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21. Marlboro College : Academics : American Studies WomenÂs History, Material Culture studies, The Cultural politics of the Drug warA study of the Âwar on drugs in American domestic life with an emphasis http://www.marlboro.edu/academics/study/american_studies/ | |
22. Maneuvers: The International Politics Of Militarizing Womens Lives concerning the cruelties of war toward civilian politics of Militarizing womens Lives Customer Important feminist study on militarisation Cynthia Enloe adds http://www.edu-books.com/Maneuvers_The_International_Politics_of_Militarizing_Wo | |
23. Women's Studies @ UAA -- Required Courses Topics in Women s Literature Study of particular topics in American women s historyand how women s lives in the 17th Century through the Civil war; and the http://womens.uaa.alaska.edu/reqcourses.html | |
24. Villanova University Women's Studies PSC 2700, Women and politics. Women s studies Spring 2004 Events Spring 2004 NewsletterFebruary 3, 2004, Women s studies to CoHost Chris Hedges war Is A http://www3.villanova.edu/womensstudies/ | |
25. University Of Wyoming General Bulletin: Women's Studies Course Descriptions related to sexism, war and peace politics; the course in war zones or conditions ofthreatened war. in consultation with the Director of Women s studies and a http://uwadmnweb.uwyo.edu/registrar/bulletin/wmst.html | |
26. Biography Of Chunghee Sarah Soh in the context of the postCold war world politics in Asian Survey, Critical Asianstudies, Korea Forum Science Japan Journal, Peace Review, WomenÂs studies http://www.asianamerican.net/bios/Soh-Chunghee.html | |
27. London Metropolitan University - BA Women's Studies of different feminist approaches to the study of interpersonalm include domestic violence,rape, child abuse, women in the context of war, racial and ethnic http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/depts/hal/ug/womens-studies.cfm | |
28. Women's Studies Digital Library - Academic Info during the First World war Particularly noteworthy Women politics A QuarterlyJournal of History in Historical and Women s studies Journals International http://www.academicinfo.net/womenlibrary.html | |
29. MIT Program In Women's Studies The core debates on women and gender in art and architectural history are introduced. Examinescase studies from war crimes tribunals, truth commissions http://web.mit.edu/womens-studies/www/academics/ | |
30. Center For The Study Of Women and France during the First World war (1999), winner of of America (1983); Professorof politics, La Trobe Chair of the UC Irvine Women s studies Program and http://www.women.ucla.edu/csw/spring02calendar.html | |
31. Center For The Study Of Women of WomenÂs studies at Duke University and Associate Professor of WomenÂs studiesat the Story Latino Gay Culture and Urban politics in Postwar New York http://www.women.ucla.edu/csw/winter03calendar.html | |
32. Guide To Archival Resources For Women's Studies to WomenÂs studies. Items identified here are also crosslisted in any other relevantclassification(s) ex. politics/Government, Health, war/Military, etc. http://www.info.library.yorku.ca/depts/asc/Resource_Guides/guide_to_women/classi | |
33. Women S Studies Resources A Selection HQ1236, Women and politics Worldwide. HQ1236.5, The Republican war Against Women.Tanya Milich. HQ1410, Clio Was a Woman studies in the History of American Women. http://www.chipublib.org/001hwlc/sshwomens.html | |
34. Sociology Department Page Gender and Race in Canadian Postwar Political Discourse. _ 2000 Irish TravellersRacism and the politics of Culture. Atlantis A Women s studies Journal http://www.brocku.ca/sociology/faculty/janehelleiner.html | |
35. American Studies - Faculty & Staff theory, AfricanAmerican literature and theory, cultural studies. with specializationin urban women and politics. movements, and post World war II periodical http://www.americanstudies.msu.edu/facsta.html | |
36. Rutgers University Libraries: Subject Research Guides: Women's Studies: Links Of and Class, Religion, Sexuality, war, and so online bibliographies on varioustopics related to Women s studies. University of Virginia) Women in politics http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/research_guides/womens_studies/l | |
37. Gender, Nationalism And War In The Balkans still clearly opposed nationalism and Croatian politics. 2001) ÂFeminism, nationalism,and war the Yugoslav Journal of International Women s studies, 3/1 pp http://pers-www.wlv.ac.uk/~le1810/wr1003a.htm | |
38. Womens Studies - Course Descriptions For Pre-Approved Courses A survey of the changing social, economic and political roles of in the United Statesfrom the Civil war to the may not be applicable to the Women studies minor http://www.wwu.edu/depts/womenstudies/descriptions.html | |
39. Radical Teacher: Teaching "comfort Women" Issues In Women's Studies Courses - Mi and war, Asian and Western feminisms, women and violence, women in the arts, womenand politics, women s history; or in the introduction to Women s studies as http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0JVP/is_2003_Spring/ai_102119711 | |
40. Introduction To Women's Studies (WS 121) E52 1996; Encyclopedia of the Vietnam war 3 vols 25 yrs of women in politics, highereducation Annotated bibliographies focused on key topics of women s studies. http://www.stolaf.edu/library/instruction/biguides/WS121_OralHist_mar04.htm | |
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