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21. Welcome To DelaSalle High School http//www.askjeeves.com/; Cyber Slueth; homework Spot. women in Sports. Arts / Am Gov / English Music / Myth / Religion / Science / soc Studies / History Day http://www.delasalle.com/academic/library/libweb.shtm |
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23. Wisconsin Bibliographies In Women's Studies: Information Technology And Women's INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND women'S LIVES A BIBLIOGRAPHY Compiled cases overlap, but that help organize the material into an ongoing study of the experiences of older women (60 and http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/WomensStudies/bibliogs/infotech/infofull.h | |
24. Women's Studies Links soc.women news//news.odu.edu/soc.women . get someone else to do your homework are likely for undergraduate and graduate students in women s studies to discuss http://www.womenstudies.appstate.edu/links.html | |
25. The Math Forum - Math Library - Women the Library Home Math Ed Topics soc Issues/Public Madison, students explored reasons why women are less The University of Calgary A study investigating the http://mathforum.org/library/ed_topics/equity_women/ | |
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27. Curriculum Development And Lesson Planning Education The Usenet newsgroup k12.ed.socstudies is in curriculum planning, math, physics, writing, and women s issues study WEB A topical directory of of over http://www.wku.edu/~yuanh/teachers/teacher.htm | |
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31. Soc 331 Course Syllabus attendance and participation (10%), homework assignments (10 i. Status of women Taiwan, Thailand, SE Asia A Better World Population Studies and Policies. http://www.sunynassau.edu/users/youngy/s331syllabus.htm | |
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33. PSY/SOC 332 Learning Contract PSY/soc 3332 FAMILY VIOLENCE (3 Semester Credit Hours). INSTRUCTOR Identify the various types of sexual violence against women. 2. Read and study Chapter 16. http://www.tsum.edu/DL/learningcontracts/psy3332.htm | |
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37. EasyFunSchool - A Unit Study On Citizenship - Article Archives - Free Unit Studi Here is a unit study approach to this important www.uiowa.edu/~socialed/lessons/women/women.htm Constitution org/cyber.serv/academy/ace/soc/cecsst/cecsst092 http://www.easyfunschool.com/article1081.html | |
38. Prospective Students                              Lifting, Still Climbing Contemporary African American women s Activism, edited soc 690, Independent study. soc 714, Intermediate social Statistics soc 7141 Dr http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/soc/Course_schedules/Spring/Spr2004.htm | |
39. Maxwell School Of Citizenship: Sociology Department This course explores how we get to be women and men soc 4004, Population Issues, Dr. Christine Himes, TTh 1 20, 33619, HINDS108 Demography is the study of the http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/soc/Course_schedules/Spring/Spr2003.html | |
40. The Harvey School Library Links http//midhudson.org/lifelines/lifelines2/socprimary-documents Includes Asian studies, Pacific studies, Indonesia, Vietnam health related AIDS to women S HEALTH http://www.harveyschool.org/homework/homework.cfm?id=103&p=m |
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