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81. PUERTO RICO HERALD: Work Place Dangers Are Greater For Hispanics Than For Other In addition, Hispanic women had a higher incidence of work place injurynearly twice the rate of Hispanic men, despite the fact that women overall have lower http://www.puertorico-herald.org/issues/2003/vol7n52/WorkPlaceDangers.shtml | |
82. FTU-Namur - Research Projects : WWW-ICT and women s organisations Session 4 How to improve women s place in ICT an increased effort in continuous training; changes in work organisation allowing for http://www.ftu-namur.org/www-ict/ | |
83. A Place For Women To Heal (washingtonpost.com) The place will have nooks and crannies for reading, space set aside for more intimate conversations, plus room for We work mostly with women who are http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A55755-2004Apr6.html | |
84. The Calnan Group - The Bully And The Work-place Mindset Are One invite a cross section of members to work with me new and seasoned employees, men and women, a variety practice and team building could take place around new http://www.janicecalnan.com/index.php?sv=&category=Articles&title=The bully and |
85. Texas Instruments Recruiting - Great Place To Work - Awards List a Great place to work TI is a great place to work Dallas Business Journal Best places to work in DFW Â 2 nd year; Best of the Best for women and Diversity http://www.ti.com/recruit/docs/greatplace.shtml | |
86. Theres No Place Like Work: How Business, Government, And Our Obsession With Work Governments also lose, as they seek to press women into the paid workplace, and do By bribing mums into the paid work place, whether by child care subsidies or http://www.edu-books.com/Theres_No_Place_Like_Work_How_Business_Government_and_O | |
87. Journal Of Sociology And Social Welfare: Group Work's Place In Social Work: A Hi Group work s place in social work a historical analysis. Within social work, Jewish men and women were drawn to group work because Judaism as both a http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m0CYZ/4_28/83530630/p5/article.jhtml?term= |
88. A Place Of Rage A place of Rage is appropriate for public interested in AfricanAmerican studies, women s studies, sociology this well-constructed and informative work is highly http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/PlaceofRage.html | |
89. Congress Should Ban Bias In The Work Place The Maine GayNet Congress should ban bias in the work place against gays, lesbians. Congress fails to enact a federal law protecting homosexual men and women from discrimination http://www.maine.com/paula/pph/pph-6.14b.97.html | |
90. COSATU Policy On HIV/AIDS In Work Place with HIV 4. Making sure that workers who can no longer work because of AIDS get adequate support from their retirement funds 5. Empowering women comrades, who http://www.cosatu.org.za/docs/2004/hiv.htm | |
91. Herstory In The Pike Place Market This place is here to remind people what history (hisstory And while she believes women s struggles may have changed, they are I choose to work this way http://www.realchangenews.org/pastissuesupgrade/2003_12_24/current/features/hers | |
92. Women In Our 60's - A Meeting Place A gathering place for women, 6069, to share information, wisdom, and support on friendship, health, financial security, and family relationships. http://www.teleport.com/~lionne/sixty.html | |
93. WomanSpirit Center - Home - Spirituality Center, Transformational Development Example of a women's spirituality centre (Seattle, Washington, USA) Courses and events. A place for connection, solitude, to be still and touch the self within. http://www.womanspirit.bigstep.com/ | |
94. Index A place for women with at least 20 pounds to lose; for friendship, support, and helpful health information from many accredited sources. http://www.geocities.com/icnhypnotizeu/ | |
95. WOMANROCK.com | Magazine, MusicShop, Community | June 2004 place for independent women artists can meet, network, learn and grow individually. Includes features on women rock performers, interviews, event listings, and links on female artists. http://www.womanrock.com/ | |
96. Bisexual Women Of Toronto (BIWOT) Home Page A group that offers a safe place for bisexual women to discuss various perspectives on current bisexual issues. Includes information about and schedules for meetings and events, bi resources, links, and related groups. http://www.biwot.org/ | |
97. Welcome To The Women On Water, A Safety Resource For Women Boaters A site designed to put women in their place at the helm. Full of how to articles ranging from navigation to children's safety. http://www.boatingsafety.com/wow | |
98. Egypt: Women In Religion In The Old-New Kingdoms, Part I, A Feature Tour Egypt S Article outlining women's place in Egyptian religious activity in Egypt (Part 1 of 2). See also http//www.touregypt.net/featurestories/women2.htm http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/women1.htm | |
99. HighTech Women - Meeting And Mentoring HighTech women is an online and off-line meeting and mentoring place for women in technology and technology related sectors http://www.hightech-women.com | |
100. Listing Of Directory: /houstonbbw/ Created to provide a place for local BBWs and admirers to meet. http://members.aol.com/houstonbbw/ | |
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