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21. All Saints Healthcare: Welcome To All Saints Provides information on All Saints patient care services, staff, facilities, and health education. (wisconsin) http://www.allsaintshealth.com/ | |
22. UW-L Campus Physical Dev Plan City of La Crosse and the State of wisconsin. must meet science and mathematics, GeneralEducation requirements the number of faculty and academic staff in the http://www.uwlax.edu/camplan/devplan/academic.htm | |
23. Home Page A preK through 12 public school district located near the wisconsin border in McHenry County. Information on board of education, schools' administration and staff, events calendar and links are featured. http://www.alden-hebron.org/ | |
24. University Of Wisconsin-Rock County Home Page Academics, computing resources, continuing education, directories, faculty/staff information, library resources, news and views, position openings, student life, admissions, financial aid, online application. Twoyear campus, located in Janesville. http://www.rock.uwc.edu/ | |
25. Augusta School District - Staff Dev 1997 Develop and facilitate Internet/technology staff mini sessions possible with ETB grantfunds An Educational Technology Board Grant, State of wisconsin. http://www.cesa10.k12.wi.us/districts/augusta/97staffdev.htm | |
26. Campus Dev. Plan-Mission-Campus Fac. Planning-UWM coordination, and encourage faculty and staff participation in others in the Universityof wisconsin System and benefit of the unique educational and research http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/CFP/CampusPl/mission.html | |
27. Campus Dev. Plan-Program Directions-Campus Fac. Planning-UWM to facilitating access to higher education is demonstrated with the UW Colleges andWisconsin Technical College will involve adding faculty/staff positions to http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/CFP/CampusPl/progdir.html | |
28. University Of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries Staff Directory, Staff S-Z Madison Libraries staff Directory staff S Z. GLS, 3-4981, Shaw, Robert, WisconsinLibrary Services Instructional Materials and Computing, 332 Teacher education. http://www.library.wisc.edu/StaffDir/people-s.htm | |
29. Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium Each year, the wisconsin Space Grant Consortium awards a Incentives grants to facultyand staff from WSGC of this year s Higher education Incentives Awards http://www.uwgb.edu/wsgc/programs/awards/he_awards.asp | |
30. University Of Technology, Jamaica - Faculty Of Education And Liberal Studies Academic staff. Hodelin, Geraldene. Ph.D., Uni. Lecturer. School of Technical andVocation - education. Pencle, Carmen. University of wisconsin ( Stout) B.Ed. http://www.utech.edu.jm/Faculties/FELS/STVE/SOTAVE_staff.htm | |
31. Search Staff Positions On HigherEdJobs.com staff Associate Continuing, Distance, and Adult education (Posted 09/04), Universityof wisconsinStevens Point Program Coordinator, Taking education to Work-Ref http://www.higheredjobs.com/admin/adminSearch.cfm?Jobcat=25&Showall=Yes |
32. Search Staff Positions On HigherEdJobs.com HigherEdJobs.com Faculty and staff Positions at 03/10/04), University of wisconsin-PlattevilleLocation Continuing, Distance, and Adult education (Posted 02/18 http://www.higheredjobs.com/admin/adminSearch.cfm?Jobcat=20&NextRow=51 |
33. Certification Committee Minutes May 3, 2000 Technical College Val Roeser, wisconsin Indianhead Technical local district contractagreements with staff. Adult and Continuing education staff and therefore http://www.wtcsystem.org/Certification/Cert/minutes/12-06-00.htm | |
34. Virginia's Community Of Learning 6/cu12.html Keywords staff development, research Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota,Ohio, and wisconsin. US Department of education Professional Development http://www.virginialearning.org/MainAreas/Search/sr_directory_category.cfm?CatNu |
35. Arts Staff List staff LISTING AND PROFILES OF HEADS. in African Studies (wisconsin). Higher TeachersCertificate Examination of the Institute Of education, University Of Sierra http://fbcusl.8k.com/arts_staff_list.htm | |
36. Professional Growth - Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools, Wisconsin Rapids, Wiscons Philip M. Sadler of the Science education Department at Target Audience All ProfessionalStaff. All rights reserved, Copyright © 2004 wisconsin Rapids Public http://www.wrps.org/prof dev/profdev/profdevbody.html |
37. WSPEI Using the video Every Day Creativity we provide examples of how WSPEI staff havebecome advocates for their wisconsin DPI Special education Team, http http://www.cesa7.k12.wi.us/rsn/wspei/textvs.htm | |
38. Schedule Of Classes Spring 2003 - Concordia University Wisconsin 085234 200330, Concordia University wisconsin Class Schedule MW 11051220pm TBATBA staff ED 359 Early Child I School of education education education _ _ http://www.cuw.edu/schedule_spring_2003.htm | |
39. West Des Moines - Parks And Rec - Bios Park and Recreation Advisory Board, City Council, City staff and other education.University of wisconsin, Madison, wisconsin Bachelor of Science Landscape http://www.wdm-ia.com/asp/parksandrec/bios.asp?deptid=8 |
40. Universiti Tenaga Nasional Institute of Liberal Studies staff. ACADEMIC AND SUPPORT staff. DEAN. Prof. BAIslam Syariah. · Diploma in education, UKM. BSc (Economic) wisconsin. · Dip. http://www.uniten.edu.my/newuniten/content_list.asp?contentid=631 |
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