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21. Community Shares Of Greater Milwaukee | Member Agencies Community Shares of Greater Milwaukee Member Agency Information. League of Women Voters of wisconsin education Fund 122 273-VOTE Web http//www.lwvwi.org http://www.milwaukeeshares.org/htmdocs/member_agencies/index.php?view=i&id=15 |
22. Wisconsin Nurses Association -- Www.wisconsinnurses.org wisconsin Nurse s Association www.wisconsinnurses.org. information, and benchmarking related to nursing education. to nurse recruiting agencies for its http://www.wisconsinnurses.org/newscopy.asp?id=65 |
23. RRFC Network funded to assist state education agencies in the systemic improvement of education programs, practices Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and wisconsin. http://www.dssc.org/frc/rrfc.htm | |
24. Distance Learning Reports And Abstracts adopted by each of the regional accrediting agencies. to improve quality and costs in higher education. Tech, the University of wisconsinMadison, Rensselaer http://www.itcnetwork.org/reports.htm | |
25. Wisconsin Council On Children & Families - Projects/Topics The wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB) reports that those DWD suggests increasing local agencies ability to aggregate education and training hours http://www.wccf.org/projects/w2_educationreform.html | |
26. River Alliance Of Wisconsin - Home Page grassroots activities, advocacy, research and public education. of wisconsin also supports member agencies through special River Alliance of wisconsin 306 East http://www.wisconsinrivers.org/ | |
27. Wisconsin Education Calendar - October 2004 America and the work arts and cultural agencies do for org, or visit http//www.afterschoolalliance.org 10/78 Northwestern wisconsin education Association (NWEA http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/dltcl/eis/cal200410.html | |
28. LWVWIEF Funding designated for specific agencies (ie, LWVWIEF) go to those agencies. to League of Women Voters of wisconsin education Fund 122 email lwvwisconsin@lwvwi.org. http://www.lwvwi.org/edfund.htm | |
29. Websites That May Contain Helpful Information wisconsin education Association Council http//www.weac.org to many articles on wisconsin Legislation and Independent agencies http//www.firstgov.gov/agencies http://www.lwvwi.org/websites.htm | |
30. Wisconsin Basin/GMU Management wisconsin has redesigned its natural resource management possible, state and federal agencies have tried the Great Lakes. UW Extension Basin education Program. http://dnr.wi.gov/org/gmu/ | |
31. Organizations Who Have Worked With Doug Johnson will be doing) workshops and consulting for these districts and education agencies Riceville, wisconsin. This page www.dougjohnson.com/org.html last updated http://www.doug-johnson.com/org.html | |
32. Wisconsin Academy Of Sciences, Arts And Letters of government and public agencies, education, and Native Water Policy Water Monitoring Sustainability Water education. Water gives all of wisconsinÂs people http://www.wisconsinacademy.org/wow/ | |
33. Wisconsin Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association to encourage communication among agencies, institutions and to provide continuing medical education for physicians The wisconsin Medical Society designates this http://www.wicfs-me.org/ | |
34. Center Of Expertise State Vocational Rehabilitation agencies list of online resources developed by wisconsin FACETS while Center of Expertise on Post-secondary education can be http://www.pacer.org/tatra/post.htm | |
35. National Education Association Home Page general has concluded that the socalled No Child Left Behind federal education law is being administered unconstitutionally and illegally in wisconsin. http://www.nea.org/ | |
36. Wisconsin Education Calendar - October 2004 Summary wisconsin education Calendar listing dates, meetings, conferences, training and special events related to education. Assembly of State Arts agencies and National Humanities Alliance http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/dltcl/eis/cal200410.html | |
37. Wisconsin Health Education Network Annual Meeting Discerning Continuing Educationand ExtensionThe University of wisconsinLa Crosse is an and is in compliance with T. itle IX and Section 504. affirmative action/equal opportunity employer Non-profit org. U.S . http://www.uwlax.edu/Conted/pdf/when-2003.pdf |
38. WEMA - About WEMA field in wisconsin. Offer services and professional growth opportunities to all members. Work cooperatively with other educational organizations and agencies. http://www.wemaonline.org/ | |
39. Learning Disabilities OnLine - Finding Help: Wisconsin State Resources 800) 4414576 State education Agency Rural Representative ADA Technical Assistance Agency Great Lakes Center UAP - University of wisconsin - Madison Protection http://www.ldonline.org/finding_help/local_org/wisconsin.html | |
40. Job-Hunt.Org: Wisconsin Jobs, Jobs In Wisconsin, Wisconsin Job Search And Career Other Resources for Careers and Jobs in wisconsin. Academic360.com jobs in education by state; America s Job Bank job listings JobHunt.org, Marlborough, MA http://www.job-hunt.org/jobs/wisconsin.shtml | |
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