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141. Geocities.com/bcenrichment: Index Gifted enrichment site containing subjectrelated activities, research for parents and teachers, model program samples and ways to differientate all types of curriculum. http://geocities.com/bcenrichment |
142. Helping Parents Cope With A High Risk Birth A father's perspective on premature birth. http://www.uwm.edu/People/hynan/MINNAEP.html | |
143. NORCAP UK registered charity and support group established to help adults with search and reunion issues and handle their feelings about the effect of adoption on their lives. http://www.norcap.org.uk/ | |
144. Direct Pages One will win $250,000 toward the purchase of a new home! Click Here! Click Here! Today s Joke STAT! Can you imagine working for a company that has http://www.myfree.com/ |
145. Careerparent.com Is A Career Magazine That Can Help Students In Their Teen Caree Offers tools to help students choose a career path and find out more about themselves. http://www.careerparent.com/ | |
146. Meet The Parents (2000): Robert DeNiro, Ben Stiller, Blythe Danner, Teri Polo - Review of the film by Renee Scolaro Rathke. Contains spoilers. http://popmatters.com/film/reviews/m/meet-the-parents.html | |
147. The CEO Network - The Interview The number one reason why I am looking for a home based business is. In choosing the right home business, the most important thing to me is . http://www.theceonetwork.com/cgi-bin/team.cgi?id=Ta203170&action=show&moreinfo=y |
148. MoonLily: Nanny's Notes Contents A free weekly email newsletter for parents, grandparents and others who love and care for children. Topics include safety, health, crafts, books and fun web sites. http://www.moonlily.com/nanny/nannynote.htm | |
149. ZERO TO THREE: For Parents parents' page dedicated to promotion of healthy development of children from birth to age three. Contains information on social, emotional, and intellectual development. http://www.zerotothree.org/ztt_parents.html | |
150. New Page 1 The first parents' Club, this site has photos and links. http://www.napcct.org/ | |
151. ALA | The Librarian's Guide To Cyberspace For Parents And Kids An introduction to the internet with an emphasis on child safety. http://www.ala.org/ala/pio/availablepiomat/librariansguide.htm | |
152. Geometry.Net - The Online Learning Center Dedicated to promoting the safety, enrichment and success of all children worldwide. Foster children and adoptive children have a special place and the goal is to provide as much information and assistance as possible to help children and their guardians locate the resources they need to ensure every child's success. http://www.fostercare.org/ | |
153. Celebrate Parents' Day! National Parents' Day Council Includes activities for National parents' Day, background information on the holiday, and suggestions for celebrating it. http://www.parentsday.com/ | |
154. Young Positive Pregnancy Online: Information, Support And Resources For Pregnant Created for young parents by young moms and dads. Message boards, chat, tons of parenting links, pregnancy answers, and parenting advice. Young dads area too. http://www.yppo.com/ | |
155. Association ADAPEI-AM ADAPEI. Handicap mental, comprendre, savoir. Pr©sentations de l'association, des activit©s. Conseils aux parents et familles. Alpes maritimes (06). France. http://www.adapei-am.asso.fr | |
156. West Virginia Congress Of Parents And Teachers, Inc. Contains games, history of the organization, a calendar of upcoming events, awards, and news items. http://myschoolonline.com/site/0,1876,-138416-57-1237,00.html | |
157. The Mommy Mall - Helping Mommies Save Time And Money Online The parenting network includes parenting support forums. http://www.parentscafe.com/ | |
158. Parents For Barefoot Children parents promoting healthy barefoot activity for children. Opposing an overly shoeobsessed society. http://www.unshod.org/pfbc/ | |
159. AllKids - Online Parenting Magazine, Kids Shopping Site, Information Directory A Directory offering guidance and links to shopping and advice sites dealing with a wide range of topics and parenting issues. Includes channels for 'Days Out', 'Childcare' and 'Education', as well as a chat zone and All Kids section containing agegraded child-safe links. http://www.allkids.co.uk/ | |
160. CAFAP - Welcome To Our Site! A non profit organization that is committed to strengthening Foster and Adoptive Families through support, training and advocacy with the aim of nurturing child safety, well being and stability in partnership with child welfare professionals and the entire community. http://www.cafap.com/ | |
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