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181. Women's Issues You are here About News Issues women s Issues. Search. women s Issues I am your Guide, From Nikki Katz, Your Guide to women s Issues. http://womensissues.about.com/ | |
182. Circulation -- Mosca Et Al. 96 (7): 2468 A statement for health care professionals from the American Heart Association. http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/96/7/2468 | |
183. Entrepreneur Institute The Entrepreneur Institutes offers information for women who are interested in or have started their own businesses. main, iVILLAGE S http://www.ivillage.com/work/entrepreneur/ | |
184. Communities Against Violence Network Addressing Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking and Violence Against women http://www.pobox.com/cavnet | |
185. New Directions For Women | Alcohol & Drug Treatment Services Notfor-profit residential treatment and recovery facility helping women with alcohol and drug dependencies, located in Costa Mesa, CA. http://www.newdirectionsforwomen.com | |
186. CNN.com - US - Police Arrest Six More Suspects After Central Park Attacks On Wom CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/06/16/central.park.attacks/index.html | |
187. 8 Women Mongoose reviews the film. http://www.haro-online.com/movies/8women.html | |
188. Gary Leupp: Bush, Burqas And The Oppression Of Afghan Women According to Gary Leupp, the US governments statements on the status of women appear hypocritic when seen before the background of US politics in the country during the last twenty years. http://www.counterpunch.org/leupp0716.html | |
189. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 18, Ch. 243, Sexual Dysfunction In Women Online chapter of the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, with diagnosis and treatment suggestions intended for physicians. http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/section18/chapter243/243a.htm | |
190. Exotic Asian Women | International Introduction | Pen Pals | Personal Ads Pen pals and mail order brides seeking men for international introductions. http://www.exoticasianwomen.com/ | |
191. The Emergency Divorce Blog For Women Advice on divorce and information on Divorce Psychosis, for women who fear physical harm to themselves or their children. Excerpt, related news headlines, and a discussion board. http://www.angelahoy.com/book/ | |
192. Project Alert On Violence Against Women A nongovernmental women's rights organisation set up to provide information on violence against women, and render support services to female victims of violence. http://prolert.kabissa.org/ | |
193. Chicago Foundation For Women A partnership of donors, grantees, volunteers and staff working to support programs for women and girls. Grantmaking, events calendar, special initiatives and issue areas discussed. http://www.cfw.org/ | |
194. Women In Alaska's History - Famous Native Women Biographies of American Indian and Inuit women of Alaska, also with information about native Alaskan women in general. http://library.thinkquest.org/11313/Early_History/Native_Alaskans/famous.html?tq |
195. Web Site Descriptionlkjas Lkalksjdfasdf Asdf Asdf Asasdf Asdf Asd lkjas lkalksjdfasdf asdf asdf asasdf asdf asd......Web Site http://www.nawbo.org/ |
196. Www.womenconnect.com/ http://www.womenconnect.com/ |
197. This Information Has A New Address. The information that was at this location now has a new address The new address for this information is http//www.omwbe.wa.gov/directory/directory.htm. http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/OMWBE/ | |
198. Welcome To WWBIC http://www.wwbic.com/ |
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