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41. WomenÂs Studies At The UF Libraries of the English Civil war, Early English Topics covered include politics, economics,the labor movement, ecology and environment, women s studies, race and http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/cm/history/Women'sstudies.htm | |
42. SOSIG: What's New In Women's Studies Fri 16 Apr 2004. Connect, Canadian war Industry During the Second World war. Connect, Westminster Women The politics of Presence. Connect, Women s studies. http://sosig.esrc.bris.ac.uk/roads/whats-new.women.html | |
43. WMST-L File Collection WMSTL discussion The war Against Boys is the Personal? Identity politics, Feminismand Mutilation.) Intro to Women s studies Recommendations (Responses to http://research.umbc.edu/~korenman/wmst/wmsttoc.html | |
44. Women's Studies F Art 375. Issues of Sexuality and the Study of Art. Ms. Rand. W History 235. Womenin European History. Social History of the Civil war. Ms. Creighton. http://abacus.bates.edu/catalog95-96/womens-studies.html | |
45. Kyoto Center For Japanese Studies: Courses, Enrichment, And Class Schedule fieldtrips to area war museums. to Japanese economy, trade, politics, interpersonalrelations include what constitutes Women s studies, sexual discrimination http://kcjs.stanford.edu/courses/next.html | |
46. Womens Studies Bookmarks and photos What did you do in the war, Grandma? History in Americaby the Women sInternational Center Women s History by the Social studies School Service http://www.cup.edu/ACADEMIC/womens/wsbookmark.htm | |
47. Clark University Among the topics that may be considered are beauty, war, sports, politics, womenÂs Everyyear thereafter, Introduction to WomenÂs studies will be taught http://www.clarku.edu/academiccatalog/course.cfm?id=1507 |
48. Regime Unchanged: Why The War On Iraq Changed Nothing - Word Power 1.00 off!) Categories Middle East, politics buy this power of the global antiwarmovement. Drugs. Economics. Education. Environment. Feminism and Women s studies. http://www.word-power.co.uk/catalogue/0745321992 | |
49. BA Women' Studies of this module will be analysis of post war changes and to the question To what extentdo women perceive themselves relate to their Field(s) of study but which http://www.apu.ac.uk/womens-studies/ba.htm | |
50. ElectivesÂWomen's Studies Science 428 Women and war Feminist Conceptions of Autobiography Spanish 425 -Latin American Women Writers. Liberal studies 306 - Cultural Construction of http://webpub.allegheny.edu/dept/womens/academ/electives.html | |
51. Women And Gender Studies Videotapes In The Media Resources Center UCB in Southeast Asia (via International Gender studies homepage, UC woman in the aftermathof World war I. Higher for women, the entry of women into politics and http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/WomenVid.html | |
52. Women's Studies: History Minerva Women the Military HMINERVA is the H-Net discussion list devoted tothe study of women and war and women in the military, worldwide and in http://bailiwick.lib.uiowa.edu/wstudies/history.html | |
53. Women's Studies At SCSU members affected by years of war, sanctions, the from the WomenÂs studies Office203.392 9th Annual Conference 1998 Fulfilling Possibilities Women Girls http://www.southernct.edu/departments/womensstudies/conference/2003sched.htm | |
54. Women's Studies On The Internet META SITES. WOMEN'S studies AT UA. ACADEMIC RESOURCES. SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY. HISTORY, ART LITERATURE. ETHNIC/INTERNATIONAL. politics ACTIVISM. PROGRAMS, ORGANIZATIONS, LISTSERVS. LIBRARY GUIDES http://dizzy.library.arizona.edu/library/teams/sst/ws/web/homepg.html | |
55. World-Wide Web Resources - Feminism & Women's Studies Feminism and Women's studies. New Sites Added Since March 10. Defining Gender, 14501910, "Advice Literature for men and women." Center for the American Woman and politics. Children's of the http://www.uky.edu/Subject/women.html | |
56. Vincent Ferraro, Resources For The Study Of International Relations And Foreign Journal of South Asian Women studies, Australian National Review; Natrional Securitystudies Quarterly, Georgetown New Yorker; Parameters, US Army war College; http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/feros-pg.htm | |
57. Providence College - WomenÂs Studies twentieth century, including two World wars, the Great Depression, and the Cold war. Acritical survey of current views in the psychological study of women. http://www.providence.edu/admiss/wms.htm | |
58. Women's Studies/Women's Issues Resource Sites: A - E Frequentlyupdated, annotated listing of more than 600 information-rich web sites offering resources for women's studies or women's issues. Sixteen topical sub-sections to aid searches. war; includes scanned images, transcripts of correspondence, newspaper clippings, and related links.) CLNET's Chicana studies http://research.umbc.edu/~korenman/wmst/links1.html | |
59. Irish Academic Press - Women's Studies new research on Irish women s history studies a broad Subjects include religious womenin medieval Ireland, nurses nuns and ladies in the Crimean war, the Irish http://www.iap.ie/wmen.htm | |
60. Women's Studies Gay and Lesbian politics WWW and Internet Resources Harvard did you do in the WarGrandma Women s History Project National Women s studies Association Sunshine http://www.library.ucsb.edu/subj/women.html | |
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