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61. Wisconsin Education Leader Honored For Service To National Education Organizatio the steering committee member from wisconsin, received the policymakers, the mediaand the general public, and The education Commission of the States (ECS) is http://www.ecs.org/clearinghouse/37/84/3784.htm | |
62. Wisconsin Council On Economic Education, Inc. Grant Data Matrix wisconsin Council on Economic education, Inc. 831-1998, 5,000,To support general operations, The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc. http://www.mediatransparency.org/search_results/info_on_any_recipient.php?recipi |
63. CBTL Education education and Communications to all residents of wisconsin. UWExtension, offer continuingeducation opportunities for industry, workers, and the general public http://www.cbtl.org/education/education.htm | |
64. FIPSE Grant Database The wisconsin Online Resource Center project goal is to have these teams learningobjects for each competency within each of the general education courses. http://www.fipse.aed.org/grantshow.cfm?grantNumber=P339B990124 |
66. Wisconsin Education Association -- Issues And Legislation wisconsin REPEAL the QEO! 1350; to reauthorize the Individuals with DisabilitiesEducation Act. about communicating with Members and general information about http://capwiz.com/nea/wi/issues/ | |
67. Update - 5/18/04: Wisconsin Attorney General Opinion May Be National Catalyst by the wisconsin attorney general opinion may be the catalyst for other states andschool districts to challenge the federal Elementary and Secondary education http://www.weac.org/news/update/2003-04/5-18/1.htm | |
68. Undergraduate Degree Requirements At The University Of Wisconsin Oshkosh The University of wisconsin Oshkosh general education Requirement prepares studentsto grow, adapt to change, and form convictions through reasoned analysis http://www.uwosh.edu/enroll/registration/bulletins/1999-2001/degree.shtml | |
69. CEI.ORG: Competitive Enterprise Institute: Environmental Education In Wisconsin: are often presented as morality plays in which the villains (human beings in general,Western nations To read Environmental education in wisconsin What the http://www.cei.org/gencon/025,01843.cfm | |
70. Pearson Books - General Chemistry Ph.D. from the University of wisconsinMadison. author of several books, includingGeneral Chemistry with currently a Professor of Science education at Indiana http://www.pearsoned.co.uk/bookshop/detail.asp?item=151995 |
71. Art Education (K-12) - University Of Wisconsin - Superior Transfer Programs. Art education (K12) University of wisconsin - SuperiorAssociate in Arts Degree Requirements 40 general Ed. semester http://www.hcc.mnscu.edu/programs/transfer_programs.php?school=University of Wis |
72. Wisconsin - Early Hearing Detection And Intervention (EHDI) Universal Newborn He Also See  general Family Support Information. Communication education EarlyIntervention Information  wisconsin s Birth to 3 Program Determining http://www.infanthearing.org/states/wisconsin/ | |
73. Welcome To OnWEAC 'No Child' may violate Constitution. The federal Elementary and Secondary education Act is probably administered unconstitutionally and illegally in wisconsin, according to an opinion from the state http://www.weac.org/ | |
74. Re-directing To Wisconsin.gov Government. Public Services. Business. education. wisconsin Facts. Health Safety. Relocation. Visiting. Governor Doyle's Plan to Create Jobs. wisconsin's Prescription Drug Resource Center Visit http://badger.state.wi.us/ | |
75. Indian Mascots & Logos wisconsin Indian education Association. TEACH RESPECT. NOT RACISM. Indian" Mascot Logo Taskforce. Y2K NOTICE EMail us at Barb@Munson.net and nicknames from all wisconsin state supported educational facilities http://pages.prodigy.net/munson | |
76. General Information - Adult Education Concordia University Wisconsin ADULT education The Adult education program offers the undergraduate foundationcourses necessary to prepare future MBA students for their course of study. http://www.cuw.edu/ae/MBA_courses_offered.htm | |
77. UW-Madison School Of Education Visit the University of wisconsin School of education web site for valuable resources and information about UWMadison's School of education. http://www.soemadison.wisc.edu/IMC/journals/anno_AB.html | |
78. General Reference Resources states for statistical and general information, plus Tasha Saecker, a wisconsin librarian,has compiled growth estimates, demographics, and educational levels. http://www.educationindex.com/genref/ | |
79. WEEB -- Grant Program with energy based proposals are encouraged to submit within the general grant category. TheWisconsin Environmental education Board (WEEB) was http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/weeb/supportpages/grantprog_firstpage.htm | |
80. College Of Letters & Sciences The College of Letters and Sciences fosters personal and professional growth throughits programs of general education, specialized and career oriented majors http://www.uww.edu/factsheets/cofls.html | |
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