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81. Greenscreen > Endangered Species: Gray Wolves EQ Says Recently the federal government proposed taking the gray wolf off the endangered species lists in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. http://www.greenscreen.org/newsletter/articles/GrayWolves.html | |
82. II: Wolf Recovery INDEPENDENT POLICY REPORT SUMMARY. WOLF RECOVERY, POLITICAL ECOLOGY, AND endangered SPECIES. By Charles E. Kay. endangered wolves, endangered Science. http://www.independent.org/tii/content/pubs/policyrep/p_kayipr.html | |
83. Wolf Gray wolves Move Toward Recovery; US Fish and Wildlife Service Reclassifies Some wolves from endangered to Threatened. For Immediate Release March 18, 2003. http://www.mtmultipleuse.org/wolf.htm | |
84. Endangered Species Act Listing the cutthroat as an endangered species would be the last nail in the coffin for Western Montana and Northern Idaho. An estimated 570 wolves in 35 or http://www.mtmultipleuse.org/endangered_species_act.htm | |
85. Wolf Song Of Alaska - Wolves In The Upper Midwest Michigan s Upper Peninsula. What is the difference between threatened and endangered status of wolves? endangered means that http://www.wolfsongalaska.org/wolves_upper_midwest_faq.html | |
86. RESTORE: Endangered Wildlife: Updates This means giving wolves the Âendangered status protection they deserve, an ecologically sound recovery plan, and the wilderness habitat the species http://www.restore.org/Wildlife/News/wolfrecovery.html | |
87. :: Wolves :: Lynx :: Cougars :: Grizzly Bears :: In fact, the government left wolves listed as endangered in the newly created Southwest Distinct Population Segment (DPS)Âwhich encompasses a vast swath of http://www.sinapu.org/Pages/article2.html | |
88. Wolves May Be Taken Off Endangered List wolves May Be Taken Off endangered List Under their current federal status as endangered, wolves enjoy a high degree of protection from harm or harassment. http://www.igorilla.com/gorilla/animal/2000/wolf_off_endangered.html | |
89. Grist | Do Good | Animals & Plants Action by Earthroots. Save gray wolves Thanks to the US endangered Species Act, gray wolves have made it back from the brink of extinction. http://www.gristmagazine.com/dogood/species.asp | |
90. ODFW - Gray Wolves The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission also classifies the wolf as an endangered species under the Oregon endangered Species Act. http://www.dfw.state.or.us/Wolves/wolves.htm | |
91. Books.reviewindex [UK]: Dogs And Wolves Dog (Looking After My Pet S.) (David Alderton) £4.99. wolves (endangered!) (Casey Horton) - £25.01. wolves (endangered!) (Casey Horton) - £25.01. http://books.reviewindex.co.uk/reviews_uk/dogs-and-wolves_1.html | |
92. Little Wolf And Friends Gift Shop Artwork From A Series Of Endangered Animal Chi endangered animal journals Journals for scrapbooking, writing or journaling or sketch books. wolves Howling. wolves Howling vivid http://www.cafeshops.com/mexicanwolf | |
93. SpiritWolf's Den wolves, Picture Gallerys there is so much to see. Please spend some time learning about these Beautiful Creatures. While your there browse to the Card Shop. I hope you enjoy your visit.. http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/1455 | |
94. Endangered Species, Gray Wolf, Canis Lupus, US Fish Wildlife reclassification; Mexican Gray wolf recovery program; Follow the story of wolf recovery in these endangered Species Bulletin accounts January http://endangered.fws.gov/i/a03.html |
95. Thriving Gray Wolf May Come Off U.S. Endangered List spring or early summer, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service may propose removing the western population of gray wolf from the endangered species list. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/01/0122_030122_tvwolves.html | |
96. Title: Arctic Wolves And Their Prey - Mech Arctic wolves and Their Prey. These creatures constitute most of the food supply for the white wolves 1 that live in this place called the High Arctic. . http://www.arctic.noaa.gov/essay_mech.html | |
97. Threatened And Endangered Species: Gray Wolf Canis Lupus Factsheet | Montana NRC Threatened and endangered Species Gray Wolf Canis lupus Factsheet. Adobe Acrobat documentThreatened and endangered Species Gray Wolf (32KB). http://www.mt.nrcs.usda.gov/news/factsheets/graywolf.html | |
98. USATODAY.com - Endangered Predators Thrive In West Getting the wolf off the endangered species list will be a plus, Malcolm says. It will mean that management of the wolf will be http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2003-10-02-endangered-west_x.htm | |
99. EDUCATION PLANET - 1458 Web Sites For Endangered Species endangered Species Web Sites (41 50 of 1460) 41. Arctic Wolf endangered Species Project - description of this wolf species and the problems it faces. http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Science/Biology/Ecology/Endangered_Species |
100. Turner Endangered Species Fund - Publications And Manuscripts Individual rights and the endangered Species Act the Yellowstone wolf reintroduction as a case study. International Wolf 8 912 and 98-11. http://tesf.org/tesf/reports/publications.htm | |
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