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21. Welcome To Mindless Crap - Because Trivia Is Nothing But Useless Knowledge. Facts, word origins, actual quotes and links. http://www.mindlesscrap.com | |
22. AskOxford Word Origins You are currently in the UK view. Frequently Asked Questions. word origins. I msure I know the origin of the word Usage. word origins. Words. Jargon Buster. http://www.askoxford.com/asktheexperts/faq/aboutwordorigins/?view=uk |
23. Online Etymology Dictionary I began this project after I looked one day for a free dictionaryof word origins online and found that there was none. You could http://www.etymonline.com/ | |
24. World Wide Words Your Weekly DevX Sighting (February 2004); Tracing word originsis an intellectual exercise that Quinion clearly loves. His pages http://www.worldwidewords.org/ | |
25. Welcome To Characters Of Greek Mythology Provides a description of the gods, goddesses, nymphs, and creatures of Greek Mythology, as well as fun stuff like planets, constellations, word origins, and mythical clipart. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/5545/index.html | |
26. Waterloo Village A National Registered Historic Site. An events calendar, photo tour, food services and interesting word origins. http://www.waterloovillage.org/ | |
27. Etymology word origins and links. http://members.tripod.com/~itsmagic/ETYMOLGY.HTML | |
28. The Mavens' Word Of The Day Daily explanation about new words, word origins, and slang expressions from Jesse Sheidlower, a senior editor in Random House's Reference Division. http://www.randomhouse.com/wotd/ | |
29. Word Origin, Etymology Or Word History Quiz Archive. - Taiwan Teacher You just have to know the answer now. Well, you could always try looking around onthe web, or go to your local library, or even buying a book on word origins. http://www.geocities.com/athens/delphi/1979/answers.html | |
30. KryssTal : Borrowed Words In English The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology has a comprehensive history of wordorigins. Chambers Dictionary of Etymology contains more word origins. http://www.krysstal.com/borrow.html | |
31. Fun With Words > The Wordplay Web Site Funny Spoonerism Stories; Etymology word origins; Rebus Word Puzzles;The Devil s Dictionary; Funny Signs (photos); Angry, Hungry, and ÂGRY? http://www.fun-with-words.com/ | |
32. Etymology (Word Origins) STOP ANNOYING POPUPS with the FREE Alexa Toolbar (installs in seconds). Etymologyword origins. Where do words come from? How and when were they invented? http://www.fun-with-words.com/etymology.html | |
33. Trivia About The English Language, Uncommon Facts About Word Origins - Trivial T Trivia about the English language and word origins. (65 facts), The study of insectsis called entomology. The study of word origins is called etymology. http://www.corsinet.com/trivia/j-triv.html | |
34. 7. Alternative Sci.lang.japan FAQ: Word-origins 7. word origins. Questions about the origins of words in Japanesecome up time and time again. Some of these are based on common http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/afaq/word-origins.html | |
35. More Word Origins 8 The ancient origin of the word is from a IndoEuropean root for healthy orstrong, and the more modern usage comes from the Latin velox for fast. http://www.pballew.net/arithme8.html | |
36. More Word Origins 7 of the origins of numeracy from the book A CALCULATING PEOPLE by Patricia ClineCohen, which I felt was too good to paraphrase. The word numeracy is a http://www.pballew.net/arithme7.html | |
37. E. L. Easton - English - Etymology of Oregon English Lexicography Technical University of Berlin English word originsCAE Luschnig Politics the English Language George Orwell. NEOLOGISMS ^. http://eleaston.com/etymology.html | |
38. English Word Origins English word origins. Syllabus Spring 2003. Pre/Post test. NEW word origins CourseGuide OnLine Textbook (Not on line). PART ONE. UNIT I; UNIT II; UNIT III. http://www.class.uidaho.edu/luschnig/EWO/Index.htm | |
39. Word Origins Resources At Questia - The Online Library Of Books word origins. Questia. The World s Largest Online Library. GuruNet. PrimaryContent. word origins. Welcome to Questia, the world s largest http://www.questia.com/Index.jsp?CRID=word_origins&OFFID=se1 |
40. MSN Encarta - Quiz - The Language Of Politics: A Word Origins Quiz Quiz. The Language of Politics A word origins Quiz. German chancellorOtto von Bismarck once confessed that, Politics is not a science http://encarta.msn.com/quiz_97/The_Language_of_Politics_A_Word_Origins_Quiz.html | |
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