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21. Wolves Wildlife, wolves, endangered Species at SMART Projects http//www.ed.uri.edu/moresmart/Veazie.html This site contains several links to wolf sites. http://eduscapes.com/42explore/wolves.htm | |
22. Duluth News Tribune | 05/05/2003 | West's Wolves May Remain On Endangered List West's wolves may remain on endangered list. WILDLIFEWyoming's plan designating wolves as predators may delay the nolonger endangered animal. Delisting of wolves in the Great Lakes http://www.duluthsuperior.com/mld/duluthsuperior/news/5789141.htm | |
23. Gray Wolf -- Kids' Planet -- Defenders Of Wildlife STATUS Gray wolves are listed as endangered in the Southwest under the endangered Species Act (ESA) and threatened throughout the lower 48 states. http://www.kidsplanet.org/factsheets/wolf.html | |
24. AMNH - Expedition : Endangered In 1974 the wolf was placed under the protection of the endangered Species Act. In 1994, the US Fish and Wildlife Service introduced Canadian wolves into Yellow http://www.amnh.org/nationalcenter/Endangered/wolf/wolf.html | |
25. Endangered Species ............. But all wolves are endangered, and their numbers are declining rapidly in some areas; in other places, with man s help, they are doing better. http://www.geocities.com/thesciencefiles/endangered/endangered.html | |
26. NPR : Endangered Wolves Make A Comeback endangered wolves Make a Comeback Yellowstone Restoration Project Success Could Lead to Delisting. http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=1682559 |
27. NPR : Endangered Wolves Make Comeback, Part 2 NPR s Elizabeth Arnold presents the second of two reports on the debate over removing wolves from the endangered Species List. Bringing http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=1687056 |
28. CNN.com - Michigan Wolves No Longer Endangered - May 7, 2004 Science Space. Michigan wolves no longer endangered. RELATED. Â Fish and Wildlife Service Gray wolf. YOUR EMAIL ALERTS. endangered species. Michigan. Natural http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/space/05/07/wolf.recovery.ap/ |
29. CNN.com - U.S. Appeals Court Upholds Rules To Protect Endangered Animals - Augus WASHINGTON (CNN) The federal government s longrunning effort to save the endangered red wolves has won a big court battle. The http://www.cnn.com/2000/LAW/08/29/endangered.red.wolves/ | |
30. Wolf On The Rebound Undoing our mistakes POSTED 14 JULY 2000 wolves are doing so well that they may be removed from endangered status. Credit the successful http://whyfiles.org/015species_restore/ | |
31. Midwestern Wolves The natural recovery of Midwestern wolves is echoed among some other showy has recommended that the bald eagle lose protection of the endangered Species Act. http://whyfiles.org/015species_restore/intro_main4.html | |
32. Grey Wolf (Canis Lupus) Status lone wolves or pairs, 10 individuals. Highly endangered. Status lingering, probably only lone wolves or pairs, 100 individuals. endangered. http://www.canids.org/SPPACCTS/greywolf.htm | |
33. Vaccination Of Ethiopian Wolves Against Rabies Species Survival Commission. Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme (EWCP). Press release 31 October 2003 - Addis Ababa. Rabies in endangered Ethiopian wolves. http://www.canids.org/bulletins/EW_rabies.htm | |
34. Management Goal And Criteria For Determining Endangered, Threatened Or Delisted The Wisconsin DNR proposes to delist wolves as neither state endangered or threatened when a late winter count of 250 wolves are achieved outside of Native http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/land/er/publications/wolfplan/plan4.htm | |
35. Gray Wolf - National Wildlife Federation Wolf Spirit Returns to Idaho The Nez Perce Indians bring a spiritual dimension to efforts to restore endangered gray wolves to former habitat. http://www.nwf.org/wildlife/graywolf/ | |
36. Endangered Animal Printouts - EnchantedLearning.com Red Wolf Red wolves are endangered carnivores from the eastern USA. Right Whale Baleen whales with a huge head and an arched mouth. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/coloring/endangered.shtml | |
37. SchoolWorld Endangered Species Project: Arctic Wolf The wolf is endangered because man and other wolves hunt it and because of pollution. The problem is that the poachers are killing too many wolves. http://www.schoolworld.asn.au/species/arcwolf.html | |
38. SchoolWorld Endangered Species Project: Grey Wolf It is believed the large herds would provide more than enough food for the wolves. Summary I knew that it was already endangered. I knew that it ate rabbits. http://www.schoolworld.asn.au/species/wolf2.html | |
39. Gray Wolves Stockholm. Mech, LD, and SH Fritts. 1987. Parvovirus and heartworm found in Minnesota wolves. endangered Species Tech. Bull. 12(5 http://biology.usgs.gov/s t/frame/c036.htm |
40. MEXICAN GRAY WOLF ENDANGERED - Green Earth Journal After passage of the endangered Species Act the last five wolves known to exist in Mexico were captured for an emergency captive breeding program. http://www.greenjournal.com/article620.asp | |
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