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61. ReadWriteThink: Lesson Plan in Creating Monster Trading Cards. word play allows students to learn language in a creative environment....... PrinterFriendly VersionPowerful writing http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesson_view.asp?id=134 |
62. ReadWriteThink: Literacy Engagements works, including word play, the teaching of lettersound relationships and spelling or grammar patterns, or analysis of texts. Using reading and writing as a http://www.readwritethink.org/literacy/ | |
63. The Four Word Film Review The four word film review, Peek at peculiar Pekar. Return to homepage. Vote, play writing dooms gangster. Saki Status Movie guru. Vote, http://www.fwfr.com/display.asp?ID=1373 |
64. Links the study of words unusual words, word origins, and word play http//www.quinion.com/words/. Grammar and Style Notes An ESL site chock full of writing tips and http://www.bcc.ctc.edu/writinglab/Links.html | |
65. Varsity Online : BATS New Writing with fabulous cynicism, Stephen Fry, judge of the BATS New writing Competition, summed up ruminations on the transience of time and obscure word play were the http://www.varsity.cam.ac.uk/802567B80049EF7D/Pages/1032000_BATSNewWriting.html | |
66. WebRing: Hub Sift through One Writer s Treasure Chest, where the booty is dazzling word play and twinkling twists to everyday writing. Expand http://h.webring.com/hub?ring=words |
67. Ask Jeeves | Help In Slogan Writing For Competitions Links to online prize competitions Lynne s Slogan Tip Combine cycling and writing with word play, for known about it without your help, so http://www.ask.co.uk/res.asp?q=Help In Slogan Writing For Competitions |
68. Writing Tools word Oddities Trivia. word play Similes. World Wide words. Writer s Toolbox Internet Resources for Writers. writing Tips, Tools Ideas. http://arapaho.nsuok.edu/~dreveskr/WT.html-ssi | |
69. Smithsonian: Writing And Literature Written In Stone Inscriptions from the National Museum of Saudia Arabia, word play Contemporary Art by Xu Bing Languagebased installations from a renowned http://www.si.edu/art_and_design/writing_and_literature/ | |
70. Parent S Guide / Writing Skills Development Provide writing materials. Have word and picture cards on hand. Encourage letter writing and hang up their paper. Use play dough to make letters. http://www.meddybemps.com/7.22.html | |
71. Sarabande In Education - Creative Writing Template word, a new word, maybe even a word you already to it at first, but such spontaneous writing can easily writes The producers of prose do not play scales or http://www.sarabandebooks.org/sarabande/Authors/Kristin Herbert/998340953337/rea | |
72. Board Of Studies Supporting Your Child's Learning - Writing In K-6 play word games such as I Spy , Scrabble , Boggle encourage your child to use a word processor or display paintings, drawings and writing that your child http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/parents/k6writing.html | |
73. WORD PLAY word play. Understanding And writing Lyrics Part 2 Modes. Published in SOS January 2001 Printer friendly version Printer friendly version. http://www.sospubs.co.uk/sos/jan01/articles/lyric.asp | |
74. ELearning | Richard Lederer | Effective Business Writing Circus of words; Sleeping Dogs Don t Lay (and That s No Lie); The word Circus; The Miracle of Language; The Write Way; Adventures of a Verbivore; The play of words; http://www.corpedia.com/welcome/richardlederer.asp | |
75. Dictionaries word play Similes. This site was made possible through funding provided by the Brown University Graduate School. The writing Center also thanks the Office of http://www.brown.edu/Student_Services/Writing_Center/dictiona.htm | |
76. Poetry, Stories, Journals Read Daily At LoveStories.com : We can win the lady and win over readers by UNUSUAL word play that plays GAMES with words full of TRICKS that in a ROUNDABOUT way, in an OVERSTATED manner http://www.lovestories.com/content.php?sid=52388 |
77. Art Kids Rule ! annotated directory of web sites focusing on English language, grammar, style, writing, usage, words, reference sources, word play, books on writing and on http://accessarts.org/ArtKids/Tutorials/Writing/ | |
78. Writing Process Tips the writing process, English grammar, style and usage, words, active writing, reference sources, word play, plain language, online writing experts, and books http://www.tcc.edu/students/resources/writepl/student/stuwpt1.htm | |
79. Global Access To Educational Sources - Literature And Writing Site interactive journalism project word play - links to interesting sites word Focus - enjoyable O-Matic - Information on writing sentences, paragraphs http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/6617/stures6.html | |
80. English And Writing by working with experienced instructors on the academic, personal, and professional writing you re word play Dozens of sites with word games and word lists. http://www.users.fast.net/~bdw/english.htm | |
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