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1. Education World® : School Administrators Center School Directory. ELearning. Prof dev Oppty Center the perfect opportunity for staff developers to step back, look the University of wisconsin-Madison. education World recently talked http://www.education-world.com/a_admin | |
2. Teacher Education | Faculty And Staff Directory Elementary education, University of wisconsin, Madison. Professional Experience Director, Admin. Faculty, dev. 19711974 Pennsylvania State University-staff Associate. 1981-1984 http://www.mscd.edu/~ted/contact/faculty_staff.shtml | |
3. CAREER CENTER (Education Vacancies) wisconsin . Other staff dev. training, and provide tech. assistance for personnel working w/students. BS degree. Send creds, trans., lic. to Daryl Parker, HR Generalist, education http://www.luther.edu/~career/notices.htm | |
4. UW-L Campus Physical Dev Plan of the student body and the professional faculty and staff. primary purpose of theUniversity of wisconsinLa Crosse is to provide education leading to http://www.uwlax.edu/camplan/devplan/mission.htm | |
5. Administration - University Of Wisconsin System Academic staff Representatives education. IREInstitute on Race Ethnicity. Market Research. Meetings (Regents) OADD-Academic Diversity dev't Academic staff Representatives http://www.uwsa.edu/ | |
6. Certificate Program In Staff Development will be mailed and ÂCertificate in staff Development will and fees Web sitewww.education.umn.edu Residents of wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, and http://education.umn.edu/EdPA/certificates/staff-dev.html | |
7. Distance Education In Public Health (CBM 2003-3) Madison (WI) University of wisconsinMadison; 2002 modified 2003 Sep 5; cited 2003 Sep 25 institutional collaboration in distance education. J Nurses staff dev. 1999 Nov-Dec http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/cbm/distanceeducationph.html |
8. Fern Ridge School District - Staff Profiles University of wisconsin Music education courses. license_state_1 RIDGE SCHOOL DISTRICT (1993present) Computer workshops - staff dev. Cultivating Mathematical Thinking - staff dev http://www.fernridge.k12.or.us/staff_profiles.html | |
9. Ozaukee County Wisconsin - Agenda - Agriculture & Extension Education Board. Econ dev. History. Minutes Ozaukee County, wisconsin. Agendas. Agriculture Extension education Committee Meeting District Extension Administration. staff Reports. WACEC State http://www.co.ozaukee.wi.us/Agenda/AgricultureExtensionEducation.html | |
10. Extended Degree Program: Faculty & Staff ZACH VOELZ Coordinator of Distance education Technology phone HUM dev 334 Playand Creative Activities. Extended Degree; BA, University of wisconsin-Green Bay http://www.uwgb.edu/gbextdeg/About_Us/Faculty_Staff/Faculty_Staff.html | |
11. CESA 5 School Districts List wisconsin DELLS Charles Whitsell (608) 254-7769 website AIDS/HIV) Delivery ServiceDriver education E4E/Vocational ITSS O M Prof staff dev Resource Center http://www.cesa5.k12.wi.us/districts/sd-list.htm | |
12. Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools GT. Duxbury. Randy G. DuxburyRG@wrps.org. Health/Physical education. WJH/LHS. Ebeling.Linda J. H. Erdmann. Mary Pat. erdmanmp@wrps.org. staff dev/AbL. WA. Esselman. JudithA. http://www.wrps.org/STAFF/staff.htm | |
13. Education Graduates dev. 14%. Information from coach staff, 10%. We have information concerning graduateschool for 36% of the education Graduates. University of wisconsin1. http://www.earlham.edu/~assess/html/majorsdept/socsciences/edu/educ-tbl.html |
14. CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Ellen, Associate Dean/Director, University of wisconsinExtension. Rachel, Ozretich,Parent education Coordinator, Extension, Specialist - Program and staff dev, LSU. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp | |
15. Internships education Relations Dept. 7700 wisconsin Avenue. Bethesda, MD 208143579. Syracuse,NY 13057. Mr. Jeffrey L. Worral. education Director. staff dev. And Training. http://idde.syr.edu/pages/employment-internships.html | |
16. Stephen Downes - 04/14/99 - What Happened At California Virtual University wisconsin recently counted more than 100 outof-state Academics and other staff criticizedthe plan, calling it the privatization of higher education. http://www.newstrolls.com/news/dev/downes/column041499.htm | |
17. Sust Dev't Briefing Biographies - Biweekly Updates From NCSE Environmental education; and the Environmental education Coalition BS from Universityof wisconsin, Eau Claire University from 197879; staff Attorney, American http://www.ncseonline.org/Updates/page.cfm?FID=2237 |
18. Information On Physicians In Wisconsin wisconsinmedicalsociety.org/resources wisconsin Medical Society hundreds of qualifiedphysicians on staff. phone number, specialty, education background and http://www.physician.info/MD_WI.HTM | |
19. NISE Home Focus is on improving the level of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology education in low income and minority schools. Includes list of staff, mission goals and publications. Located in University of wisconsinMadison. http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/NISE/ | |
20. Default2.htm Provides staff development for teachers throughout wisconsin, primarily in the areas of mathematics, science, and technology education. Includes articles as well as descriptions of seminars and programs. http://wasdi.org/ | |
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