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81. SUNY Geneseo College Libraries: New Women's Studies Lists stories and pictures of Afghan women that she for critical consciousness (Criticalstudies in education Geneseo College libraries SUNY Geneseo 1 College Circle http://library.geneseo.edu/info/wom503.shtml | |
82. ACRL Women's Studies Section - Core List Of Journals For Women's Studies Women s studies Section. Association of College Research libraries / AmericanLibrary Association. Core List of Journals for Women s studies. http://www.libr.org/WSS/projects/serial.html | |
83. Univ. Of Rochester Libraries - Women's Studies - Basic Reference Sources Stineman, Esther. WOMEN S studies A RECOMMENDED CORE BIBLIOGRAPHY.Littleton, CO libraries Unlimited, 1987. (REF ZHQ 1180 .S75). http://www.lib.rochester.edu/rbk/womenbib.htm | |
84. Subject Guide--Women's And Gender Studies divine. Part of WSSLINKS, a project of the Women s studies Sectionof the Association of College and Research libraries. http//www http://reinert.creighton.edu/pickonet/womenstud/wgs.htm | |
85. Women S Studies - WMU Libraries To search the University libraries for additional titles and call numbers of magazinesand journals related to women and women s studies, use the Guided http://www.wmich.edu/library/subject/rt.php?subjectid=52&resourcetypeid=25 |
86. Women's Studies Research Guide Women s studies libraries and Digital Collections Listed here are several of themost prominent collections in the United States whose primary focus is the http://library.tcu.edu/resguides/Resguide.asp?ID=43 |
87. Women's Studies Subject Guide - Humanities And Social Sciences Library - McGill Early Modern Women University of Maryland libraries links to scholarly resourcesfor the study of women in early modern Europe and the Americas, primarily ca. http://www.library.mcgill.ca/human/subguide/women.htm | |
88. Andover-Harvard Theological Library This site of links includes groupings such as subject arranged list of links, women sstudies programs/research centers/libraries/archives (this has lists of http://www.hds.harvard.edu/library/internet/womens.html | |
89. Women's Studies Interest Group Annual Report 1993-1994 Ms. Drenthe, who was spending six months in the US on a Fulbright grant to visitwomen s studies libraries and archives, spoke on women s libraries in the http://people.bu.edu/jchris/wsig9394.html | |
90. Women's Studies Links R)Esources on the Web include Women s History links, Archives Collections ofwomen s studies materials, mostly in academic libraries, Women s Resources on http://www.millikin.edu/staley/subject_pages/womens_studies_links.html | |
91. Charles C. Sherrod Library Women's Studies Research Guide WSSLINKS Women Gender studies Web Sites developed and maintained by the Women sstudies Section of the Association of College and Research libraries. http://sherrod.etsu.edu/guides/RGwomen.htm | |
92. Women's Studies Program | Resources of College and Research libraries was formed to discuss, promote, and support women sstudies collections and services in academic and research libraries. http://www.iupui.edu/~wostudy/resources.html | |
93. Women's/Gender/Feminist Studies (UC Irvine Libraries) WSSLinks Produced by the WomenÂs studies Section (WSS) of the Association of Collegeand Research libraries, provides topical access to a wide range of women http://www.libraries.uci.edu/online/subject/wogen.html | |
94. UIowa Libraries Web Help Using the libraries. http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/ | |
95. Women's Studies Mainstream News concerning women. Activism; Art; Communication and Media;Development WID; Feminist Theory; General or Mixed, Indexes Searches; http://bailiwick.lib.uiowa.edu/wstudies/ | |
96. WSSLinks: [Topic] WSS Core Serials Project List of titles that are core to supporting women sstudies in academic libraries. http//libr.org/wss/projects/serial.html. http://door.library.uiuc.edu/wst/general.htm | |
97. WSSLINKS: International Women's Sites Welcome to the International Pages developed and maintained by the Women sStudies Section of the Association of College and Research libraries. http://www.lib.siu.edu/kroberto/wss/intl.html | |
98. Women And The Information Professions Association of College and Research libraries (ACRL) Women s StudiesSection. Subscribe listproc@ala1.ala.org Message subscribe WSSL http://web.syr.edu/~jryan/infopro/women.html | |
99. Women S Studies Womensstudies/core/coremain.htm. American College and Research LibrariesWomen s studies Section http//www.ala.org/acrl/wss/wsshp.html. http://freud.psy.fsu.edu/~womenstudies/womenstudies.htm |
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