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21. AEC Courses utilization of grain by areas of the world, the marketing emphasis is on the roleof spatial relationships in are used to evaluate alternatives in terms of the http://www.uky.edu/Registrar/bull9798/courses/aec.html | |
22. Geographical Terms Will Acquire Geographical Understanding By Studying The world In spatial terms DescriptiveStatement Names Interesting and curious generic terms used in http://maps-universe.com/articles/12/geographical-terms.html | |
23. UNBSJ Ward Chipman Library Ecology Environmental Studies of the Eastern United States spatial database, Anantha M Environmental, and WaterRelatedTerms, Gary A world resources 2000-2001 People and Ecosystems the http://www.unbsj.ca/library/subject/ecology1.htm | |
24. Near Eastern Studies163 all proper names and all significant terms that appear in of religion, covering allcountries of the world. periodical indexes, numeric and spatial data files http://www.library.cornell.edu/olinuris/ref/nes163.html | |
25. FOREST INFORMATION UPDATE VOL 2, NO. 53 31 DECEMBER 2001 NEWS FROM AROUND THE world. http//www.waite.adelaide.edu.au/spatial/TMclassAbstract.pdf ForestInventory terms in Canada http//www.pfc.forestry.ca/monitoring http://www.foresters.org/fiu/2001/53.htm | |
26. Address Manager Facilitates Customer-specific Marketing. - DMTI Spatial, Inc. Within the world of Canadian business geographics, DMTI spatial are Company InformationName DMTI spatial, Inc com, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE terms OF USE http://www.industrialnewsroom.com/fullstory/18119 | |
27. Software Integrates Spatial 3D Components. - TransMagic, Inc. and efficient products, stated Mike Payne, CEO, spatial Corp. Mar 11, 2003 DesignSoftware mimics real-world conditions AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE terms OF USE http://www.industrialnewsroom.com/fullstory/12253 | |
28. Protecting Indigenous Peoples Privacy From Eyes In The Sky If the Tawahka had spatial data at their disposal, this bodies, including the worldCourt and world Bank Many indigenous peoples are also using the terms of the http://www.spatial.maine.edu/tempe/madsen.html | |
29. Europe of new urban plans, involving all stakeholders in setting spatial development goals CAREInternational UK will mark world Habitat Day. terms and Conditions. http://www.unhabitat.org/whd/2003/europe.asp | |
30. DTV - Internet Pointer Guide (IPG) enables public search for digital spatial data at together ecovillages and relatedprojects around the world. terms of Environment defines in nontechnical http://ipg.dtv.dk/ipg/e/8/ | |
31. NAU School Of Forestry Forest Health Document already good examples from around the world that ecosystems temporal scale and fora large spatial scale as However, often the terms used to describe healthy http://www.for.nau.edu/forhlth/fh_doc.html | |
32. GIS Bibliography 381 p. GIS world, Inc. 1995. Glossary of GIS terms. Jour. 1987. spatial data softwareintegration merging AD/CAM/Mapping with GIS and image processing. Photo. http://www.forestry.umt.edu/academics/courses/FOR503/biblio.htm | |
33. EOU General Catalog 2003 - 04 diversification, and instability; resource mobility and the spatial aspects of Credits3.00 WINTER, ALT YRS The world soils order terms and credits arranged. http://www2.eou.edu/catalog/agscience2.html | |
34. Spatial Interactions Working Group Research tensors and, for nonconservative species, reactive terms. because of this 2-dimensionalspatial aspect, bushfires understanding of CA to real world problems. http://www.dar.csiro.au/css/wg_ca/ca_rsch.htm | |
35. GEO World - FEBRUARY 2002 - Business News missioncritical data and integrate spatial and nonspatial mySAP Partner Value Net, SAP world Wide Web and governmental approvals and other terms that are http://www.geoplace.com/gw/2002/0202/0202bn.asp | |
36. LINKING TOURISM, THE ENVIRONMENT, AND CONCEPTS OF SUSTAINABILITY: SETTING THE ST force debate about scale (both temporal and spatial), fundamental purposes We mustbegin to think in terms of appropriate I. Washington, DC world Wildlife Fund http://www.beachbrowser.com/Archives/Local-News/July-2002/LINKING-TOURISM.htm | |
37. Maps-forum-digest V1 #50 That is, the visual system would know in spatial terms (left, right, up, down, near Theeyes, passive to the external world, reflect this spatial map by http://www.maps.org/forum/1997/msg00471.html | |
38. Department Of Geography/Anthropology At Rowan University of the United States and Canada in terms of the real This course is a survey of worldpatterns of economic Emphasis is placed on spatial variations in types of http://www.rowan.edu/open/geo_anthro/geography/courses_offered.html | |
39. ASDD Power Gateway Controlled terms Use ANZLIC Search Words, ACT spatial Data Directory. http://www.ga.gov.au/servlet/asdd_power | |
40. Eng141.3sp.html University Library s homepage on the world Wide Web. periodical indexes, numeric andspatial data files for all important theological terms, archaeological sites http://www.library.cornell.edu/olinuris/ref/eng141.3sp.html | |
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