeans: Demographic Collapse. Asserts that fear of population growth and ecological crisis may soon be replaced by fear of population collapse, since global forecasts include scenarios of decline, in Europe it seems unavoidable. http://web.inter.nl.net/users/Paul.Treanor/nohumans.html | |
131. CNN.com - State-by-state Breakdown Of Population Estimates - August 29, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/08/29/minority.growth.glance.ap/index.html | |
132. Bacterial Growth And Multiplication. growth and death in a bacterial population, including vocabulary and video clips. From Cells Alive. http://www.cellsalive.com/ecoli.htm | |
133. PBS - Retired Site This PBS companion site offers facts about dwindling natural resources, teaching tools about population growth, and suggestions for becoming involved. http://www.pbs.org/kqed/population_bomb/ | |
134. CAIR - Colorado Alliance For Immigration Reform A nonprofit organization concerned with population growth and the devastating effects that growth will have on the future of the nation. Highlighting issues, economic issues, and smart growth alternatives. http://www.cairco.org/ | |
135. UNEP/GRID - Sioux Falls: African Great Lakes Land Cover Characterization, Landsat Images of Lac Kivu, Drainage Basins, Elevation, Human population growth, Monthly Changes in Vegetation. http://grid2.cr.usgs.gov/greatlakes/ | |
Global Resource Information Database | |
136. Population Action International - Home PAI is dedicated to advancing policies and programs that slow population growth in order to enhance the quality of life for all people. http://www.populationaction.org/ | |
137. Desert Invasion - U.S. - Destruction Of U.S. Border National Forests, Monuments, Focuses on the adverse effects of illegal immigration on communities, ecosystems, and parks on the US side of the border, and advocates stronger control of immigration and population growth. Articles, photos, action alerts, and links. http://www.desertinvasion.us | |
138. Facing The Future: People And The Planet A USbased educational not-for-profit corporation located in Washington State founded with the specific purpose of educating young people about the tremendous pressures rapid population growth exerts on natural, social and economic systems. http://www.facingthefuture.org/ | |
139. BC STATS: Mapping And Geography Collection of maps in both GIF and PDF format highlighting regional districts, development regions, municipalities, school districts, electoral districts, population growth, and ethnic demographics. http://www.bcstats.gov.bc.ca/data/pop/georef/geopage.htm | |
140. The KZPG Overpopulation News Network Activists, professionals and others meet to share news, discuss ideas, and work out common goals and strategies to stop population growth. http://www.kzpg.com/ | |
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