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1. Banner2b wild Northern Rockies. American Wildlands is working hard to protectthese wildlife populations. Wolverine. The wolverine is the http://www.wildlands.org/l_wolverine.html | |
2. Wolverine: Wildlife Notebook Series - Alaska Department Of Fish And Game Wolverine fox species description from the Alaska Departmentof Fish and Game Wildlife Notebook Series. http://www.adfg.state.ak.us/pubs/notebook/furbear/wolverin.php | |
3. NDIS Wolverine Wildlife Page Wildlife Wolverine Page. Wolverine Specific Links GAP Habitat Map GeneralWildlife Links Colorado Audubon Colorado Birding Society Rocky Mnt. http://ndis.nrel.colostate.edu/wildlifespx.asp?SpCode=051071 |
4. News From Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks A creature of legend, the wolverine is also known as devil bear, carcajou, or woods devil in various parts of the country. Its scientific name, Gulo gulo, means glutton. The wolverine has a thick http://www.fwp.state.mt.us/news/show.aspx?id=2338 |
5. Defenders Of Wildlife - Wildlife - Wolverine wildlife together with Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund, Northwest Ecosystem Alliance, and the KlamathSiskiyou Wildlands Center . The wolverine the wolverine actually obtains http://www.defenders.org/wildlife/new/meso/wolverine.html | |
6. DNR Wildlife Biologist Confirms Sighting Of Wolverine In Huron County DNR wildlife biologist confirms sighting of wolverine in Huron County the natural heritage unit in the DNR's wildlife Division, said the wolverine in Huron County is far from what http://www.freep.com/news/latestnews/pm18612_20040225.htm | |
7. The Wolverine Foundation - Main Page The wolverine Foundation, Inc. was formed in 1996 to promote interest in thewolverine s status and ecological role in the world wildlife community. http://www.wolverinefoundation.org/ | |
8. Wildlife... The Caribou wolverine is one of the rarest mammals. They live in a wide variety of habitats from forested valleys to alpine and arctic tundra where there is abundant wildlife http://www.goals.com/thayer/gota/wildlife/wolverine.htm | |
9. Banner2b mountain lion, wolverine, and seven species of ungulates including the moose, bighornsheep, bison, mule deer, and elk. These majestic wildlife populations http://www.wildlands.org/l_wildlife.html | |
10. ARCTIC ANIMALS - Polar Bear, Caribou, Musk Ox, Wolverine, Arctic Fox, Lemming, G ARCTIC wildlife. How animals are adapted to live in the Arctic. polar bear caribou- musk ox - wolf - wolverine arctic fox - ermine - lemming - arctic hare http://www.saskschools.ca/~gregory/arctic/Awildlife.html | |
11. 7.1 CHAPTER 7 CARNIVORES EFFECTS OF RECREATION ON ROCKY MOUNTAIN Conard/fisher, marten, wolverine wildlife Biologist, Beaverhead National Forest Youmans/fisher, marten, wolverine wildlife Biologist, Montana Fish, wildlife Parks, Helena http://www.montanatws.org/7carn.pdf |
12. THE WOLVERINE - Information (Canadian Animals, Arctic Wildlife) THE wolverine. The wolverine is not related to the wolf or the bear. Thewolverine eats mice, rats and other small mammals, birds and eggs. http://www.saskschools.ca/~gregory/animals/wolverine.html | |
13. Wolverine - Wildlife Status Reports - Alberta Sustainable Resource Development Petersen, S. 1997. Status of the wolverine (Gulo gulo) in Alberta. Alberta EnvironmentalProtection, wildlife Management Division, wildlife Status Report No. http://www3.gov.ab.ca/srd/fw/status/reports/wolv/body.html | |
14. Fish And Wildlife Service Petitioned To List The Wolverine As petitioned the U.S. Fish and wildlife Service to list the wolverine as a threatened or endangered The wolverine petition was filed by the Biodiversity Legal Foundation (BLF) of http://www.r1.fws.gov/news/2000/2000-144.htm |
15. Wildlife And Nature: Wolverine - British Columbia.com and wildlife Viewing in British Columbia wolverine on BritishColumbia.com.Search, Ad. Category, wildlife and Nature - wolverine. http://www.britishcolumbia.com/Wildlife/wildlife/landmammals/fn/fn_wolverine.htm | |
16. THE WOLVERINE - Information (Canadian Animals, Arctic Wildlife) the wolverine web pages about Canadian animals THE wolverine. The wolverine is not related to the wolf or the bear The wolverine eats mice, rats and other small mammals, birds and eggs http://www.stormloader.com/mrsg/animals/wolverine.html | |
17. BUSH ADMINISTRATION REFUSES TO LIST WOLVERINE AS AN ENDANGERED SPECIES WASHINGTON, DC Defenders of wildlife today decried the Bush Administration srefusal to consider listing the wolverine as an endangered or threatened http://www.defenders.org/releases/pr2003/pr102203.html | |
18. Muskoka Wildlife Centre Here at the Muskoka wildlife Centre, we believe people protect only what August 19,2003. Come see the wolverines! wolverine births in captivity are VERY RARE! http://www.muskokawildlifecentre.com/ | |
19. Biogeography Of Wolverine (Gulo Gulo) Legal Foundation and Predator Project, two American nonprofit groups, petitionedthe US Fish and wildlife Service (FWS) to list the wolverine as threatened or http://bss.sfsu.edu/geog/bholzman/courses/Fall00Projects/wolverine.html | |
20. Wolverine Detailed Information - Montana Animal Field Guide Map North American wolverine Range Map, statewide scale. Related Information. Pleasevisit the following pages for more infomation from Fish, wildlife Parks http://www.fwp.state.mt.us/fieldguide/detail_AMAJF03010.aspx | |
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