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101. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Crafts woodcarving There are 379 books in this aisle. Browse the this aisle. Featured Titles in Craftswoodcarving Page 1 of 14 next. http://www.powells.com/subsection/CraftsWoodcarving.html | |
102. Graham Jones | Woodcarving Graham Jones sculptor and woodcarver has been working extensivley on a wide range of woodcarvings since attaining a Fine Art Degree in sculptor http://www.gmjwoodcarving.co.uk/ | |
103. Windsor Wood Carving Museum -- Windsor, Ontario, Canada 850 Ouellette Avenue Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9A 4M9 Telephone (519) 9770823 Fax (519) 977-1391 E-mail woodcarv@bellnet.ca. woodcarving Museum Store. http://members.tripod.com/woodcarving/ | |
104. TJ McDermott Woodcarver - Woodcarving, Weathervanes, Gilding, & Wooden Signs Thomas J. McDermott designs and creates custom woodcarvings including weathervanes, wooden signs, architectural details, folk art, birds and wildlife. http://www.tjmcdermott.com/ | |
105. Explore Minnesota: Woodcarving Artist Fred Cogelow woodcarving Artist Fred Cogelow American Swedish Institute. Address The American Swedish Institute 2600 Park Ave Minneapolis, MN http://www.exploreminnesota.com/listing/index.cfm?id=11380 |
106. Zebra Crafts African Imports Imports woodcarving, masks, drums, textiles, sculpture and jewelry from several African countries. http://www.zebracrafts.com/ |
107. Oberammergau - Arts And Architecture woodcarving. The roots of Oberammergau s wood carvings go back to the middle ages. A manuscript dated 1111 first mentioned Rottenbucher http://www.oberammergau.de/ot_e/artsarchitecture/woodcarving.htm | |
108. Hobbycarving Detailed tips, techniques and instruction on the craft of wood carving. http://members.shaw.ca/hwestland | |
109. The Raven Woodcarving woodcarving Samples. Yacht Nameboards. House Business Signs. Eagle Carvings. Return to Homepage. http://www.azinet.com/raven/woodcarv.html | |
110. The Art Of Wood Fine relief woodcarvings based on works of art. http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Cafe/3991/ | |
111. Boris Damianov Features a virtual art gallery of this applied art performer in the field of interior decorative schemes, woodcarving and iconography. http://painting.hit.bg/ |
112. SeaCrest Trading Co. Woodcarving Catalog Wagon Wheel Bench. Â Wall Hangers. Â woodcarving Catalog. Â Capiz Curtain Strands. Â Kyoto Mirror 1. Site Meter. woodcarving Catalog. Products. http://store.seacresttradingco.com/product_listing.cfm?C1_ID=2 |
113. Wood Carvings By Ron Correia> Gallery of colorful handcarved friends of Santa. Multiview closeup photos permit study by novice carvers. http://roncorreia.bizhosting.com/ | |
114. Tutorial, Woodcarving For Artists woodcarving for Artists. I choose wood. The grain, fiber and natural colors give it a surface. texture in a class with the most painterly of paint. The tracks of. http://www.serve.com/carilc/en/carving_artists.html | |
115. Ed Otto's Bits & Chips Woodcarving - Carving Homepage woodcarvings of Native Americans, mountain men and Santas. http://user.pa.net/~ottoe/ | |
116. Sculpture In Wood, Caril Chasens, Fine Art Woodcarving,, Original Sculpture And Wood carving as green new art, original sculpture and ideas, artist s portfolio, writings, woodcarving howto for woodcarvers and artists, links for artists http://www.serve.com/carilc/ | |
117. MacedoniaDirect Cyber Store woodcarving, icons, terracottas, folk costumes, antiques, books, music, and other items made in Macedonia. http://www.macedoniadirect.com |
118. The Official Tourism Site For Destination Bulgaria woodcarving ShepherdÂs woodcarving. Another application of woodcarving products is the interior of the houses. Back to top. woodcarving Church woodcarving. http://www.bulgariatravel.org/etis/opencat/catID/384 | |
119. Tom Buggey *Woodcarving Pictures. I now use Elfwood as my carving homepage. You may link to it here Elfwood. I began carving in 1981, but did not develop http://www.people.memphis.edu/~tjbuggey/carving.html | |
120. Carousel Horses And Angel Art And Childrens Portraits, Wood Carvings And Sculptu Carousel horses, animal woodcarvings and sculptures. http://www.mallcourt.com/ | |
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