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161. Reglatory Compliance CFRs Environmental Publications Safety Title 40 CFR Books and software titles from government Institutes in the areas of the Environment, Safety and Health, Telecommunications, the Internet, CFRs, and Quality. http://www.govinst.com/ | |
162. Win Government Contracts - With Government Contract Services Provides contracting bid assistance on government opportunities. http://www.gcswin.com/ | |
163. Countries Economic Statistics Agencies At EconoFinance.com Links to 360 economic statistics websites listed by country, economic indicators, statistical agencies, government agencies, foreign data, database, economic data. http://www.econofinance.com/diario.htm | |
164. Economic Statistics Central source of current economic data on the economy, from U.S. government agencies. http://www.whitehouse.gov/fsbr/esbr.html | |
165. This Page Has Moved... Center of expertise, leadership, and coordination for children and youth programs, issues and activities within the federal government and Health Canada. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hppb/childhood-youth/ |
166. Government Secret Searches - HR 2987 Commentary by David Bailey on HR 2987 (The Methamphetamine AntiProliferation Act of 1999). Has link to bill's full text as well as Congressional links. http://www.davidbailey.com/hr2987.htm |
167. Valitsemine Essays on democracy, reform and the United States government. http://www.geocities.com/goo798_eh2/Valitsemine.html | |
168. First Government Lease Company:Â Welcome To Our Website Independent company specializing in municipal lease finance. http://www.firstgovernment.com/ | |
169. The Center For The Study Of Technology And Society - Government And Politics Web site provides links to a number of articles and news stories regarding the use of the Internet in both elections and politics. http://www.tecsoc.org/govpol/govpol.htm | |
170. Grandfather Government Regulation Cost Report - Summary By MWHodges Regulatory Compliance Costs are $868 Billion, 17% of the Economy and $3,300 per capita huge costs without budgetary control. http://home.att.net/~mwhodges/regulation.htm | |
171. Official Web Site For Direct Democracy And Human Rights PGOV is the Triple Law campaign, to prohibit money for political campaigns; to monitor to protect public office; to allow people to repeal any law. Candidates will campaign primarily for a triple law on government , will resign when the triple law is passed, and be uncorrupted by avoiding and opposing private media for election publicity. Opposes corrupt and fraudulent democracy. PGOV espouses direct democratic and anarchist or libertarian and antiwar principles, but throws some odd statements into the immigration and religion topics! http://pgov.org/ | |
172. Alliance For The Separation Of School & State Argues against any interference by government in education. http://sepschool.org/ | |
173. Citizens For Better Government Gainesville, Florida social group and civic activist organization advocating limited and constitutional government, uncensored news, and individual rights. http://www.coolmedia.net/cbg/ | |
174. Planning Comprehensive online UK government publication outlining the government's policy on the issue. (1997) http://www.planning.odpm.gov.uk/litc/ | |
175. House Of Commons Science And Technology Seventh Report Light Pollution And Astro A comprehensive report, published by Parliament in 2003, outlining what action needs to be taken by all levels of government to regulate photopollution. Also available in PDF at ./747.pdf . http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200203/cmselect/cmsctech/747/74702.ht | |
176. Welcome To The Black Vault Large UFO site, with features including scanned pages of official government documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, court documents, information on viewing UFO's, and a discussion board. http://WWW.blackvault.com/ |
177. Grandfather Federal Government Debt Report By MWHodges Information on the National Debt, including who the money is owed to, how much worse it is than ever before, how the budget surplus is fake, and how the debt is still growing. http://home.att.net/~mwhodges/debt.htm | |
178. GovernmentBids.com This site consolidates bid opportunities, requests for proposals and requests for information by state. Their resources page has information on learning how to get started bidding and doing business with the government. http://www.governmentbids.com | |
179. Federal Trade Commission - Your National Resource For ID Theft The U.S. government's central website for information about identity theft. http://www.consumer.gov/idtheft/ | |
180. Washingtonpost.com Computer and technology news from the Washington Post. Categories include Tech Policy, government IT, Markets, and Personal Tech. http://www.technews.com | |
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