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41. Database For Community Agencies Volunteer managed Christian facility, helping women with birth Development), HD 499 (Independent study), MUS 480 for Children Adults), soc 495 (Internship http://www.csusm.edu/ocsl/Old_web-database/WebDatabase_for_Community_Agencies.ht | |
42. Women's Studies on women in society (RC32), Int l soc. with Massoud Karshenas) of regional study on social For Development Alternatives/USAID Office of women in Development. http://www.womenstudies.ilstu.edu/drmoghadam/ | |
44. Alphabetical List For Framed Indexer's Links Am soc of Indexers Reference Sources; Argus Clearinghouse; United States study Web study Web Vocabulary Fashionable Page Designs Wilson Internet Services women http://www.chesco.com/~nanguent/alpha.html | |
45. UNCA Catalog 1999-2000 - Interdisciplinary Studies (IST) MCOM, 362, women and Minorities in Media. soc, 350, sociology of the Third World. 348 Graphical User Interfaces (CSCI 348) (3) A study of the design and development http://www.unca.edu/catalog9900/ist.html | |
46. Socy325.html then to Tulane University for graduate study in social of gender Biological theories about men and women. In other words, tests and homework assignments will http://faculty.ed.umuc.edu/~mofsowit/socy325.html | |
47. Kids And Teens School Time Social Studies History facts about regions, chiefs, famous women and fun pages.. about.com/ National Council for the social Studies soc pages and 24 hour homework assistance via http://world.ammissione.it/browse_/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Social_Studies/His |
48. Untitled Document enjoy an evening of monologues, stories and music celebrating women. to 8 pm Virginia Wesleyan Community Service Work study Student Kathryn ..soc and CJ MAJORS http://www.vwc.edu/campus_life/comm_service/bulletin/2004-03.htm | |
49. Opportunities In The Department Normally, the soc 250/350 results in one (or several) papers. A study on the Status of women Faculty in Science at MIT A Progress Report Nancy Hopkins http://www.wellesley.edu/Sociology/opp.html | |
50. NVCC Spring 1996 Extended Learning Institute Courses Also see New Home study Courses notice for more Topics course based on the Telecourse women AND socIAL socIOLOGY. soc 201 92 Introduction to sociology I 3 http://www.nv.cc.va.us/schedule/crs962/elicrs.htm | |
51. NVCC Summer 1997 Extended Learning Institute Courses Also listed as soc 236 participation in an online computer conference, or purchase and study of sample ENG 273 93 women in Literature I 3 Ryan Covers 17th-19th http://www.nv.cc.va.us/schedule/crs973/elicrs.htm | |
52. Fall '00 Course Guide  RC Social Science (Residential College) RC soc. Sci. 460. social Science Senior Seminar. Section 001  women and Higher Education the U of M As a Case study. Instructor(s) Steneck. http://www.lsa.umich.edu/saa/publications/courseguide/fall/archive/fall00cg/877. |
53. Learned Helplessness, Therapy, And Personality Traits: An Experimental Study. 1. J soc Psychol Learned helplessness, therapy, and personality traits an experimental study. Turkish Bogaziçi University undergraduates, 42 men and 50 women. http://www.accelerated-learning-online.com/research/learned-helplessness-therapy | |
54. EXTEND: Resources For Mathematics Education of Oregon); women Mathematicians (Agnes Scott); Virtual Library for Mathematics; soc., 1995). of the Third International Mathematics and Science study (MSEB, 1997 http://www.stolaf.edu/other/extend/Resources/resources.html | |
55. BORN TO LOVE MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES by a 1990 Environmental Protection Agency study that showed only women.news women.health women.forum women.events. as awful as sexism or racism soc.support.fat http://webhome.idirect.com/~born2luv/FRUGAL.HTML | |
56. Sociology soc 344 soc of women in Political Economy S. Bennett (7709). The different economic roles women play. soc 497 Independent study in sociology. http://www.albany.edu/sociology/html/courses-fall 2003 undergraduate description | |
57. SOC 206 soc 206 Reading Questions. 3. What values did Gan s study find the media promoting? How is black women s history key to understanding the social construction of http://teach.lanecc.edu/saltj/206/questions.htm | |
58. Miscellaneous A study of Depression and Relationships By Bob Zmuda A primary Radio Video Sports Tax Time 2001 Travel women Air Tickets Buy Abortion poses a moral, soc http://www.co.cx/TermPapers/Miscellaneous/ | |
59. Policy Options To Improve Standards For Women Garment Workers In Canada And Inte work and medicine use in the clothing industry. soc. Sci. Dimension of Labour Law Why women Need Inclusive Sectoral Certification A Case study of British http://www.swc-cfc.gc.ca/pubs/0662273834/199901_0662273834_15_e.html | |
60. Contract Pharmacal Corp. -- Products on bone loss and fractures in postmenopausal women a randomized Ashinara, M. Immunohistochemical study of The Human Olfactory System. JR soc Med 1999;921835 http://www.contractpharmacal.com/products/product_pages/pro.die.thermocal.women. | |
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