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Wolves Wild: more books (39) | |||||
41. Wild World Of Wolves Learn about this mammal's history and recovery. Includes facts about its habitat, physical traits, and behavior. http://wildworldofwolves.tripod.com | |
42. Wild Bite Promotes the reintroduction and recovery of wolves in the Scottish Highlands through information, education and fundraising. http://www.wildbite.org.uk |
43. Red Wolf At present, the red wolf is extinct from the wild. IUCN Status EndangeredPure red wolves are thought to be extinct in the wild. http://www.thewildones.org/Animals/redWolf.html | |
44. Wild Wolves Pictures of wild wolves along with characteristicss, habitat, and other resourcesabout wolves. wild wolves. wild wolves NOVA Online presents wild wolves. http://www.itzalist.com/sci/wild-wolves.html | |
45. GORP - Wolves Take Back The Wild ACTIVITIES wolves Take Back the wild By Pamela Parker. Eventually, they hope tohave 220 red wolves living in the wild, with a total population of 500. http://gorp.away.com/gorp/activity/wildlife/wol_rndp.htm | |
46. GORP - Wolves In The Wild - Introduction ACTIVITIES Hearing wolves in the wild Where to Go to Howl With the Pack ByMarcus Wohlsen Hearing wolves in the wild is not as easy as it once was. http://gorp.away.com/gorp/activity/wildlife/wildwolf.htm | |
47. European Wolves wolves. wild wolves are hard to count, so exact numbers are not known.Sometimes radiotracking is used to determine their numbers. http://www.cosmosmith.com/european_wolves.html | |
48. Call Of The Wild - Wild Wolves In Haliburton! wild wolves! Coming along on one of our wilderness camping trips inAlgonquin Park is a great way to actually hear wild wolves. http://www.call-wild.com/wolves.html | |
49. Feral Children - A List Of Isolated, Confined And Feral Children Skiron, M, Trikkala, Greece, 1891, 0, sheep. Second Sekandra wolf boy, M,Sekandra, India, 1872, 10, wolves. wild boy of Overdyke, M, Overdijk, Nederland,? 0, http://www.feralchildren.com/en/children.php | |
50. Wild Wolf Women Of The Web Where the wolves are sometimes wild, and the women are never tame. Join WWWW Ourwild Wolf Women Mail List, and explore the boundaries of your wild nature. http://www.wildwolfwomen.com/ | |
51. Timber Wolf A growing population, of wolves now live in Wisconsin, one of about adozen states in the country where timber wolves exist in the wild. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/land/er/factsheets/mammals/wolf.htm | |
52. EEK! - Critter Corner - Timber Wolf Have you ever heard a wolf howl in the wild? Not many people have. At that time,the only wild wolves in North america were in Minnesota, Canada, and Alaska. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/caer/ce/eek/critter/mammal/wolves.htm | |
53. Red Wolves Back From Extinction In U.S. Wild acres. . The FWS recovery team has started bumping up the wolf numbersby introducing islandbred wolves to the wild population. Two http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/01/0131_030131_redwolf.html | |
54. Wolves wild wolves at PBS Nova Online http//www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/wolves Hear the callof the wild, find out how wolves are making a comeback, and discover the http://eduscapes.com/42explore/wolves.htm | |
55. Gray Wolf - National Wildlife Federation pounds. Life Span wild wolves are known to live up to 13 years.Some information provided courtesy of eNature.com®. Behaviors http://www.nwf.org/wildlife/graywolf/ | |
56. Watching Wolves On A Wild Ride - National Wildlife - National Wildlife Federatio Watching wolves On a wild Ride By Les Line For 25 winters, researcher Rolf Petersonhas tracked the turbulent twists and turns in the lives of Isle Royale s http://www.nwf.org/nationalwildlife/article.cfm?issueID=35&articleID=589 |
57. The African Dog Like the wolf, the wild dog has been persecuted unrelentlessly. PAINTED wolves wild DOGS OF THE SERENGETI-MARA. J. Scott. Hamish Hamilton, London. 1991. http://www.botany.uwc.ac.za/Envfacts/facts/african_dog.htm | |
58. Wolves In The Wild Generally, wolves prefer wild ungulates, like deer, elk, caribou, moose,bison, musk ox, Dall s sheep, bighorn sheep, and antelope. http://www.grizzlydiscoveryctr.com/wildwolfinfochanges.html | |
59. International Wolf Center Track Wild Wolves Track wild wolves Introduction. Telemetry Background. Search the Database. Trackwild wolves in the Superior National Forest Introduction. Follow wild wolves! http://www.wolf.org/wolves/experience/telemsearch/vtelem/telem_intro.asp | |
60. Wolves In The Wild humans. wolves can live to be about 16 years of age in captivity,in the wild most don t make it to the age of 8 years old. There http://members.tripod.com/~randm2/wolves.html | |
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