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181. The Bridge, For Anorectics And Bulimics A place for anorectic and bulimic women to come to feel understood, to support each other, and to listen and learn. http://groups.msn.com/thebridgeforanorecticsandbulimics/ | |
182. Barbara Heeb Barbara Heeb of Switzerland was the 1996 women's world champion and a secondplace finisher in the 1997 women's Tour de France. This site tracks her annual racing calendar and career palmares in detail. http://www.barbara-heeb.ch/ | |
183. Lesbian Asia - Auntie Teck's Home For Women Life for gay women in Asia can be tough. Here's a place to find support, get advice, meet friends and have a laugh. http://www.auntieteck.com/ | |
184. Women In The Workplace: Branching Out - Page 1 Some working women worth knowing, beginning with Ida Lewis, KowEar-Nuk and Helen May Butler. Medicine/Nursing. Medieval. Men About women. Military/War. Politics Witches/Witchcraft. women's http://womenshistory.about.com/library/prm/blbranching1.htm | |
185. Eowa = Equal Opportunity For Women In The Workplace Agency Welcome to the EOWA website. This website provides information on compliance, reporting , developing a workplace program, about equal opportunity, EOWA and provides many tools to assist Employers http://www.eeo.gov.au/ | |
186. Going Places! Walking Tours For Women Walking and hiking tours in the United States, Canada, Europe and the British Isles specifically for women. http://www.goingplacestours.com/ | |
187. Women.com women.com the web. Cheating Hearts How can you tell if your guy s cheating? Why do women stay with straying men? Get answers in The Real Reason Men Cheat. http://www.women.com/ | |
188. Women CEOs There once was a time in American history when the thought of women working for complex, multinational technology companies, giant advertising firms, and http://www.infoplease.com/spot/womenceo1.html | |
189. Vacancies Field workers will travel extensively in their provinces and will at times spend nights away from home. Selection interviews are scheduled to take place in all http://www.mask.org.za/Sections/Vacancies/trianglect.htm | |
190. DCEO Learn how the IWBOC is working to provide information, education and a forum for Illinois current and prospective women business owners. http://www.illinoisbiz.biz/bus/drug_free.html | |
191. Ayman Elmistikawy, The God Father, The Ultimate Brain Power. Romantic ideas, toughest questions women ask, chemical analysis, jokes, places to visit and reflections. http://www.angelfire.com/me/elmistikawy/ | |
192. Violence Workplace - Lieu De Travail Ecocomic self http://www.eurowrc.org/12.work_place/workplace.htm | |
193. Calgary Bisexual Womens Group Provides information on the organisation, members list, details of events, bulletin board and suggestions for places to go and stay in the area. http://stephenie127.tripod.com/biwomenscoffeegroup/ | |
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