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61. The Slovak Wildlife Society. Helping To Conserve Slovakia's Endangered Wildlife. Our aim is to help ensure the longterm survival of endangered species such as wolves, lynx and chamois through an integrated approach to solutions for co http://www.slovakwildlife.org.uk/main.php?pn=wolves |
62. Wolves In The Upper Great Lakes 1974 wolves were added to Federal endangered Species List. 1974 - 4 wolves were translocated to Huron Mountain area in Michigan s Upper Peninsula. http://seaborg.nmu.edu/wolf/3Michwolf_status.html | |
63. ESPN Outdoors wolves moved off endangered species list By Jack Sullivan Associated Press  March 18, Gray wolves. Associated Press The onceendangered gray wolf http://espn.go.com/outdoors/conservation/s/c_fea_wolves_status_change.html | |
64. N.C. Zoo Records Third Birth Of Endangered Red Wolves NC Zoo Records Third Birth of endangered Red wolves. The red wolf is considered the most endangered canid (member of the dog family) in North America. http://www.nczoo.org/news_events/press_release/2004/04202004.cfm | |
65. KATU 2 - Portland, Oregon However, Oregon s plan has no bearing on the federal decision over protecting wolves under the endangered Species Act, Jewett said. http://www.katu.com/outdoor/story.asp?ID=63657 |
66. Defenders Of Wildlife - Wildlife - Wolves Defenders of Wildlife has been a leader in wolf conservation since wolves first appeared on the federal endangered species list. http://www.defenders.org/wildlife/new/wolves.html | |
67. Endangered Mexican Wolves May Be Moved To Gila National Forest Local Meetings Held in New Mexico endangered Mexican wolves May Be Moved to Gila National Forest Defenders of Wildlife today applauded http://www.defenders.org/releases/pr2000/pr030100.html | |
68. The County Journal - Washburn, Wisconsin Threatened is a more appropriate classification than endangered for wolves outside the Southwest because recovery programs have succeeded in reducing threats http://www.washburnwi.com/placed/index.php?sect_rank=1&story_id=172008 |
69. Planet Earth Conflict Yellowstone Wolf Government bounty hunters helped ranchers protect their livestock by killing the wolves. Sixty years later the Gray Wolf was listed as endangered. http://www.powayschools.com/projects/mt&r/ConflictYellowstoneWolf.htm | |
70. Endangered Wildlife Netring To help protect save the endangered wildlife. Encluding, Elephants, wolves, Rhino s, Eagles,and the big cats, leopards, tigers, lions,{;} whales, seals http://www.ringsurf.com/netring?action=info&ring=EndangeredWildlifeWebring |
71. Endangered Species: Northern Rocky Mountains In 1926 Yellowstone s last wolf was killed, and by that time wolves were seriously endangered throughout the Western United States. http://www.colby.edu/personal/thtieten/end-mt.html | |
72. Topic Area: Endangered Species Recovery And The Role Of Native Tribes Two years later, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), which is responsible for protecting endangered species, produced a recovery plan for wolves in the http://www.colby.edu/personal/thtieten/end-id.html | |
73. NAIA: Some Wolves Are No Longer Endangered Bush administration says some wolves are no longer endangered. Predator return successful for wolves, environmentalists, but devastating http://www.naiaonline.org/body/articles/archives/wolf_rec.htm | |
74. Red Wolves Of Alligator River: NC Zoo Records Third Birth Of Endangered Red Wolv Red wolves of Alligator River Field Diaries NC Zoo Records Third Birth of endangered Red wolves NC Zoo Records Third Birth of endangered Red wolves by Rod http://www.fieldtripearth.org/article.xml?id=995 |
75. Red Wolves Of Alligator River: Endangered Woodpecker Makes A Home In Red Wolf Ha These lands support several protected and endangered species, including the red wolf and the redcockaded woodpecker (RCW). The http://www.fieldtripearth.org/article.xml?id=697 |
76. Wolf Downlisting Proposed For these two regions, downlisting of wolves from endangered to Threatened could lead to lethal depredation control approaching the proportions currently http://www.friendsofanimals.org/wolves/downlst.htm |
77. Endangered Wolves In some states where the wolf still hangs on, people continue to kill them inspite of their protection under the Federal endangered Species Act. http://www.usd314.k12.ks.us/curriculum7/wolves/courtney Wolves.html | |
78. "Endangered Wolves Are Endangering Rancher's Livelihood:," Claims Country Cousin endangered wolves are endangering rancher s livelihood . Link to Story from Salmon, Idaho, Correspondent and my reaction. 89-98 (updated 8-19-98). http://www.forwolves.org/ralph/moyer-pack.htm | |
79. GORP - Top 10 Endangered Species - Gray Wolf endangered Species List, a move that could spur states like Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho to implement management policies that open hunting season on wolves http://gorp.away.com/gorp/activity/wildlife/endangered_species_2.htm | |
80. Gray Wolves To Remain On Endangered List Gray wolves to Remain on endangered List. ALASKA UNAFFECTED Feds won t delist them until Wyoming can protect them. Becky Bohrer http://www.shewolfworks.com/wolfsong/news/Alaska_current_events_495.htm | |
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