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21. Reporters Sans Frontières - International owned press in Eritrea was banned by the government in September 2001 by the UN DevelopmentProgramme as one of the world 15 poorest How the index was drawn up. http://www.rsf.fr/article.php3?id_article=4116 |
22. Niger Government Attacked Over Toilet Roll Splurge CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/04/06/niger.scandal.reut/index.html |
23. A To Z Index - Complete List Of Keywords | Canada Site government Announcements. A to Z index. Queen (the) see Governor General , governmentInformation. world Trade see International Trade; world Wide Web see Internet. http://canada.gc.ca/azind/azindex_e.html | |
24. Iran's Supreme Leader Calls For Government Unity CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/meast/01/02/iran.khamenei.ap/index.html |
25. Advocates Of One World Government - Directory Of Web Sites world government Institute; world government Webring; world Integration and worldOrder Strategy Website; world Transformation; X; Y; Z. MAIN index ¦ LINKS index http://www.mathaba.net/www/oneworld/index.shtml | |
26. Ministry Of Local Government - Index Of Ministries - Republic Of Botswana under the Botswana banner in world Wars I The Department of Local government ServiceManagement is of Africa Bussines and Investment index of Ministries http://www.gov.bw/government/ministry_of_local_government.html | |
27. Global Elite :: Exposing Secret World Government government, By day s end on Sunday, the world will have seen the launchof a shadowy organisation that seeks to show our leaders how to lead. http://www.global-elite.org/index.php | |
28. Global Elite :: Exposing Secret World Government She directed Hudson s Europe and the world study and has worked on studies of tothe Minister of Supply and Services for the Canadian government, and, before http://www.global-elite.org/index.php?module=htmlpages&func=display&pid=9 |
29. Warlords Opposed To Somali Government Meet CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/03/05/somalia.warlords.reut/index.html |
30. Government Commission Examines Medicare CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/americas/02/06/canada.medicare.ap/index.html |
31. AP Government Snipers Started 1968 Massacre, Documents Say CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/americas/10/01/mexico.massacre.ap/index.html |
32. Government Index Of My Academic Only Home Page.com is the publisher of such world renowned titles Services is the United States government sprincipal agency System of Organizations Alphabetic index of Websites http://www.myacademiconlyhomepage.com/Government.html |
33. CNN.com - Ferry Hijacking Ends, Cuban Government Says - Apr. 4, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/americas/04/04/cuba.ferry/index.html | |
34. Municipal World - Hot Links To Other Sites Oultwood Local government index (Australia, Canada, Eire, New Zealand andUK); Prince Edward Island list of statutes; Municipal world Home Page. http://www.municipalworld.com/hotlinks.htm | |
35. CNN.com - Rastafarians Praise New BVI Government For Revoking Ban - Nov. 3, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/americas/11/02/bvi.rastas.ap/index.html | |
36. Sudanese Rebels Deny Government Gains CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/africa/06/01/sudan.fighting.ap/index.html |
37. Foreign Government/Comprehensive Directories Comprehensive Lists Adminet world Meta index to information for over 200countries; Includes government, defense, sports, cities, health, industries http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/forcomp.html | |
38. Newcomers Elected To Fragmented Government CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/americas/07/01/bolivia.election.ap/index.html |
39. Wachowicz's Web World: Web Sites For Discerning Finance Students http//www.aicpa.org/cefm/index.asp; The American scorecard approach to managementin government and other Sites Applied Ethics Resources on the world Wide Web. http://web.utk.edu/~jwachowi/wacho_world.html | |
40. UnderReported.com :: Surprising Stories From The Media And Primary Sources One world government 266 Reads. As highlighted by unknownnews.net, accordingto an Apr. One world government 128 Reads. According to an Oct. http://www.underreported.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=index&catid=& |
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