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81. The Helicopter Museum, The World's Largest Dedicated Helicopter Museum. Unique collection of helicopters along with volunteers working on the restoration of the aircraft. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Cockpit/2996/ |
82. Tarrant Race For The Cure - Welcome National organization with a network of volunteers working through local affiliates to eradicate breast cancer as a life threatening disease by advancing research, education, screening and treatment. http://www.tarrantraceforthecure.com/ | |
83. S2ESC Working Group Volunteers Needed working Group volunteers Needed ! Wanted working Group Participants to join P1175 working group as we go forward with P1175.2. http://standards.computer.org/sesc/needvol.htm | |
84. Roane County Habitat For Humanity Home Page volunteers working to build decent, affordable housing in partnership with God's People in need. About the local organization, houses built, and houses under construction. http://www.gmwp.org/roanehfh/index.html | |
85. Junior League Of Seattle - Home working to improve life in the community by focusing resources on critical needs with an emphasis on Child Health and by providing a legacy of trained volunteers. Creators of the Simply Classic Cookbook. http://www.jrleagueseattle.org/ | |
86. TechSoup - Articles: Consultants - Working With Corporate Volunteers And Consult working with Corporate volunteers and Consultants May 05, 2000 When you bring in a volunteer or consultant who is used to working in the corporate world, you http://www.techsoup.org/howto/articlepage.cfm?ArticleId=121&topicid=8 |
87. TechSoup - Worksheets: Volunteers Login Join Profile First Time Here? Home HowTo , Printer friendly version, working with Technical volunteers A Manual for Nonprofit Organizations. http://www.techsoup.org/howto/worksheetpage.cfm?worksheetid=111&topicid=7 |
88. Working With Bilingual Parent Volunteers working with Bilingual Parent volunteers. by Judie Haynes. Once your have a few volunteers working with students successfully, the word will spread. http://www.everythingesl.net/inservices/bilingualparents.php | |
89. CVM |HOME Community living in a familylike setting for people with developmental disabilities. volunteers welcome. 360-acre working farm 10 miles north of Sauk Centre. http://www.camphillvillage-minnesota.org/ | |
90. Ajax/Pickering Road Watch Program A group of volunteers working with Durham Regional Police to help reduce aggressive driving on city streets. Lists sponsors and features related news items. http://www.ajaxpickeringroadwatch.com/ | |
91. Thinking Of Becoming A Watercress Line Volunteer? helping at MHR Come and speak with working volunteers, preferably on a day when we are running a timetabled service. We have the http://www.watercressline.co.uk/mhrvol.htm | |
92. Electronic Documents Working Group Under the leadership of Diane Eidelman, a group of volunteers was established to work with LPS to increase the number of electronic resources included in the http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/tools/ewgroup/ | |
93. CrossRoads: Community Partnership For Youth | A United Way Agency Organization working to prevent or reduce youth involvement with the juvenile justice system. Information about mentoring services offered. http://www.crossroads-volunteers.org/ | |
94. Broads Authority-Volunteering And New Deal volunteers working with the Broads Authority come from all walks of life and choose to volunteer for many different reasons. They http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/broads/pages/newdeal2.html | |
95. Home Sweet Home Small group of volunteers working to provide financial help to animal shelters. Includes animal quotes and stories. http://www.angelfire.com/theforce/caninehelp/ | |
96. US Fish And Wildlife Service - Volunteers Whether volunteers are working at national wildlife refuges, fish hatcheries, wetland management districts, regional offices, or ecological service offices http://volunteers.fws.gov/ |
97. The USGenWeb Project - Home Page Consisting of a group of volunteers working together to provide Internet websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States, the Project is noncommercial and fully committed to free access for everyone. http://www.usgenweb.com:80/ | |
98. The Computer Technology Documentation Project A group of volunteers working to provide documentation for learning and reference for various technologies. Also this organization helps to make technical educational materials available to those who cannot afford it. http://www.comptechdoc.org/ | |
99. Literacy Volunteers Of Fauquier County A nonprofit organization, working to eradicate illiteracy in this community. http://users.erols.com/lvfc/ | |
100. Minnesota Association Of Museums Organization for museums professionals and volunteers working together to provide a network of support and professional development. http://www.minnesotamuseums.org | |
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