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21. French Language & Literature, UM Libraries Search also under the names of specific authors and their DRAMA BY CENTURY FRENCH literature BLACK authors FRENCH literature WOMEN authors. http://www.lib.umd.edu/MCK/frenchlit.html | |
22. Scandinavian Women Writers Library Orientation to three countries or less, a specific heading will SEARCH ALSO (Keyword) Women authors, Swedish (LCSH) Swedish literature Women authors Historyand http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/Nordic/nordspecialist/scanwomen.html | |
23. Lesson Three: Middle English Literature In The Fourteenth And Fifteenth Centurie Assignment (The Norton Anthology literature by Women). the Norton Websource to American literature at http Questions that relate to specific authors (Choose at http://bama.disted.ua.edu/en373/assignment thirteen.htm | |
24. Lesson Three: Middle English Literature In The Fourteenth And Fifteenth Centurie For the authors available in the American literature book, for example, Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor, see www Sunshine for Women has a specific link to http://bama.disted.ua.edu/en373/assignment five.htm | |
25. Selected Language And Literature Web Sites: Internet Bibliographies: New York St links to the Web sites of specific authors and information written by British and Irish women from the Cañaveral Links to literature Sites Links to language http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/reference/litref.htm | |
26. English Literature Links -- Brock U overview of historical periods, links to specific authors. Toronto Center for the Study of Children s literature. Gender Women and Gender Studies Culture Web http://www.brocku.ca/english/elinks.html | |
27. Read About Our Exciting Professional Writing Program And Our periods and literary movements on the junior level, and intense focus on specific authors and literary Renaissance and Medieval literature. WomenÂs literature. http://vax.wcsu.edu/english/philosophy.html | |
28. WSC Library -- Women's Studies Reference Sources II Women, Feminism, Latin American literature Women authors, Women authors. Family, Indian Women, Mothers, Women United States See also Subject specific Databases For http://www.lib.wsc.ma.edu/guidwssub.htm | |
29. Greenlease Library These sets cover all genres. Also see specific genres listed on following pages. Cyclopedia of World authors REF PN 451 M36 1997. back to top. Women s literature. http://www.rockhurst.edu/services/library/guides/literary.html | |
30. Satya: Sept. 1999: Women, Literature And The Classroom By Antonia Gorman its application of theory to specific literary texts plots of individual works of literature, the authors our attention on individual women, individual members http://www.satyamag.com/sept99/sat.62.gorm.html | |
31. :: Paul Robeson Library | Rutgers University | Camden :: on notable English men and women no longer To locate book length bibliographies on specific authors, search the Critical works on literature or language are http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/libs/robeson_lib/guides/englam2.html | |
32. Sampler Of Women's Manuscript Collections At Duke women writers, women s prescriptive literature, lesbian pulp nazi propoganda, and women s liberation movement for information on specific authors or types of http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/women/sampintr.html | |
33. ExxonMobil Masterpiece Theatre | The Railway Children | Links And Bibliography of the online Victorian Women Writers Project including entries on specific authors and illustrators Vandergrift s Children s literature Page Rutgers University http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/masterpiece/railway/links.html | |
34. New York University | Bobst Library: Collection Development Policy: Italian Lite Medieval and Renaissance Studies; Women s Studies; and of medieval as well as contemporary literature. Among specific authors Boccaccio, Dante, Foscolo, Montale http://library.nyu.edu/collections/policies/italit.html | |
35. World-Wide Web Resources - Latin American And Spanish Literature Las Mujeres, information on women writers such as Julia Alvarez, Sandra Spanish and Latin American literature, links from the University of specific authors. http://www.uky.edu/Subject/latinamlit.html | |
36. Renardus Search Results Women workers; Women 39;s suffrage; Women 8212;literature 8212;history and criticism; Women authors (literature); literature for and by specific kinds of http://www.renardus.org/cgi-bin/egwcgi/84303/screen.tcl/name=ShowHits&format=det |
37. Verba: Essay Part 2 on these topics is, like the criticism of specific authors, expanding and which was published in 1986, followed by Women in African literature Today in 1987 http://www.indiana.edu/~librcsd/bib/verba/essay-2.html | |
38. Verba: Essay Part 3 on criticism in Third World Women s literature in combination This bibliography is organized by authors and also without focusing on a specific country, region http://www.indiana.edu/~librcsd/bib/verba/essay-3.html | |
39. The Book Beat and Horror@; Science; Self Published; specific authors@; Sports and Recreation; Travel; Vehicles; Weddings; Women. See Also Arts literature; Business Industries http://books.searchbeat.com/ | |
40. English 1832, poetry by British and Irish women written (but with categories ranging from the specific to the IBIC Journal Guides to Books, authors and literature http://www.tusculum.edu/pages/library/links/english.htm |
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