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61. Alaska Wildlife Watching Trips- wildlife watching guidelines are followed so we view and photograph animals June,attracting predators such as wolves, grizzly bears, wolverine, foxes, eagles http://web.acsalaska.net/~erukwild/wildlife.htm | |
62. 4 W AIR-ALASKA WILDLIFE BEARS MOOSE CARIBOU SHEEP EAGLES On some occassions, we might even spot a WOLF or wolverine! We offera MULTITUDE OF OPTIONS for the wildlife watcher and photographer. http://www.alaska.net/~fourwair/4wawlife.htm | |
63. Population Ecology Of Scandinavian Wolverines among individuals and years, suggesting that wolverine population dynamics isstrongly characterized by stochastic components. wildlife managers should http://diss-epsilon.slu.se/archive/00000205/ | |
64. On-line Wildlife Research Publications WJ; Kucera, TE, eds., American Marten, Fisher, Lynx, and wolverine Survey Methodsfor The wildlife Society, California North Coast Chapter, Arcata, CA 127 p. http://www.fs.fed.us/psw/rsl/pubs/onlinewild.html | |
65. Critter Crossings - Four Tools To Assess Wildlife Linkage Areas (Text Only Versi at Cle Elum) have created a variety of vegetation zones and associated wildlifecommunities. Wideranging large carnivores like lynx and wolverine have been http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/wildlifecrossings/linktext.htm | |
66. Upland Wildlife In contrast to wolverine, the majority of verified lynx locations corresponded to Whatwildlife species are extinct, federally listed, or otherwise at risk? http://www.co.missoula.mt.us/measures/uplandwildlife.htm | |
67. NR031212: Twelve Days Of Christmas: Wolverine If we protect a variety of habitat, then we protect a variety of wildlife. Speciessuch as wolverine need a diverse range of habitat features to survive in the http://www.albertawilderness.ca/News/NR2003/NR031212/NR031212.htm | |
68. Furbearer Management Fish wildlife Division district offices will issue a direct payment of$5.00 to trappers for each fisher and wolverine carcass submitted. http://www.albertaoutdoorsmen.ca/trappingregs/furbearer-management.htm | |
69. Wolverine -- Encyclopædia Britannica , The wolverine Foundation Nonprofit organization of wildlife scientists engagedin conducting research on the wolverine and its habitat and creating awareness http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=79443 |
70. Wolverine Carcasses It is mandatory that the entire and intact carcass of all wolverine beturned into Fish, wildlife Parks in good condition, at the time the pelt is http://www.montanatrappers.org/furbearers/wolverine.htm | |
71. Wildlife Gateway Links back to top, Also constructed in 1997 for $180,000 (Canadian), the wolverine underpassis a Track beds are the means by which wildlife crossings are monitored. http://itre.ncsu.edu/cte/gateway/banff_fieldtrip.html | |
72. Species Status Reports - Wolverine The eastern race of wolverine is classified as endangered by COSEWIC (ConventionOn the Status of Endangered wildlife In Canada), while the western race is http://www.taiga.net/wmac/researchplan/reports/wolverine.html | |
73. Wildlife Crossing to grizzly bears, black bears, wolves, mountain lions, lynx, wolverine, fishers and somethingprofound and important is happening to wildlife ecosystems, that http://lynx.uio.no/lynx/nancy/news/mojy986j.htm | |
74. Press Releases The certification of wolverine Power Supply Western Indiana REMC shows the commitmentthat these utility companies have made to benefit wildlife while providing http://www.nwtf.org/nwtf_newsroom/press_releases.php?id=10198 |
75. The Wolverine Message Board: I Did A Google Search For Canadian Wildlife....nt I did a google search for canadian wildlife .nt Posted by fear on 4/24/2004,448 pm, in reply to Loving the nature shot of a wolverine http://members3.boardhost.com/WolverineX/msg/2271.html | |
76. Lansing State Journal:Wolverine Pays State Rare Visit Raymond Rustem, supervisor of the natural heritage unit in the DNR s wildlife Division,said the wolverine is far from what would be considered its nearest http://www.lsj.com/news/local/040226_wolverine_1a.html | |
77. Press Release 04/16/04 - WOLVERINE ROADKILL UNFORTUNATE YET PROVIDES VALUABLE IN Green River. For more information on the wildlife Conservation Societyand the wolverine study log on to their home page at WGFD-. http://gf.state.wy.us/services/news/pressreleases/04/04/16/040416_3.asp | |
78. MNR News Sightings can be reported to Project wolverine c/o wildlife Assessment Program,Ministry of Natural Resources, RR 1, 25th Side Road, Thunder Bay, ON, P7C 4T9 http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/csb/news/nov5nr01.html | |
79. The Daily Camera: News In July, the Louisvillebased Biodiversity Legal Foundation filed a petitionwith Fish and wildlife to list the wolverine under the act. http://web.dailycamera.com/science/environment/25awolv.html | |
80. Wildlife Status Reports - Alberta Sustainable Resource Development No frames copy here http://www3.gov.ab.ca/srd/fw/status/reports/wolv/ | |
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