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141. Millennium Tapestry The Long Buckby Millennium Tapestry is now on display in the Community Centre. It is the work of Long Buckby women's Institute and Friends of the Village. ÃÂ It was designed by Judith North and depicts churches, shops, and other places of interest in Long Buckby past and present! http://www.ksad.demon.co.uk/buckby/Specials/tap.htm |
142. SportsOnly Basketball The place to talk about hoops year around. Many forums and discussion groups. NBA teams, college hoops (distributed into many conferences), recruiting, men, women. http://www.sportsonly.com/community/wwwthreads.php?Cat=&C=3 |
143. Untitled Document A place for women to share and exchange beauty and makeup tips. Site includes individual product reviews, chat, and forums. http://www.flowerpod.org/review | |
144. Coffeerooms A Certain Age A friendly place for women of a certain age to discuss the joys and issues of life and what we all share relationships, grown children, changing bodies, lumpy husbands. Come make some friends. http://www.acertainage.com/certain/index.html | |
145. Women Are The Root Of All Evil A place where the evils of women are exposed. http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1675/ | |
146. YWCA Of Fort Worth And Tarrant County Focuses on the needs of economically disadvantaged women and children with the following programs My Own place, Supportive Living, AIM (Achievement, Ideals, Motivation) and Child Care. http://www.ywcafortworth.org/ | |
147. RosieÂs Home Page Shelter for homeless women http://www.rosies.org/ | |
148. Â Â Â Â Â Â ----- < Boston Homeless Shelter - Women's Lunch Place > ----- Daytime refuge for women and children who are poor and homeless, located in the Back Bay. http://www.womenslunchplace.org/ | |
149. Bi-weekly A bisexual support group for men and women which meets twice a month in Sheffield, UK. Includes time and place of meetings, a presentation about the group, and how to sign up for the mailing list. http://www.bi-weekly.org.uk |
150. 1st Place Muslim Matrimonials Searchable marriage ads. Photo galleries for men and women. http://www.muslimwedding.org/ | |
151. Hood Marita's Homepage For Women A place for 'women of the world', Home, Family and Friends. http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/2661/ |
152. Website Disabled A unique place for women to interact with others , with an array of activities to choose from. http://www.womenwebworld.com | |
153. Women And Women's Communities In Ancient Japan Summarizes the role and place of women in Japanese society, in preNara Period, Nara Period, and Heian Period Japan. http://www.wsu.edu:8001/~dee/ANCJAPAN/WOMEN.HTM | |
154. Breastfeeding Support, From InternetBabies.com A place for women to share their feelings and experiences about their difficulties with breastfeeding. http://www.internetbabies.com/mobi/ | |
155. Golf Club Place- Free Shipping, Great Prices And Selection On Golf Clubs, Golf C Complete sets and individual for men, women and kids. http://www.golfclubplace.com/ | |
156. A Place For The Orange A women's/feminist Seder plate in a limited edition handmade design. http://www.aplacefortheorange.com |
157. AFOSI Global Relicance Women Create Their Own Place In OSI like OSI because society frowned upon having women serve in who did take up the challenge of working in a coworkers who thought there was no place for females http://public.afosi.amc.af.mil/global/jul_aug_03/women_create.asp |
158. British Community Link Brunei Home Page Aim is to help women of all nationalities to integrate into the local community and to provide a meeting place. Community information, calendar of events, and social activities. Located in Brunei Darussalam. http://www.geocities.com/bruneibcl | |
159. Alas, A Blog Some Evidence Of Discrimination (wage Gap Series women get less credit for their work. It s long been believed by feminists that women often need to accomplish more than men in http://www.amptoons.com/blog/000922.html |
160. Guyana Match Guyanese Personals Love Connections meeting place where women and men can place online ads. women looking for Men, Men looking for women, women looking for women and Men looking for Men. Good luck in your search for Love! http://www.guyanamatch.com | |
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