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61. Concordia Libraries Databases Found a total of 22 major and related database(s) on Women s studies. MajorWomen s studies Database(s) Databases click on the name to connect, http://library.concordia.ca/rdbs/index.php?action=ListByDis&disid=46 |
62. Chinook | E-Resources By Subject | Women's Studies Available in campus libraries and to students, faculty and staff via thecampus network. UCB libraries Subject Guide for Women s studies. http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/chi/women.html | |
63. Find Resources By Subject - Women Studies Department Home Page. UNM Women studies Program. It provides access to books andjournals owned by the UNM libraries and New Mexico member institutions. http://elibrary.unm.edu/subjects/womenstudies.php | |
64. By Subject | Women's Studies Welcome to the Women studies page! This is a starting point for finding informationin the libraries and beyond related to women studies topics. http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/WomensStudies/ | |
65. University Of Ottawa - Morisset Library (Arts And Science) Women s studies; Columbia University libraries. Women s studies; Conseil du statutde la femme; CSN (La Confédération des syndicats nationaux) Condition |
66. UNBF Libraries - Subject Guides - Women's Studies philosophy, politics, and science. A project of the WomenÂs Studiessection of the Association of College and Research libraries. http://www.lib.unb.ca/subject_guides/WomensStudies.html | |
67. Society, People, Women, Women's Studies, Institutions: Libraries And Collections Archival Sites for Women s studies Association of College and ResourceLibraries Women s studies Section. Archival Sites for Women s http://www.combose.com/Society/People/Women/Women's_Studies/Institutions/Librari | |
68. Women's Studies Internet Resources lists of books and journals, a large directory of internet links, publisher information,and general information on women s studies, libraries, and academia. http://library.gmu.edu/resources/socsci/women.html | |
69. Marshall University Libraries - Women's Studies Subject Guide Subscriptions The following periodicals in women s studies are available in printformat in the MU libraries; in some cases, online access is also available. http://www.marshall.edu/library/guides/women_studies.asp | |
70. Journals In Electronic Format-UNC-Chapel Hill Libraries: E-Journals For The Subj Advanced Catalog Search. libraries. Selected resources in Women sStudies, Skip Broad Subject Dropdown Box Choose another http://eresources.lib.unc.edu/ejournal/subject.php?subjectName=Women's Studies |
71. Women's Studies Bibliographies 1999- University Libraries - USC The schedule is available on the USC Training page University Librarieshttp//training.csd.sc.edu/tcl/tcl.htm. WOMEN S studies. http://www.sc.edu/library/wsb99web.html | |
72. Women's Studies Bibliographies 2002- University Libraries - USC fshrode/wss_health.htm Lots of great web links developed and maintained by theWomen s studies Section of the Association of College and Research libraries. http://www.sc.edu/library/wsb02web.html | |
73. Resource Guide - Women's Studies - University Of Alberta Libraries Guides to University of Alberta Resources for Women s studies. General topicsin womenÂs studies Introduction to library research in women s studies. http://www.library.ualberta.ca/subject/womenstudies/guide/index.cfm | |
74. Women's Studies Subject Guide Women and Gender studies, http//libraries.mit.edu/humanities/Womensstudies/wscd.html.Chronology of Women Worldwide, Ref HQ1121.C617. http://library.ucsc.edu/ref/instruction/refguides/womenstudies/ | |
75. Women's Studies studies Web Sites This annotated subjectarranged list of web links is maintainedby the Association of College Research libraries Women s studies Section. http://www.lib.uconn.edu/online/research/bysubject/womstuds2.htm | |
76. WOMEN'S STUIDES Research Guide - UCF Libraries selective list of sites of interest to academic researchers, maintained by RuthDickstein, women s studies librarian at the University of Arizona libraries. http://library.ucf.edu/Reference/Guides/WomensStudies.htm | |
77. The Penn State University Libraries Women S Studies Collection However, the women s studies subject specialist works closely with other subjectspecialists and selectors in the University libraries to assure that all http://www.libraries.psu.edu/select/manual/women.htm |
78. Brooklyn College Library:Research Resources - Women's Studies Women s studies Digital libraries http//www.academicinfo.net/womenlibrary.htmlGuide to digital resources in women s studies. Academic Institutions. http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/library/electronic_resources/women_studies.htm | |
79. Women's Studies Research Guide of the Shuttle; Feminist Majority Foundation; WSSLinksWomen and Gender studies WebSites (Women studies Section, Association of College and Research libraries); http://www.mtholyoke.edu/lits/library/guides/women.shtml | |
80. SUNY Geneseo College Libraries: New Women's Studies Lists of expert and nonexpert opinion, case studies, news articles with athletes in sixteenpopular womenÂs sports Geneseo College libraries SUNY Geneseo 1 College http://library.geneseo.edu/info/wom703.shtml | |
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