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41. MacKenzie Environmental Education Center Friends promote natural resources and conservation education at the center andin wisconsin. general INFORMATION MacKenzie Environmental education Center http://www.naturenet.com/mackenzie/ | |
42. Follow The Money: The Institute On Money In State Politics Contributor Summary. wisconsin education ASSOC COUNCIL PAC/WEAC. LAUTENSCHLAGER,PEGGY A, ATTORNEY general. Won. DEMOCRAT. WI. $20,000, 06/30/2002. http://www.followthemoney.org/database/StateGlance/contributor.phtml?si=200248&d |
43. Follow The Money: The Institute On Money In State Politics wisconsin education ASSOC COUNCIL PAC/WEAC Public Sector Unions, $74,100. REYNOLDS,TOM Candidate Selffinance, $59,369. STATE OF wisconsin general OPERATIONS http://www.followthemoney.org/database/NationalOverview/PageRedirect.phtml?o=N&y |
44. Wisconsin Online Education And Distance Learning Courses wisconsin Online education. KennedyWestern University - general Area.Online degree programs designed for busy professionals. Established http://www.online-education.net/wisconsin_schools.html | |
45. Special Education In Plain Language--Title Page and Special education Administrators, general and Special Providers, Union Members,Special education Attorneys, and was funded by the wisconsin Department of http://www.cesa7.k12.wi.us/sped/Parents/plainlanguageindex.htm | |
46. Wisconsin Education Directory At TheBubbler.com who have difficulty with listening comprehension, reading skills and general languageability wisconsin Lake Schooner education Association http://www.thebubbler.com/modules.php?name=linker&l_op=viewlink&cid=962 |
47. Executive Education @ University Of Wisconsin-Madison general Information Participant Profile Courses Dates and David Antonioni Universityof wisconsinMadison is a charter registered education provider for the http://uwexeced.com/projectmanagement/info.htm | |
48. Literacy Services Of Wisconsin: Adult Tutoring, GED Testing, Reading And Writing illiterate adults live in wisconsin, with over main program areas Adult Basic education,English as a Second Language and general educational Development (GED http://www.literacyservices.org/aboutus.html | |
49. Usnews.com: E-learning: University Of Wisconsin--Milwaukee (General Information) Milwaukee general information. Elearning Contact Betty Menacher, Manager of DistanceLearning School of Continuing education University of wisconsin - Milwaukee http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/elearning/directory/elearn1a_3896.htm | |
50. Wisconsin Educational Career Guide Table Of Contents F. The Registry Career Ladder G. wisconsin Early Childhood Teacher Training ProgramsH. general Early Childhood Early Childhood Special education Guidelines I http://www.collaboratingpartners.com/wececgtc.html | |
51. Welcome To WAMLE.ORG The purpose of the wisconsin Association for Middle Level education is to promotethe general improvement of education for students of middle school age. http://www.wamle.org/ | |
52. Wisconsin Education Association Council - Www.weac.org Weac wisconsin education Association Council 3rd.education education Pet Dog educationeducation, Nj Board Of education general education Drivers education. http://www.joeant.com/DIR/info/get/716/52410/ | |
53. Information Literacy WWW Links Literacy Components of the general education Requirements for K12 and higher education,including a developed by the wisconsin educational Media Association. http://www.fiu.edu/~library/ili/iliweb.html | |
54. Wisconsin Council On Children & Families - Publications or 12.8% of all public school students in wisconsin. had a categorical aid appropriationfor special education, distinct from the general aid/equalization http://www.wccf.org/publications/specialed_funding.html | |
55. General Counsel - University Of Wisconsin System The Office of general Counsel or Campus Legal education records maintained by educationalinstitutions, including the University of wisconsin System. http://www.uwsa.edu/gc-off/deskbook/ferpa.htm | |
56. General Counsel - University Of Wisconsin System A. The process for disclosing education records pursuant to to issue an order or subpoenain wisconsin. subpoena or order, contact the general Counsel s Office http://www.uwsa.edu/gc-off/deskbook/ferpafaq.htm | |
57. Wisconsin Civics Education And Civic Participation for wisconsin s Future (IWF) a statewide policy research and community educationcenter established in wisconsin Attorney general wisconsin Attorney http://www.civicmind.com/wi.htm | |
58. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN COLLEGES TRANSFER AGREEMENTwith UW-PARKSIDE: BREADTH OF UW Colleges courses will satisfy general education requirements according to ANT,100, general ANTHROPOLOGY, SA, SOCA, *100. GEO, 342, GEOG OF wisconsin, SA, GEOG,0315. http://www.uwp.edu/admin/registrar/bok.html | |
59. University Of Wisconsin-Superior. Wisconsin's Public Liberal Arts College Science Programs include Minor in Library Science; wisconsin 902 License MusicMajors/Concentrations include Music education, general Music, Choral Music http://www.uwsuper.edu/acaddept/acaddept.shtml | |
Majors/Concentrations include: Art History, Art Therapy, Studio Art, Teacher Certification. Graduate program: Visual Art Biology and Earth Science Majors/Concentrations include: Business and Economics Majors/Concentrations include: Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Information Systems, Corporate Health Management, Economics, Finance, International Business, Management, Marketing, and Chemistry Majors/Concentrations include: Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics minor. Communicating Arts Majors/Concentrations include: (speech communication and mass communication with tracks in generalist, journalism, media performance, media production, professional management and writing for the media); theatre (performance and design/technical); and theatre (acting, directing, scene design and technical direction, and lighting and sound design. Graduate Programs: Graduate Programs Communicating arts (speech communication, theatre, and mass communication). | |
60. Graduate Programs At University Of Wisconsin - Stevens Point University of wisconsin Stevens Point School of education general education GraduateAdvising Office, Room 438, College of Professional Studies Building http://www.gradschools.com/listings/institutions/uwstpt.html |
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