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61. Srl's Maltese Word Origin Page I am always fascinated by word origins. Through the kindness of one KarmenuAttard I now have quite a few items on Maltese word origins. http://www.monkey.sbay.org/~srl/malti/origins.html | |
62. Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math Associated Topics Dr. Math Home Search Dr. Math Equilateral,Isosceles, Scalene word origins. Date 12/09/2001 at 144526 http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/55408.html | |
63. English-Online.Net Category Browser go back Category Dictionaries and Translation / word origins, Webpage, WordSleuth, Ressources related to origins of words. Unknown, http://www.english-online.net/eolweb/viewcategorylinks.asp?parent_category=21&ca |
64. Dictionary Of Word Origins (World Digital Library Edition) Book Details, Dictionary of word origins (World Digital Library Edition) JosephT. Shipley ISBN 0594088267 Publisher Barnes Noble Digital Pub. http://www.mslit.com/details.asp?bookid=0594088267 |
65. -imp Word Origins IMP word origins. -amp amp (1) short for Andre Ampere (1775-1836),a French electrical scientist. 2) short for amplifier http://members.aol.com/rlongman1/imporigin.html | |
66. Q-WORDS QWORDS SEARCH. This is the page with the word origins for the Q-search words. TheQ-Word list word origins. quab (1) akin to EFris kwabbeln, Du quabbe; fr. http://members.aol.com/rlongman1/Qorigins.html | |
67. Take Our Word For It Archives N-P I am curious about the origin of the word picnic. I am wondering about theword origins and history of two words, neighborhood and community. http://www.takeourword.com/et_n-p.html | |
68. Take Our Word For It Etymology Book Store -- Strictly Etymology Dictionary of word origins. We can t recommend this book enough. 2107 Curious WordOrigins, Sayings Expressions, from White Elephants to A Song and Dance. http://www.takeourword.com/strictlyEtymology.html | |
69. Countrybookshop.co.uk - Oxford School Dictionary Of Word Origins A comprehensive dictionary of word origins for school students. OxfordSchool Dictionary of word origins by Ayto, John, Order This Item. http://www.countrybookshop.co.uk/books/index.phtml?whatfor=0199108080 |
70. Once Upon A Word: True Tales Of Word Origins Once upon a Word True Tales of word origins. by Rob Kyff, Media PaperbackManufacturer/Publisher Tapestry Press Release Date April http://www.growinglifestyle.com/prod/1930819293.html | |
71. Haypenny: Word Origins- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 word origins Wednesday, March 27, 2002. With that in mind, we present the secondinstallment of our series of interesting word origins. Enjoy. Cake http://www.haypenny.com/archive/dailyarchive/betty/020327.html | |
72. Haypenny: Word Origins - Wednesday, May 29, 2002 word origins Wednesday, May 29, 2002. word origins are the funniestthing I can think of. Lots of ordinary, everyday words come http://www.haypenny.com/archive/dailyarchive/cory/020529.html | |
73. Word Origins, Satire, Dirty Poems, Puns, Slang Curse Words Bawdy Language The word origins of curse words, sex slang words and profanity. Lovelanguage, word origins, etymology of slang, puns and wordplay? http://www.bawdylanguage.com/ | |
74. Word Origins Roots Ideas Vocabulary Genetics Medicine Language Online Dictionary To further configure word ideas , roots and origins from Mythology, Literature,Poetry, History, Politics, Biology, Genetics, Medicine and other sources were http://www.consultsos.com/pandora/introb.htm | |
75. Word Origins At Wild Child Publishing.com, Book Review word origins An Exploration and History of Words and Language by Wilfred Funk,LITT. D. A Book Review © 2004 by Marci G. Baun. Every word was once a poem. http://www.wildchildpublishing.com/bookreview46.html | |
76. An Etymological Dictionary Of Classical Mythology Salve! Welcome to my home, a site dedicated to the study of word origins.Specifically, I am focusing on those modern English words http://www.kl.oakland.edu/kraemer/edcm/ | |
77. Word Origins word origins. Word (Latin or Greek origin) example. Abduct (awayfrom + to lead). Abductor - muscle which moves the part away from http://www.med.sc.edu:89/Gross/PassingGross/WordOrigins.htm | |
78. Ancient Word Origins - Etymology Ancient word origins, Understanding the word origins may giveus a better and deeper insight of the terms we use daily. http://www.funtrivia.com/quizdetails.cfm?id=93051&origin=4567 |
79. Mrs. Brooks Lessons Plans After students have finished, explain to students the diversity of word originsin the English language and, more specifically, in the content area. http://www.spellingbee.com/lessonplans/lesson4.htm | |
80. All Consuming: Book Info: Dictionary Of Word Origins: A History Of The Words, Ex Dictionary of word origins A History of the Words, Expressions and Cliches We Useby Jordan Almond Citadel Trade Sales Rank 32,042 Average Rating 3 stars http://allconsuming.net/item.cgi?isbn=0806517131 |
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