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41. Makerere University, Faculty Of Agriculture: Staff Resources Return to staff Directory. Office, Names, Qualifications, Specialisation. (wisconsin)M.Sc. Ph.D. (MUK), Agric. Communication/Extention education. Lecturer /Ag. http://www.makerere.ac.ug/agriculture/staff/extension.htm | |
42. Human Services adult continuing education, health education, health, family Under wisconsin Statutes,if asked, UW and Organization Development and Workforce Strategies staff. http://www.nativejobs.com/humanjobs.htm | |
43. Teacher Education | Faculty & Staff Information Elementary education, University of wisconsin, Madison. UniversitySpecial Assistantto the Dean of education. Pennsylvania State University-staff Associate. http://www.mscd.edu/~ted/dptinfo/faculty.shtml | |
44. SETDA's NLI Toolkit 2003 - Executive Summary John O Connell Iowa Department of education Rob Roy - wisconsin Department of USDepartment of education staff. John Bailey Kerri Briggs Cheryl Garnette Laura http://www.setda.org/Toolkit2003/execsum/es6.htm | |
45. Minneapolis Urban League Minnesota is considering adopting the wisconsin model ie no Sam, with the encouragementof staff , decided to try to earn a General education Diploma (GED http://www.mul.org/economicdevelopment.cfm | |
46. FACULTY AND STAFF Business education. Amaewhule, W; MBA Okla, PhD Atla, Prof; Head*. SnrLect; Head*. Other staff 1 Lect I; 2 Lect II. PhD wisconsin; Prof. http://www.rsust.edu.ng/Faculty&staff.htm | |
47. Fennimore, Wisconsin Industrial And Economic Profile - Fennimore Industrial And Rescue Squad Fennimore Volunteer Rescue Squad staff Licensed Emergency CESA 3,education, 90. machinery, equipment inventories are EXEMPT in wisconsin) http://www.fennimore.com/fiedc.html | |
48. LSU Department Of Food Science Faculty and staff. 1978 Ph.D. Nutritional Science, University of wisconsin, 1980Room Title Associate Professor/Graduate Coordinator education PH.D. Food http://www.agctr.lsu.edu/foodscience/faculty.asp | |
49. UofM Course Calendar 2004-2005: Academic Staff - Education - Ph.D. Program Academic staff Faculty of education Ph.D. Program. (Sydney), MA, Ph.D. (wisconsin)Morin, F., ACM (Affiliate Teacher Toronto), BPE, M.Ed. http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/calendar05/staff/education/phd.asp | |
50. UofM Course Calendar 2004-2005: Academic Staff - Education - Curriculum, Teachin Academic staff Faculty of education (wisconsin), B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Manitoba)Rosenstock, SA, BA (Manitoba), MA (North Dakota), Ph.D. (Ohio http://webapps.cc.umanitoba.ca/calendar05/staff/education/curriculum.asp | |
51. National Educational Technology Standards Project By the Executive Director of the National staff Development Council. FAST) A wisconsinprogram described by The wisconsin Center for education Research. http://cnets.iste.org/state/st_resources.html | |
52. Residential Resources - Brain Injury Association Of Wisconsin 24 hour supervision by trained staff, Assistance with and leisure Vocational ServicesSouthern wisconsin Center for and recreation, adult education, Homes on http://www.biaw.org/residential.html | |
53. Bio's Site and Facilities staff. MS, Early Childhood Elementary education, Bank StreetCollege BA, William Smith MS, University of wisconsin BS, Hofstra University. http://www.rdschool.org/Faculty/StaffListing.htm | |
54. BLIND-DEV Archives -- September 2002, Week 2 (#7) CRC Marsha A. Gladhart, Ph.D. University of wisconsin. paper addresses a gap in theeducation literature concerning by which an online support staff may assist http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/CGI/wa.exe?A2=ind0209b&L=blind-dev&F=&S=&P=928 |
55. Employment -- Education staff Development. Ph 1770-734-9904, Fx1-770-734-9709 Project Connect -07/08/2003-147718 Guide Desc University of wisconsin Type Employment education http://www.jobmag.com/em3343.htm | |
56. Staff Directory Southwest wisconsin Technical College About Our College Pluemer, Julie. Curriculum/StaffDevelopment, Extension Schultz, Kurt. Driver s education, Extension 2526, http://www.southwest.tec.wi.us:8070/about/staff_directory/ |
57. CAAP Student Dev. Bibliography and managing your school guidance program staff. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsinat Madison meaningfully involved in children s education (Practicum Report http://www.cs.ocps.net/caap/student_dev/bibliography.htm | |
58. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - SUPERIOR AC/R113 GPR ACCOUNT REDBOOK UNIVERSITY OF wisconsin SUPERIOR AC/R113 GPR ACCOUNT 0 0 42,384 0260671003 ACADSTAFF dev UW-SUPERI 0 0 0 4,976 48,435 0450563207 education OUTREACH 19,111 http://www2.uwsuper.edu/budget/PropFY00/GPRop/bdr113f0.htm | |
59. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - SUPERIOR AC/R113 GPR ACCOUNT REDBOOK UNIVERSITY OF wisconsin SUPERIOR AC/R113 GPR ACCOUNT 0 2,854 45,238 0260671003 ACADSTAFF dev UW-SUPERI 0 0 4,976 44,350 0450563207 education OUTREACH 21,801 http://www2.uwsuper.edu/budget/Fy01bd/GPRop/bdr113f1.htm | |
60. UW-Rock County Faculty And Staff Alexander, George dev. Math Coord / Mathematics, galexand@uwc.edu, 608758-6627. Backto top. Library staff. Distance education / Instructional Technology. http://rock.uwc.edu/dept/all/facstaff.asp | |
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