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81. People And Culture Of Senegal Musical Instruments Art Craft PEOPLE The population Je suis perdu(e). Je ne comprend pas le wolof. RELIGION Muslim 92%, indigenous beliefs 6%, Christian 2 http://www.africaguide.com/country/senegal/culture.htm | |
82. God's Bits Of Wood - Les Bouts De Bois De Dieu Faat Kine (2000) In wolof and French with English with readers the customs of indigenous life in Ousmane presents complex people that create strategy as they http://www.wmich.edu/dialogues/texts/godsbitsofwood.htm | |
83. Arms Of Love International Senegal is a country of about 10 million people, of which spoken in Senegal, but there are also many indigenous languages, the most prominent being wolof. http://www.armsoflove.org/where_senegal_background.htm | |
84. The World Fact Page 1.95% (1999 est.) HIV/AIDS people living with HIV Muslim 90%, Christian 9%, indigenous beliefs 1% Languages English (official), Mandinka, wolof, Fula, other http://www.africanculture.dk/gambia/backgrnd.htm | |
85. Historian: The Oral History And Literature Of The Wolof People Of Waalo, Norther a useful understanding of the wolof people s religious, cultural failure to examine wolof institutional systems view that numerous indigenous institutions have http://articles.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2082/is_n2_v60/ai_20412920 | |
86. GambiaReisen Products And Dyola, Englisch (U.K.), Fulani, Malinke, Soninke, Wolo People. Population 1,455,842 (July 2002 est.). Languages English (official), Mandinka, wolof, Fula, other indigenous vernaculars. http://www.worldlanguage.com/German/Countries/Gambia.htm | |
87. Gambia - Wikitravel Language, English (official), Mandinka, wolof, Fula, other indigenous vernaculars. Religion, Muslim 90%, Christian 9%, indigenous beliefs 1%. People. http://wikitravel.org/en/article/Gambia | |
88. Welcome To The Gambia People. Top of Page. Population 1,291,858 (July 1998 est.). Languages English (official), Mandinka, wolof, Fula, other indigenous vernaculars. http://www.middleeastnews.com/Gambia.html | |
89. Partners International the work and needs of the indigenous ministries we of Ghana, pray for God to prepare people to receive the hearts of entire families in the wolof and Serer http://www.partnersintl.org/index.cfm?FuseAction=Prayer&Nav=Involved |
90. Worldstats: Providing Information About Our World! People Languages Copyright worldstats.org sqlreflection0 English (official), Mandinka, wolof, Fula, other indigenous vernaculars. Government http://www.worldstats.org/world/gambia.shtml | |
91. Typophile Forums: Foreign Languages Fonts the white population, German 32%, indigenous languages Oshivambo centers Senegal French (official), wolof, Pulaar, Jola the first language of most people is one http://www.typophile.com/forums/messages/14800/18836.html?1072891891 |
92. Country Reports people ages 65 and over make up 3% of the Religions Muslim 90%, Christian 9%, indigenous beliefs 1 Languages English (official), Mandinka, wolof, Fula, other http://www.classbrain.com/cb_cr/geos/ga.html |
93. The Oral Tradition - Drumming of Bamako in Mali, and the people inhabiting it rhythms, instruments and eventually, texts in wolof and other The addition of the indigenous tama drum with its http://www.si.umich.edu/chico/UMS/Drummers/drumming.html | |
94. The Gambia People. Population 989,273 (July 1995 est.). Languages English (official), Mandinka, wolof, Fula, other indigenous vernaculars. http://www.ems.psu.edu/~williams/states/ga.htm |
95. CWS Announces International Moringa Conference Here is an indigenous nutritional supplement that people can opportunistic infections that HIVinfected people die from a sauce called Mboum in wolof and served http://www.ncccusa.org/news/00news38.html | |
96. Gambia, The History And Geography People. Top of Page. Population 1,367,124 (July 2000 est.). Languages English (official), Mandinka, wolof, Fula, other indigenous vernaculars. http://www.worldhistory.com/geos/ga.htm | |
97. THE PEOPLE of overshadowing and eventually eradicating other indigenous languages of they were the dominant people of the to become assimilated into the wolof culture and http://www.lclark.edu/~nicole/SENEGAL/PEOPLE.HTM | |
98. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Religions Muslim 92%, indigenous EmilianoRomagnolo Italy 2 3 Mazanderani Iran 1 3 wolof Senegal 7 Languages Spoken by at Least 1 Million People The World http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_almanacs |
99. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Mauritania : Land And People (Mauritania Political Geogr Mauritania mOritA´nEu Pronunciation Key Land and People. use Hasaniya Arabic, which, along with wolof, is an Other indigenous languages such as Pular and http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/M/Mauritan-land-and-people.html | |
100. Gambia - Countrywatch.com language, however, there are several indigenous languages that of the main languages include Mandinka, wolof, and Fula as more and more young people come to http://aol.countrywatch.com/aol_topic.asp?vCOUNTRY=63&SECTION=SOCIAL&TOPIC=CLPEO |
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