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81. USATODAY.com - Sick Parents Go To Work, Stay Home When Kids Are Ill Sick parents go to work, stay home when kids are ill By Christopher Mele, The (Westchester, NY) Journal News. Got the sniffles? Lowgrade temperature? http://www.usatoday.com/money/jobcenter/workplace/lifeworkfamily/2002-11-26-sick | |
82. Disability Advocacy Work With Networking for addition of sites is also a good way for us to work together and network General Resources; parents and Kids; Education; Legal Support; Legislative Information; http://home.earthlink.net/~dawwn/ | |
83. Dot Com Mommies - Work At Home, Telecommuting, Business Opportunities, And Makin Click here to go to the work @ home parents. Specializing in working at home and making money on line for a better life. Featuring http://www.dotcommommies.com/wah1.shtml | |
84. Family Fun And Family Health Enhance The Quality Of Family Life. special needs, education, employment and work at home and games, gardening and recreation, home improvement and and eGroup forum where parents, caregivers and http://www.family-friendly-fun.com/ | |
85. Home Alone - Safety Tips For Working Parents With Latchkey Kids 11. It is important for any youngster who is trusted to be home alone to know key identification information the home address, parents work numbers, and http://www.yourfamilyshealth.com/kids_health/latch_key_kids/ | |
86. The Daily Parent - A Newsletter For Working Parents read more. + Is My Child Ready to Stay home Alone? For himself. While some parents leave for work before school opens read more. + Raising http://www.childcareaware.org/en/dailyparent/ | |
87. Inspiring Parents - Barb Niehaus Inspiring parents, Inspiring and Helping parents work From home! Finally, A Simple Concept that Just Makes Sense parents working http://www.inspiringparents.com/barbn/ | |
88. Work At Home Jobs For Parents And Others Who Are Looking For Work At Home Jobs. out of school puts absolute chaos in these situations for people who do not have work at home jobs, and too frequently both children and parents suffer from http://www.moneyfromhome.com/work_at_home_jobs.htm | |
89. A Joyful Parent S Page, Parenting In The Modern World workING FROM home This is a section I ve started that provides ideas and resources for parents who want to work at home, as well as budgetstretching tips. http://home.netcom.com/~yvette25/Index.htm |
90. Slowlane.com Stay-At-Home Dad Stay At Home Father Resource Personal growth area (emotional and educational). work at home area and Getting Back to work area. Educational enrichment area (for both kids and parents). http://www.slowlane.com/ | |
91. Home Schooling Links, statistics and information supporting the case for home schooling versus government programming. http://www.angelfire.com/pa/sergeman/issues/education/homeschooling.html | |
92. WorkAtHomeParents.com - Work At Home, Telecommuting, Business Opportunities, And Specializing in working at home and making money on line for a better life. Featuring work at home jobs, telecommuting, business opportunities, marketing surveys, and other money making Subscribe http://www.workathomeparents.com/referback | |
93. AP-BIZ Attachment Parents In Business Email list, directory and community of parents wanting to combine a home business with raising their families. http://www.apbiz.com | |
94. Page Not Found - IVillage astrology babies beauty diet fitness food health home garden, lamaze.com money parenting pets relationships work, cosmopolitan country living good http://www.ivillage.com/sorry.html | |
95. Awesome Library - K-12 Education Directory For Parents The Awesome Library organizes 10,000 carefully reviewed K12 education resources for parents. It contains a directory, an index, and a search engine. http://www.awesomelibrary.org/parent.html#home | |
96. Home-Based Businesses - Work From Home Stayat-home parents, HBWM Best of the Net The home Based Working Mom site is excellent, offering support and resources for those working at home, or those http://homeparents.about.com/cs/homebusiness/ | |
97. Stay-at-Home Parents Money management, homebased business advice, child care and educational information, stress reduction ideas. http://homeparents.about.com/ | |
98. Zone Welcome Page Comprehensive site for home educators, parents and kids with information on starting homeschooling and resources to support your program with online support groups and newsletters. http://www.homeschoolzone.com/ | |
99. Stay-at-Home Parents Find support, parenting tips, home business information, discussion forums and frugal living tips. http://homeparents.about.com/?once=true& |
100. AlbertaRose Home Based Business Opportunities work at home / Daily Pay. Earn $400 to $900 a week P/T to start. Visit Now! At Last! A work at home Business That works! Profit From The Internet! http://www.albertarose.org/ | |
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