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Wisconsin K-12 Schools: more detail | ||||
41. Wisconsin k12 Public and Private School Student Academic Performance. Mr. Judd Schemmel, Executive Director wisconsin Council of District Web site www.madison.k12.wi.us http://www.heritage.org/Research/Education/Schools/wisconsin.cfm | |
42. K-12 Schools With LD Programs, USA The Churchill School (Grades k12) 301 East 29th Street New York, NY 10016 212-722 0429 215-862-5261 215-862-3366 (fax) adm@solebury.pvt.k12.pa.us http wisconsin. http://www.ldresources.com/resources/k-12.html | |
43. Wisconsin Updates- Technology Counts '99 When wisconsin set up an agency to integrate technology into all of the state s The state plans to spend $152 million on technology in k12 schools during the http://www.edweek.org/sreports/tc99/states/wi99.htm | |
44. EERE: Energy Education And Training - Energy Education Programs and involve students in energy conservation in their schools and homes. wisconsin k12 Energy Education Program Promotes energy education in wisconsin through http://www.eere.energy.gov/education/energy_education.html | |
45. WDNR - Mercury: Wisconsin Mercury Reduction Program The wisconsin Green schools program is a new web based, voluntary program available to all public and private k12 schools across wisconsin. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/caer/cea/mercury/program.htm | |
46. MGE - Solar In Schools See live data at Host schools. Teachers, school district staff, MGE and the wisconsin k12 Energy Education Program staff created educational materials to make http://www.mge.com/environment/solar/schools.htm | |
47. Virtual Schools, Real Concerns | Csmonitor.com learning is quickly spreading to the k12 arena Larry Kaseman, director of the wisconsin Parents Association Studies Laboratory found that the K12 curriculum was http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0504/p11s02-legn.html | |
48. NEW CONSTRUCTION IN ILLINOIS, IOWA AND WISCONSIN High School. k12 schools - wisconsin. School District of La Crosse, WI. k-12 schools - wisconsin. School District of New Richmond, WI. West Elementary. http://www.woldae.com/hands/nciiw.htm | |
49. Wisconsin State Superintendent Of Schools New Chairman-Elect Of National Service Denver, CO Â Elizabeth Burmaster, wisconsin superintendent of public instruction, has been a nonprofit group that advocates servicelearning in k-12 schools. http://www.ecs.org/clearinghouse/40/58/4058.htm | |
50. K-12 Schools schools Community. Housed in the MSU Writing Center, the Write For Your Life (WFYL) project offers teachers and students in Michigan, wisconsin, New York http://writing.msu.edu/content/schools.html | |
51. Wisconsin Working in disciplinary groups, faculty from throughout the UW system will work with faculty from k12 schools, the wisconsin Department of Public Instruction http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/pbriefs/94/94-1wi.htm | |
52. Rebuild America Community Partnerships 2002 SEP/RBA Conference Press Release Energy Champion Award for EnergySmart schools (k-12) - wisconsinÂs Focus on Energy schools Program. Contacts http://www.rebuild.org/partnerships/communityview.asp?OrganizationID=540 |
53. Board Of Regents - University Of Wisconsin System Board Of Regents program agreements among UW System institutions and partnering with other fouryear institutions, the k-12 schools, and the wisconsin Technical College System. http://www.uwsa.edu/bor/part2.htm | |
54. Apple - Media Analyst Information - Press Releases today announced that major k12 school districts have in New York, Texas and wisconsin will result in reinforcing AppleÂs leadership position in schools. http://www.apple.com/pr/library/1999/mar/18fetcwins.html |
55. UW Oshkosh - Career Services - Jobs: Education competition of the best educational websites by wisconsin students; American School Directory The Internet Guide to researching all 106,000 k12 schools; http://www.uwosh.edu/career/jobpost.html | |
56. Wisconsin Employment Opportunities Bureau of Indian Affairs, in the state of wisconsin. The following schools are funded by the Bureau of ONEIDA NATION SCHOOL SYSTEM Grade Range k12 Posted 5/12 http://www.biaeducationjobs.com/wilst.htm | |
57. Focus On Energy Schools Program The schools Program has been working with the wisconsin k12 EnergyEducation Program to involve teachers and their students in school building energy http://www.focusonenergy.com/page.jsp?SnSessionId=pbSessionValue&pageId=243 |
58. Information And Research Resources At Madison Public Library k12 schools. Charter schools in wisconsin - http//www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/dfm/sms/csindex.html The wisconsin Department of Public Instruction publishes an http://www.madisonpubliclibrary.org/ref/mpl_education.html | |
59. Wisconsin wisconsin. Our dedicated team of professionals has focused on helping clients meet or exceed their goals in Civic/Governmental, Higher Education, k12 schools, http://www.buildingtradesdir.com/architecture/wisconsin/wisconsin.html | |
60. Elton S. Karrmann Library - University Of Wisconsin Platteville the most innovative models of k12 teaching and school reform and the policies that guide schools. ITV) series being broadcast on wisconsin Public Television. http://www.uwplatt.edu/~iml/subject/gen.htmlx | |
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