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41. School Of Literature, Communication & Culture Technology offers students a women s studies curriculum program of study in American literature, American culture, specific authors, and regional or http://www.lcc.gatech.edu/programs.html | |
42. Notable Women Ancestors - Authors These have become classic children s literature known as the Little House books on Visit the Notable Women Ancestors Bookstore. Searching for a specific book? http://www.rootsweb.com/~nwa/authors.html | |
43. Education: Useful Links And Resources literature Twentieth Century literature American literature Women s literature and Feminism Cultural Studies Literary Theory specific authors Jane Austen The http://www.le.ac.uk/engassoc/links.html | |
44. ENGLISH set of links to a multitude of women authors in many literature Links all kinds of literature links here both to the Invisible Web and specific sites. http://home.gwi.net/brhs/engla.html | |
45. A History Of Encoding At The WWP scholars and students of PreVictorian women s literature. Traffic on the list is light to moderate and discussion topics range from specific authors to more http://www.wwp.brown.edu/project/discussion.html | |
46. Pacific Women Writers You can also search for specific titles in Books about the literature can be searched by using a geographical area, ethnic group or the term Women authors ; http://library.uhh.hawaii.edu/research_tools/guides/pcf_women_writers.htm | |
47. Searching For James Baldwin Great Black Authors Segregated From bookstores, whose particular market emphasizes specific groups. literature is a pathway that can move us to of men support one political party, women the other http://www.commondreams.org/views03/1204-09.htm | |
48. WS 385/ENG 385: Writing Mothers: Women's Fiction If you are uncertain about specific subject headings, try a IN literature LOVE MATERNAL IN literature CHOPIN KATE 18511904 CHARACTERS WOMEN CHOPIN KATE http://web.library.emory.edu/subjects/studies/womens/ws385writingmothers.html | |
49. Journalism Research Tips-Journalism As Literature Journalism as literature. political, womenÂs issues CSULB Authentication Required) This database allows you to search for articles written by specific authors. http://www.csulb.edu/~ttravis/Subject_Guides/Journalism/journalismliterature.htm | |
50. Scottish Literature 2: Critical Reading On Specific Topics - Writing And Revolut their age, but the essays here cover all authors on this Tradition. In Craig, ed., History of Scottish literature vol A History of Scottish WomenÂs Writing http://www.englit.ed.ac.uk/studying/undergrd/scottish_lit_2/Reading/criticalread | |
51. BU Libraries | Research Guide | Core Literature Resources On The Internet Online (Bupx) Fulltext collection of women s writing covering Primarily English/American literature; there is also a about authors in a specific category, for http://www.bu.edu/library/guides/liternet.html | |
52. Subject Guides - Literary Criticism selected sources for finding criticism on specific authors and specific novels, plays, short Feminist Companion to literature in English Women Writers from http://www.umsl.edu/services/tjl/sguides/literary_criticism.html | |
53. UNL Department Of Modern Languages And Literature Each seminar studies a group of authors within a specific genre, such Aim To explore the contributions of Spanish women to contemporary literature in order http://www.unl.edu/modlang/grad/spanish_courses.html | |
54. Guns In The Medical Literature -- Lawful Self-Defense Men, Women, and Murder Genderspecific Differences in lawful self-defense by women against their the authors discussion focused almost entirely on guns http://teapot.usask.ca/cdn-firearms/Suter/med-lit/lawful.html | |
55. US Dept Of State - Publications materials, as well as links to specific genres of produced lecture survey on American literature for presentation at Yasuda Women s University in http://usinfo.state.gov/products/pubs/oal/amlitweb.htm | |
56. BOOKS, TEXT & LITERATURE - Also Has Jokes, Music, Food, Sports, Downloads, Trave Thousands of jokes from around the planet links to music, food, sports, downloads, travel, chat and games!! Books text literature - Other authors. Books text literature - General Legal http://www.harryc.com/books.htm | |
57. Multicultural Literature Resources as the Hispanic oral tradition, Latina women writers, the Masterpieces of Latino literature. Essays on specific works include plot summary, brief descriptions http://www.library.cornell.edu/olinuris/ref/multicultural.html | |
58. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle locating value in specific literary texts, rather th. the History and Future of Experimental literature and Poetry Modern Drama by Women 1880s1930s (site for http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2747 |
59. Ithaca College Library Subject Guide Some specific subjects you can use to begin your search are Jewish literature; Jewish women United States Social conditions; JewsHistory. Back to top. http://www.ithaca.edu/library/biblio/jewishstudies.html | |
60. Literature Arts English and types of literature ? and even online editions of specific works by of Women Writers digital.library.upenn.edu/women/ English Arts literature. http://www.interactiva.org/Dir/I/English/Arts/Literature/ | |
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