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1. JS Online: Some PTAs Say They're Fed Up With Fund Raising Appleton, Waukesha and Whitefish Bay, ptas and ptos have reduced the ways they squeeze debating it, said wisconsin PTA President Winnie Doxsie. ptas, which unlike ptos are under the http://www.jsonline.com/news/wauk/sep00/pta04090300a.asp | |
2. The Latest PTO/PTA News | PTO Today PTOtoday is dedicated to helping school parent groups (like ptos and ptas) help their schools with information on fundraising, playgrounds, parent involvement and more. JULY 8, 2003 wisconsin middle school students transform their dreary auditorium into a work of art. at continuing trend of ptas switching to ptos. PTO Today's Tim Sullivan http://www.ptotoday.com/currentnews.html | |
3. Plano ISD ENews Registration Information Virgin Islands. Virginia. Washington. West Virginia. wisconsin. Wyoming. Yukon Territory Dallas Morning News. Campus ptas/ptos. School Board Members http://elist.pisd.edu/getinfo.php | |
4. Plano ISD ENews Registration Information Virgin Islands. Virginia. Washington. West Virginia. wisconsin. Wyoming. Yukon Territory Organizaciones de voluntario escolares ptas/ptos. Miembros de la Junta de Educación http://elist.pisd.edu/getinfo_sp.php | |
5. Education Teachers Directory Of Wisconsin from A to Z. For teachers, principals, ptas, ptos, and parents. http://wisconsin.uscity.net/Education/Teachers/ | |
6. The Role Of The PTA - Wisconsin - GreatSchools.net The PTO site provides information on how ptos differ from ptas and how http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/wi/29/parent | |
7. PTO - PTA Fundraiser Ideas/ PTO - PTA Fundraisers / PTO - PTA Fundraising Washington Fundraising. West Virginia Fundraising. wisconsin Fundraising. Wyoming Fundraising Promotions for ptas and ptos PTA-PTO fundraiser special http://www.fundraiser-finder.com/fundraising-cat/pto-pta.php | |
8. Funds For You Fundraising Funds For You provides fund raising products for schools, ptas, ptos, and other non profit organizations throughout Southern wisconsin with the highest profits backed by quality and service.. Our http://www.fundsforyou.net/ | |
9. Funds For You Fundraising Funds For You provides fund raising products for schools, ptas, ptos, and other non profit organizations within Southern wisconsin with the highest profits backed by quality and service. Our http://webpages.charter.net/heinecke | |
10. The Role Of The PTA - California - GreatSchools.net West Virginia. wisconsin. Wyoming. Sign up for our free newsletters to help your child succeed in school provides information on how ptos differ from ptas and how you can join http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/ca/29/parentPTA | |
11. Multistate Tax Commission wisconsin. Agency wisconsin Dept. School Groups (eg, clubs, bands, teams) Exempt (See Note 2). ptas - Exempt (See Note 2). ptos - Exempt (See Note 2). http://www.fundraisetaxlaw.org/wi.html | |
12. Consolidated Plan Faculty. Students. Parents. ptas and ptos. CESA 4. Themes 6. Questions Hasyour district adopted and adapted the wisconsin Model Academic Standards? http://www.cesa4.k12.wi.us/programs-services/esea/consolidatedplan.htm | |
13. News Transcript - Bulletin Board of the Phi Sigma Theta National Honor Society at the University of wisconsinMadison toaddress residents The Marlboro K-8 school district ptas, ptos and SCOPE http://newstranscript.gmnews.com/News/2004/0324/Bulletin_Board/ | |
14. Fundraising Special Events / Shows / Fairs Etc. Fundraisers Washington Fundraising. West Virginia Fundraising. wisconsin Fundraising. Wyoming Fundraising Operation Bookworm ptas/ptos can offer Operation Bookworm books as a way to earn money http://www.fundraiser-finder.com/fundraising-cat/special-events-5.php | |
15. Editorial Matters By SANDRA KALLIO/wisconsin State Journal that not every family is going to want tobe involved in the particular activities that ptos and ptas are involved http://editorialmatters.lee.net/articles/2004/05/20/stories/features/efea098.txt | |
16. Education: PTA: Councils Organization information for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas Council resourcefor wisconsin PTA hints, meetings and updates Montclair Council of ptas. http://www.puredirectory.com/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/Councils/ | |
17. Councils Milwaukee PTA Council wisconsin - the Council resource for PTA hints Council -Organization information for the Council serving ptas and ptos in Kansas. http://www.1arbeer.com/Society/Organizations/Education/PTA/Councils/ | |
18. Should Parents Pay To Participate? : February/March 2003 | PTO Today While ptas must pay national dues, that is not Other ptos that don t charge membershipfees make psychology at the University of wisconsinÂMadison, supports http://www.ptotoday.com/0303membership.html | |
19. Rent-A-Center Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, Virginia, wisconsin and Washington vIndividual K12 schools (including proms, graduations, ptos and ptas). http://www.rentacenter.com/viewcompany.asp?Category={47C3D549-AC42-4948-8811-630 |
20. ENC Online: Curriculum Resources: Changing Perspectives (ENC-018215, Table Of Co building parenting skills through parent child activities For ptas and ptos newways seminar model A university course model The wisconsin Academy Staff http://www.enc.org/resources/records/contents/0,1240,018215,00.shtm | |
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