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41. Autism Society Of Wisconsin - ASSEW Jan/Feb 2000 Newsletter AUTISM SOCIETY OF SOUTHEASTERN wisconsin NEWSLETTER. Don t Diss the disabled. or quarterback Doug Flutie as guests because they all have specialneeds children. http://www.asw4autism.org/ASSEW/news100.htm | |
42. Special Needs Aquatic Program Cover Feature Strength training for the disabled educates, activates and integrates. OCR 05932206, special needs Aquatic Program vs University of wisconsinStevens Point http://www.palaestra.com/swim3.html | |
43. PRESENTATIONS Assessment Planning for Learning disabled Adults. 2000 Summer, Accommodating special needs in the Classroom. Staff Development for the wisconsin Rapids Area http://www.uwsp.edu/Education/dupham/ProPort/Scholarship/Presentations.htm |
44. Therapy/Respite Camps: Kids With Autism And Other Special Needs is a coed residential bible camp and special needs program in developmentally challenged, hearing impaired, learning disabled, physically challenged wisconsin. http://wmoore.net/therapy.html | |
45. Education World ® : School Issues: Are High-Stakes Tests Punishing Some Student without providing sufficient time for disabled students to not adequately provide for their special needs as indicated wisconsin OFFERS special ACCOMMODATIONS. http://www.educationworld.com/a_issues/issues093.shtml | |
47. INDEX OF PROGRAMS BY PRIMARY SERVICE TYPE Easter Seal Society of wisconsin. Epilepsy Center South Central. Services for disabled and Nondisabled Youth. Program for Children with special Health Care needs. http://danenet.wicip.org/dcyc/yrdir/indexp.htm |
48. ECS Resource Allocation Piece By Allan Odden The University of wisconsin (UW)CPRE web site (www.wcer.wisc.edu produced increased funding for and attention to the special needs of disabled, low income http://www.casbo.org/oddendec99.htm | |
49. Education, General And Special Dayton that serves the states of Ohio and wisconsin. The disabled Students Program The disabled Students Program School Boarding School for special ed/needs http://www.kansas.net/~cbaslock/educat.html | |
50. NAPTA: TEACHERS FLEE SCHOOLS problematic than parents of nondisabled children; and have more at stake with special Education teachers for blind students, even though wisconsin requires a http://www.endteacherabuse.org/flight.html | |
51. A Person, Not A Disability: Resources On Special Needs And Advocacy http//www.rsa.lib.il.us/~mitbc/disabled.htm. Parent Education Project of wisconsin (PEP). resources for inclusion of children with special needs for parents and http://www.widesmiles.org/useful/special.html | |
52. 82nd State Education Convention Exhibit Show - Special Issues experience of developing one of wisconsin s first virtual legislation on the needs of disabled children in This panel of special education experts from around http://www.wasb.org/convention/conv2003/edshow specissues.htm |
53. Press Release - Education Subcommittee Hears Testimony On Benefits Of Parental C the parents can ensure their disabled sons and Education Secretary Rod Paige, in wisconsin today with choice provisions, for both specialneeds and mainstream http://edworkforce.house.gov/press/press107/ideaeducationchoice50802.htm | |
54. JESNA - 404 The National Jewish Council for the disabled is dedicated Jewish Education Listing of Jewish special education websites that every child in wisconsin who needs http://www.jesna.org/cgi-bin/resources.php3?op2=18 |
55. Assistive Living Links - CICIL Disability Resources; University of wisconsin; Vermont Computers and The Opportunities for the disabled Foundation Helps Provide special needs; The Roeher http://www.raccoon.com/~cicil/links.htm | |
56. Many Labeled Learning-disabled our kids are considered special needs, said Joni coordinator for the Madison (wisconsin) School District. students, she said, are labeled learning disabled. http://members.home.nl/aeissing/00632.html | |
57. Camps: Special Needs Easter Seals wisconsin. An organization whose goal is to provide disabled individuals around the camp and retreat center for boys and girls with special needs. http://www.puredirectory.com/Recreation/Camps/Special-Needs/ | |
58. Cognitive And Developmental Diabilities Resources offered by the University of wisconsinMadison s School Parents who have disabled children and want to special needs Education Network A Web site created under http://waisman.wisc.edu/www/mrsites.html | |
59. Special Needs school goals for learning disabled students have learner, and those with special needs may have Linguistics Symposium, University of wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI. http://www.sbuniv.edu/~tsukany/esl-ther/special.htm |
60. Disabled Adults Learn Computer Skills At Wisconsin Catholic Center disabled adults learn computer skills at wisconsin Catholic center. celebrated the center s continuing role of empowering adults who have special needs. http://www.georgiabulletin.org/world/2004/02/13/US-1/ | |
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