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1. Womens Studies Resources In The CAC Center for Archival Collections. Bibliography womens studies ResourcesPart 1. Manuscript Collections. Smaller Manuscript Collections. Women in politics in NW Ohio. MS 82Mary Francis Feasel Alderton (18511932) Diaries, 1903-1919. Army Corps during World war II of a Toledo woman http://www.bgsu.edu/colleges/library/cac/womenbb1.html | |
2. Women's Studies: General Or Mixed the study of women and war and women Lesbian Sites, Music, Philosophy, politics,Science, Theology InforM womens studies Database The most comprehensive site http://bailiwick.lib.uiowa.edu/wstudies/general.html | |
3. Omniseek /Lifestyle /Women /Politics /Womens Rights politics Peace, war and Militarism Economic Issues Labor, The Market, The Environment, Development ( http//womensstudies the Eagleton Institute of politics at Rutgers, The State http://www.omniseek.com/srch/{57712} |
4. Philippines Womens Studies Studies Bibliography Southeast Asia womens studies Bibliography, Philippines. Bibliography of Asian studies. Ann Arbor, Mich and kinship politics female power in postwar Philippines thorough listing of international womens organizations. International Labour http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/SSEAL/SoutheastAsia/seaphil.html | |
5. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Violence womens studies. Feminist studies. Film and Television both real and fictional, divided into letters on friendship, marriage, childbirth, travel, work, war, and politics http://www.powells.com/subsection/GenderStudiesWomensStudies.51.html | |
6. Women’s Studies: Guide To Reference Sources Women's studies womens studies Guide to Reference Sources Economics. Labor. Government and politics. Rights. Law Helena and Hoover Institution on war, Revolution and Peace http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/su/women/wsguide.html | |
7. Colby College Libraries: Research: Guides: Womens Studies A guide to selected basic bibliographic and reference materials about the womens studies that are easily available to Colby students in paper or electronic format. war. East Asian studies. Economics. Education. English Literature. The Environment. French Literature and studies. Geology. Government and politics womens studies. Bates Subject Guides http://www.colby.edu/library/research/guides/womenstudies.shtml | |
8. BIG GREEN WOMEN AND PROGRESSIVE POLITICS Founding Fathers and Forgotten Mothers pick historical and political research by Blackdisrupt Ariel Sharon brand him a war Criminal in US womens studies Conf http://www.adot.com/women.html | |
9. Peace Studies-Course Catalog Bucknell University RELI, 234, Issues of Religion and Culture Ethics of war and Peace. RELI, 281,Religion and American politics. WMST, 150, Introduction to womens studies. http://www.bucknell.edu/Academics/Academic_Offices_Resources/Course_Catalog/Opti | |
10. MIT Program In Women's Studies in Bombay in the wake of the American Civil war. Please RSVP to womensstudies@mit.eduto join in the and relate these strategies to the politics of sexual http://web.mit.edu/womens-studies/www/events.html | |
11. WOMEN'S STUDIES AT HUNTER COLLEGE Translation Women and politics Women, war, and Peace African Women Developmentand politics Latina Writing Rupal Oza womens studies Program Hunter College http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/womens-studies/cur.html | |
12. Colgate University Catalog Development EDUC 310, politics in Education ENGL 461, studies in the 1700ÂPresent(Gender in Old Regime) PEAC 260, Women and Peace war, Resistance, and http://cwis.colgate.edu/catalog/womens.asp | |
13. Women's Studies At SCSU interested in submitting a proposal for the Symposium, please contact the WomenÂsStudies Program at Women International politics politics of war. http://www.southernct.edu/departments/womensstudies/conference/ | |
14. FOXNews.com - Politics - New Analysis Says Women's Studies Prism Emits A Distinc and The war Against Boys, agreed. Women s studies is dominated by the moreeccentric wing, the radical feminist, what I call gender feminists. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,48663,00.html | |
15. University Of Wisconsin Women's Studies Programl (Religious studies 265) 268 Gender, Communication and Relationships3 cr. (Political Science 302) 303 Women and politics 3 cr. http://www.uwosh.edu/womens-studies/ | |
16. LSU Libraries -- Women's And Gender Studies list in Women s studies for politics and Feminist US History Maintained by the Women sstudies Section of Civil war Primary Sources on the Internet Collection http://www.lib.lsu.edu/soc/women/ | |
17. The Women's Army Corps THE WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS A COMMEMORATION OF WORLD war II SERVICE. By Judith A. Bellafaire. CMH Publication 7215. Introduction. World war II was the largest and most violent armed conflict in the history of mankind. a series of studies on the Army's campaigns of that war versed in national and local politics. Before her marriage http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/brochures/wac/wac.htm | |
18. MINERVA Bibliographies: General Works And Collections and war Essays in History, politics, and Social Munitions The Language of Worldwar I Munitions Reports. Women s studies International Forum http://www.minervacenter.com/bibs1.htm | |
19. Feminism/Women's Studies Internet Resources Women s History Month; Civil war Women; Distinguished Women of Links; Women in politics Feminist Internet Religion and Theology ACRL Women s studies Section; http://library.scsu.ctstateu.edu/womenbib.html | |
20. Browse criminology, anthropology, public health, and women?s studies the Argentine junta sDirty war against subversives disappeared, a group of women forged the http://www.scholarly.com/browse_results.asp?Womens Studies |
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