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21. Questionnaire: Candy Cassell, School Board, Sugarland Run - Loudoun Election - E Air Rights Center Suite 601 North Tower 7315 wisconsin Avenue Bethesda of Parents(LEAP) League of Women Voters Various ptos and ptas (continuing memberships http://www.connectionnewspapers.com/article.asp?article=29779&paper=79&cat=167 |
22. 'A Ghetto Within A Ghetto' - Volume 17 No. 3 - Spring 2003 - Rethinking Schools support specialist for the Community Parent Resource Center of wisconsin FACETS ofa disabled child, you are not welcome at the ptas and ptos because, guess http://www.rethinkingschools.org/archive/17_03/ghet173.shtml | |
23. MizMoz Directory - Organizations Councils for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas. Milwaukee PTA Council Councilresource for wisconsin PTA hints Montclair Council of ptas - Council provides http://www.mizmoz.com/dir/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/Councils/ | |
24. FAQs is open to commuity groups, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, ptas/ptos, home school SouthDakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Minnesota, wisconsin, and Michigan http://members.aol.com/montanacq/faqs.html | |
25. School Fundraising Our 5 fundraising programs are designed for elementary school ptas and ptos, preschools,scout University of wisconsin Madison Grants Information Center http://www.1-fundraisers-fundraising.com/school-fundraising.asp | |
26. Chicken Run ptas have been replaced by ptos less dominated The alternative is not the stiflingvillage life that Michael Lesy exposed in his wisconsin Death Trap http://www.inequality.org/barber2.html | |
27. DirZilla - Powered By The Open Directory Project to helping parent teacher groups (like ptos and ptas Resources for South Carolinaptas including leadership wisconsin PTA Resources for South Carolina ptas http://dirzilla.com/ODP/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA | |
28. Welcome To The Jump$tart Coalition For Personal Financial Literacy Charge Promote personal finance education in all wisconsin schools. and privatepartnerships to provide financial education; Work with ptas, ptos and public http://www.jumpstartcoalition.org/stcoaltxf.cfm?state=WI |
29. Organizations Education PTA Councils Tematics.net for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas. Milwaukee PTA Council wisconsin the Council resource for Montclair Council of ptas NJ - the Council provides http://directory.tematics.net/index.php/Top/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/ |
30. Boop.ca Everyone S Portal the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas. meetings and school district informationfor California ptas. PTA Council Council resource for wisconsin PTA hints http://www.boop.ca/boop/cgi-bin/odp/index.cgi?base=/Society/Organizations/Educat |
31. Society Organizations Education PTA Councils Polish Yellow Pages information for the Council serving ptas and ptos. Milwaukee PTA Council wisconsin- the Council resource for PTA Mobile County Council of ptas- AL - Council http://www.yellowpages.pl/ca/187297/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/Councils | |
32. HighIndex - Society: Organizations: Education: PTA: Councils for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas. Milwaukee PTA Council wisconsin the Council resource for Mobile County Council of ptas AL - Council mission http://www.highindex.com/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/Councils/ | |
33. Funding Opportunities members of Parent Teacher Associations (ptas) or Parent Teacher Organizations (ptos)are also to efforts within Minnesota, wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois http://www.dubina.com/Fundsnet/Donors/notices08.asp | |
34. Www.manages.com: Council, Links, Local, Units, Resources, Online, Ptas, Resource the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas. Milwaukee PTA Council wisconsin - theCouncil resource for Montclair Council of ptas - NJ - the Council provides http://www.manages.com/Directory/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/Councils/ | |
35. Fashion Newsrat: Your Source For Fashion News On Little League Baseball wisconsin State Journal, WI Courthouse security beefed up civic activities, beginningwith School ptos, presidency of drives, Toys for Tots, ptas and Little http://www.newsrat.com/fashion/designers/Little_League_Baseball.html | |
36. School Clothes Resources And Stores - Come2Shop.com Products from A to Z for teachers, principals, ptas, ptos and Parents Tennessee»Alabama» Auburn» Florida» Georgia» LSUThe BIG 10» wisconsin» Ohio State http://www.come2shop.com/resources/school_clothes.php | |
37. Walhello.com - Internet Search 86. milwaukee pta council council resource for wisconsin pta hints, meetings and organizationinformation for the council serving ptas and ptos in kansas http://www.walhello.info/da/top/society/organizations/education/pta/councils | |
38. Councils com/site/0,1876,53529147930-56-8307,00.html wisconsin - the Council orgs/info/lsacOrganization information for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas http://www.directory.net/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/Councils/ | |
39. Councils Website Directory Milwaukee PTA Council Council resource for wisconsin PTA hints, meetings and Organizationinformation for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas. http://www.linkspider.org/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/Councils/ | |
40. Webeverything.co.uk Top > Society > Organizations > Education > PTA > Councils for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas Milwaukee PTA Council wisconsin the Council resource for Sewanhaka Central Council of ptas NY - Working Papers http://www.webeverything.co.uk/directory/187297.html | |
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