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61. Department Of Women Studies, San Francisco State University identities; and an examination of the role of nationalism in interwar fictions by CoursesSpring 2004 WOMS 200 Intro to Women and Gender studies WOMS 512 http://www.sfsu.edu/~woms/fac.html | |
62. Dr. Vess's World Civilization Virtual Library: Women's Studies in the Civil war era Bibliography for women in the Civil war era Women s Materialsfor the Study of Gender in the Ancient world Women and Gender studies. http://www.faculty.de.gcsu.edu/~dvess/women.htm | |
63. Women's Studies: Course Requirements Author; ENGL 730 studies in a Literary Period; ENGL 740 studies in a Women in America,1600 to the Civil war HIST 542 Women in America, Civil war to the http://www.ksu.edu/womst/catalogue.html | |
64. WSSLinks: Archival Sites For Women's Studies Library, Women and the Civil war, and Guide to Includes records on suffrage, women spolitics, and abortion of Manchester Sources for women s studies in the http://home.gwu.edu/~mfpankin/archwss.htm | |
65. Conservative Women's Studies should be required reading for any university women s studies program that a lifethat was anything but ordinary for women at that Sommerswar.gif (9056 bytes). http://www.cblpolicyinstitute.org/books.htm | |
66. Rare Book, Manuscript, And Special Collections Library - Duke University her husband tended to his political affairs in writings of women during the AmericanCivil war. Guides to Women s studies Resources Detailed collection guides http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/ | |
67. Women's Studies - --- and spunk in times of war and political family, her community, and her political struggle,rallying American Cinema (March 2004); Women s studies (February 2004 http://www.lavavideo.org/featuredtitles/index.cfm?Features_ID=83 |
68. Spartacus Educational - Home Page Military History, European History. Women s History (14 to 18+), Nazi Germany (11to 14). Vietnam war (14 to 18+), Middle East (14 to18+). Music, Religious studies. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/ | |
69. Women's Studies examine effects of living in war zones or conditions of threatened war. Independentstudies. along with the assistance and direction of a womenÂs studies http://uwadmnweb.uwyo.edu/UWGrad/bulletin/gradbulletin/ASweb/WMST.htm | |
70. FrontPage Magazine.com :: How The Ford Foundation Created Women's Studies By Kim My own observations of students in womenÂs studies classes have not only the academy,but the lives of young women caught up Pakistan s Disloyal Terror war. http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=12271 |
71. Women Building Peace Home Rosa Rojas, Mexico. Four Case studies of WomenÂs Peacebuilding Experiences. WomenIn war A View From Ethiopia. Naamat Issa, Ethiopia. http://www.international-alert.org/women/new6.html |
72. The University Of Montana - Missoula Course Catalog 2003-2004 HIST/LS 371H Women in America Civil war to the 342H Gender studies in Native Americanstudies PHIL 429E 370* Mysticism Women Mystics SW 323 Women and Social http://www2.umt.edu/catalog/womensst.htm | |
73. ACRL WSS Core Lists In Women's Studies - Feminist Movements by University of Wisconsin System Women s studies Librarian s Office NEITHER BALLOTSNOR BULLETS WOMEN ABOLITIONISTS EMANCIPATION DURING THE CIVIL war. http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/WomensStudies/core/crfemmov.htm | |
74. Feminista! V3n1 - Women In Black Against War In Yugoslavia democracy as support to antiwar activists/friends I consider this to be responsiblepolitical behavior of Carlson Endowed Chair in Women s studies and Director http://www.feminista.com/archives/v3n1/hughes.html | |
75. Women's Studies Program | Resources women involved in every aspect of politics in the and sharing research on women inwar and women Women s studies Section (WSS) of the Association of College http://www.iupui.edu/~wostudy/resources.html | |
76. Women's Studies: Term Paper Section At AcademicTermPapers.com The life of the peasant girl who became a military leader in the war of the Frenchagainst Although many of the existing studies deal with women in general http://www.academictermpapers.com/catpages/catl24.html | |
77. Women's Studies Books From The University Of Chicago Press Women s studies from the University of Chicago Press Feminisms at a Millennium; Jeansonne,Glen Women of the Far Right The Mothers Movement and World war II; http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Subjects/virtual_women.html | |
78. Women's Studies On The Internet include AfricanAmerican women and Civil war women. Service International Gender studies(Berkeley) Bibliographies International Women s Webs Access to women s http://www.library.arizona.edu/library/teams/sst/ws/web/homepg.html | |
79. Women«s Studies Courses 4), 3400 Women and Careers (4), 3410 Women, war and Revolution Mothers, Daughtersand Sons (4), 3530 Women and Their Bodies (4), 4900 Independent Study (4 http://www.isis.csuhayward.edu/ALSS/ALSS/wost/p3.html | |
80. International Society For First World War Studies The most interesting section of the study examines female household consumptionduring the war, a private It pulled women even further away from war http://doc-iep.univ-lyon2.fr/wwi/article.php3?id_article=83 |
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