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41. What Are Wombats What are wombats? wombats are the largest burrowing marsupials nativeto some parts of the Australian mainland and Tasmania. Like http://www.scu.edu.au/schools/edu/student_pages/Sem2_2001/RMARKL/act1.html | |
42. Types Of Wombats Types of wombats. There are three main types of wombats. More adaptable thanother wombats as slow digestion rate enables them to live in arid areas. http://www.scu.edu.au/schools/edu/student_pages/Sem2_2001/RMARKL/act2.html | |
43. Wombats Translate this page wombats Vombatidae (=Familie). auch Plumpbeutler. Abteilung Bilateralia. Allgemeineswombats sind plumpe, gedrungene Tiere mit einem winzigen Stummelschwanz. http://www.das-tierlexikon.de/wombats.htm | |
44. Wombat Information, Wombat Picture wombats. Wombat Source ClipArt.com 2.5 million Clipart images for$7.99 Image © 2003 www.clipart.com, wombats, http//home.mira.net/, http://www.junglewalk.com/info/Wombat-information.asp | |
45. Wombat Movie, Wombat Video, Wombat Posters All Animals.Vertebrates.Mammals.Marsupials. wombats. Wombat Source ClipArt.com 2.5 million Clipart images for $7.99 Image © 2003 www.clipart.com, http://www.junglewalk.com/video/wombat-movie.asp | |
46. Wombats wombats, 1 wombats look like miniature bears with flat noses! wombats.Sample This is only a sample premade worksheet. Sign up now! http://www.edhelper.com/AnimalReadingComprehension_108_1.html | |
47. Wombats 2003 wombats 2003 Team web site hosted at eteamz Girardville, Pennsylvania 17935-1716USA. Peanuts Theme. Tuesday, September 23 wombats are expanding 2004, http://www.eteamz.com/sch-wombats14u/ | |
48. Wombats pouch. Click here for Wombat photos! · wombats are more closely relatedto the koala than to any other living marsupial. · Both http://www.giveusahome.co.uk/australian/wombat.htm | |
49. Welcome To Wombats Cricket Club Modules. http://wombatscc.cjb.net/ | |
50. Wombat Information Center - Pet Wombats Wombania s Wombat Information Center Pet wombats Why wombats don tmake good pets. wombats need special care and a special diet. http://www.wombania.com/wombats/pet-wombats.htm | |
51. LookSmart - Directory - Wombats wombats Find movie clips, zoological profiles, and photographs spotlightingthe burrowing Australian mammal. Directory Categories. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317914/us146762/us217721/us10170025/u | |
52. Qld Conservation Council It is estimated that there are only about 65 northern hairynosed wombats remainingwhich makes it Australia s most endangered mammal, not a title to be http://www.qccqld.org.au/resources/wombat/ | |
53. Qld Conservation Council Victoria. Common wombats are solitary and largely nocturnal, howeverin winter they may come out of their burrow during the day. http://www.qccqld.org.au/resources/wombat/other_wombats.htm | |
54. WOMBAT PHOTOGRAPHS, AUSTRALIAN WILDLIFE, PHOTOGRAPHS, PICTURES Postcards. Please click on the photographs to enlarge. wombats. Wombat,Wombat, Wombat, Wombat, Wombat, Wombat. Send A Picture As A Postcard. http://www.australianexplorer.com/photographs/australian_wildlife_wombats.htm | |
55. Why Wombats Wear Their Pouches Backward Why wombats wear their pouches backward. The wombat is a round, stocky, barrelshapedmammal that inhabits many parts of Australia. Why? wombats burrow. http://www.users.bigpond.com/rdoolan/wombat.html | |
56. Waverley Wombats Marrickville Pagewood Cricket Club http://www.users.bigpond.com/dpkennedy/ | |
57. Wombats City Hostel In Vienna, Austria Backpackers Hostels, Youth Hostels, Cheap hostels in Europe! Edinburgh, London,Amsterdam, Madrid, Barcelona, Stockholm! wombats City Hostel, Vienna, Austria. http://reservations.bookhostels.com/guideforeurope.com/hostel.php?HostelNumber=7 |
58. The Perfectly Designed Wombat WATCHES AND wombats BTG No. Australia boasts the largest variety of marsupialson any continent, including kangaroos, koalas, bandicoots, and wombats. http://www.icr.org/pubs/btg-a/btg-015a.htm | |
59. Fourth Crossing Wildlife - Photo Gallery Wombats Photo Gallery wombats Koalas. http://www.members.optusnet.com.au/~fourth_crossing/photos_wombats.htm | |
60. MARSUPIALIA; VOMBATIDAE: Wombats MARSUPIALIA; Family VOMBATIDAE wombats. The name Phascolomyidae has sometimes beenused for this family. wombats resemble small bears in general appearance. http://www.press.jhu.edu/books/walkers_mammals_of_the_world/marsupialia/marsupia | |
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