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1. More SMART Projects WILDLIFE, WOLVES, ENDANGERED SPECIES. PROJECT OVERVIEW Are wolves endangered? Students can learn about where the wolves are endangered. Geography/science tool. http://www.ed.uri.edu/moresmart/Veazie.html | |
2. Wolf Country, Endangered Wolves, Conservation Why are wolves endangered? ( main page) There are many reasons why wolves are endangered, Most people used to be afraid of wolves and thought they were http://www.wolfcountry.net/information/WolfEndangered.shtml | |
3. International Wolf Center Intermediate Info - Are Wolves Endangered Are wolves endangered? Updated July 2000. Endangered species money spent on wolves could be used to help save other, more endangered species. http://www.wolf.org/wolves/learn/intermed/inter_mgmt/endangered.asp | |
4. International Wolf Center Intermediate Wolf Information Depredation (9 items). Are wolves endangered. IUCN Manifesto on Wolf Conservation. Federal Process of Reclassification and the Endangered Species Act (4 items). http://www.wolf.org/wolves/learn/intermed/inter_mgmt/fed_process.asp | |
5. Wolves: Endangered Species The wolves will be all right, he says. Edmonton Journalm Reports Special Places 2000 Endangered Species of Western Canada. http://raysweb.net/species-ej/pages/wolves.html | |
6. Endangered Up. Why are wolves endangered? There are many reasons, Most people used to be afraid of wolves and thought they were dangerous to humans. http://www.geocities.com/pilotwolf143/endangered.htm | |
7. Timber Wolf In 1975, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources declared timber wolves endangered. A wolf research program was initiated in 1979. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/land/er/factsheets/mammals/wolf.htm | |
8. Wolves Endangered No More wolves endangered no more. Friday list. Wolves in the Southwest will continue to be listed as endangered under a rule announced this week. http://timberwolfinformation.org/info/archieve/newspapers/viewnews.cfm?ID=652 |
9. New Page 2 Algonquin wolves endangered by Delay. Wolves in Algonquin Park are genetically similar to the endangered red wolf of the southeastern United States. http://www.earthroots.org/cgi/cms/cgi-news.pl?article=2001-05-04-988989477 |
10. Most-Endangered Wolves May Be Saved By Vaccine This is a news story brought to you by nationalgeographic.com and the National Geographic Society. The Ethiopian wolf (Canis simensis) is the most endangered species in the group of animals known http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/09/0927_020927_wolf.html | |
11. Endangered Species-Gray & Red Wolves-A Fight For Survival Dedicated to the endangered gray and red wolves. http://members.tripod.com/~whitefox4/EndangeredSpeciesindex-3.html | |
12. Keep Wolves On Endangered Species List Petition Keep wolves on endangered Species List Sign and create online petitions for human rights, the environment and much more. We the undersigned, endorse the following petition Keep wolves on endangered Species List Note This Keep wolves on endangered Species List petition was submitted by Fiona Oliver http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/893434917 | |
13. Help Save The Wolves rule classifying gray wolves in most of the Lower 48 states as merely threatened rather than endangered has just been Gale Norton toward putting wolves under the control of states http://www.savewolves.org/ | |
14. USATODAY.com - Wolf: Endangered Or 'wildlife Terrorist?' Seven years ago next month, a male wolf burst out of its opened travel crate and bounded into the snowy wilderness along the Salmon River, the first of 35 released in Idaho through a federal Posted 12/21/2002 600 AM. Wolf endangered or 'wildlife terrorist and Oregon State Grange have petitioned the state to remove wolves from the state's list of endangered species http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2002-12-21-wolves-feature_x.htm | |
15. Arctic Wolves - Pictures, Breeders, Arctic Wolf Babies Facts about the endangered status, habitat, range, and diet of this mammal. Includes photos. http://www.arctic-wolves.com | |
16. WESA-A-GEH-YA.ORG - Welcome To The Online Home Of The Catlady Sanctuary. Nonprofit organization dedicated to the rescue and survival of endangered species, including tigers, lions, cougars and wolves. http://www.wesa-a-geh-ya.org/ | |
17. CNN.com - U.S. Appeals Court Upholds Rules To Protect Endangered Animals - Augus CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/LAW/08/29/endangered.red.wolves/index.html | |
18. Wolf Country, Information And Education Site About Wolves Wolf sanctuary in Ohio with information on wolf communication, pups, the pack, and why wolves are endangered. http://www.wolfcountry.net/ | |
19. Red Wolf, Canis Rufus, US Fish Wildlife Service USFWS logo, Red wolf Canis rufus. Status endangered. USFWS photo, Steve Masloiski. A 16 page, full color brochure, endangered Red wolves produced in October 1997. http://endangered.fws.gov/i/a04.html |
20. Wolf On The Rebound 1. wolves. endangered? 2. wolves on the rebound History of extermination. 4. Midwestern wolves. 5. Causes of extinction http://whyfiles.news.wisc.edu/015species_restore | |
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