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61. Domain Of Culture - Cultural Events been announced by the Lyceum Club of Greek Women and its The Laskaridion literature Contest for unpublished works does not have a specific theme, although http://www.cultureguide.gr/events/details.jsp?Event_id=44815&catA=8 |
62. Articles And Research Guides When looking for literature by or about a specific African or C Carole Boyce Davies, ed., Ngambika Studies of Women in African literature 809.933 N Simon http://www.nypl.org/branch/features/index2.cfm?PFID=183 |
63. ENGL 348: Literary Works By Women: Short Fiction By Black Women, UM Libraries and critical analysis of works by women writers of Bibliography of English Language and literature Full Text to locate criticsm of your specific short stories http://www.lib.umd.edu/MCK/engl348logan.html | |
64. AFRICAN WOMEN AND LITERATURE not in regards to the specific cultural/historical just as mainstream US literature peripheralizes feminist first being the assumption that women constitute a http://www.westafricareview.com/war/vol2.1/kumah.html | |
65. Research And Documentation Online: Humanities and by categories that become progressively more specific, moving from It is organized topically, including sections on womenÂs literature and feminism http://www.dianahacker.com/resdoc/humanities/literature.html | |
66. SULAIR: Research Quick Start Guides: Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Studies sources exist for these groups, try works on women writers and titles that examine the literature of minorities or a specific ethnic group. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/kkerns/womwrit.html | |
67. Libraries: Gateway: Books & Literature A Celebration of Women Writers Links to sites about women writers. Studying literature. Part of a wide range of subject-specific tutorials from the Virtual http://www.westminster.gov.uk/libraries/gateway/booklit.cfm | |
68. Internet Resources For English And American Literature Voice of the Shuttle English literature Main Page (University of California at Santa at Madison) The University of Wisconsin s site on women writers. specific. http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/engl/internet.htm | |
69. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Free Ebooks Easy Download Facility Twentieth Centuries (Masterpieces of German literature Translated into Lansley Wilson; Legal Status of Women in Iowa W X Y Z No specific author anonymous http://www.thalasson.com/gtn/ | |
70. English Resources At The University Of Wyoming but this source is still a good place to examine whatÂs out there on a specific AfricanAmerican woman Great scope of womenÂs literature by culture http://www-lib.uwyo.edu/SubRes/UWER/uwerbi.ethnicwomenwriters.htm | |
71. The Literature On Women Immigrants To The United States these new studies were community studies with a specific geographical and Other parts of the scholarly literature describe immigrant women in domestic http://barthes.ens.fr/clio/revues/AHI/articles/volumes/schneid.html | |
72. CWU Library - English Literature Subject Guide American Women Writers, PS 147 A4 Ref. NineteenthCentury literature Criticism, PN 761 N5 Ref Includes excerpts from To find analysis of a specific work, use the http://www.lib.cwu.edu/research/guides/english.html | |
73. English Department Course Catalog in writing, language, journalism, and literature; specific descriptions of EG 760 Seminar in Women s literature EG 765 Studies in Young Adult literature EG 594 http://www.emporia.edu/english/courses.html | |
74. University Of Mississippi Libraries - Subject Guide Template of anything relating to AfricanAmerican literature. catalog record Entries on novelists, specific novels, types American Women Writers Reference PS 147 .A4 http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/general_library/files/subject/english-lit.html |
75. European Literature - Electronic Texts place to try for a specific title. Writers Project Information about Italian women writers and from the Renaissance and writings about Renaissance literature. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/wess/etexts.html | |
76. Daniel Traister's Home Page--LITERATURE A specific and very odd literary resource is located at the University of Texas; it Nineteenth Century American Women Writers. World War I literature. http://www.english.upenn.edu/~traister/literature.html | |
77. WGST-Women's Studies, College Of Arts & Sciences, University Of Toledo WGST 4760 FEMINIST READINGS OF literature 3 hours Classic WGST - 4770 AMERICAN WOMEN WRITERS 3 hours Author Consult Course Schedules for specific subject. http://catalog.utoledo.edu/00-01catalog/wgst.html | |
78. Feminist Influences On Romantic Literature 1960Âs. She examines pieces of literature which have feminine and investigates how the specific texts fit the social functions and interests of women in a http://www.cl.uh.edu/itc/course/LITR/5535/rj02thurik.htm | |
79. Literature By Region Trivia Quizzes And Quiz Questions specific Region literature. The women of the (mostly historical) sagas tended to be as In literature Naturally enough, a lot of English literature is concerned http://www.funtrivia.com/dir/2915.html | |
80. LOWAC areas of research in cancers affecting women in a words or less, excluding the abstract, literature cited, tables author(s), title of the specific article, and http://www2.eco.uva.es/~pedrojos/jwc.html | |
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