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21. Lamers - School Bus - About Us wisconsin, and also for some of the smallest, all with the same care and dedication to safety. School buses with accommodations for disabled and special needs http://www.golamers.com/pages/school_about.html | |
22. Advocates For The Disabled See Vouchers As Setback threaten the hardwon rights of disabled students if required to accept Âstudents with special needs such as a 2000 report by the wisconsin Legislative Audit http://www.nsba.org/site/view.asp?TRACKID=&VID=50&CID=479&DID=33104 |
23. MetLife.com Autism Society of wisconsin; Autism Youth and Family Parents and Friends of the Developmentally disabled; special needs Boy Scouts; special Olympics; Spina Bifida http://www.metlife.com/Applications/Corporate/WPS/CDA/PageGenerator/0,1674,P518, | |
24. WISCONSIN LICENSES - SPECIAL EDUCATION wisconsin LICENSES special Education. disabled and student teaching orthopedically disabled pupils. needs and other children with special needs in the regular http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/dlsis/tel/pi3sub7.html | |
25. Special Education primarily consist of schools, speech therapists, parents publication for individuals with special needs; Trace Center at the University of wisconsin; http://www.minot.k12.nd.us/index.php?page=333 |
26. Graduate Programs At University Of Wisconsin - La Crosse biomechanics of gait in disabled populations and University of wisconsin La Crosse Department of and recreation programs for individuals with special needs. http://www.gradschools.com/listings/institutions/uwlax.html | |
27. JS Online: Editorial: Learning About Special Ed inappropriately labeling more and more students as disabled. on the way most states, wisconsin included, finance set amount for all its special education needs http://www.jsonline.com/news/editorials/dec02/105719.asp | |
28. JS Online: Numbers, Needs Strain Special Education special education as we know it began in 1975 Act, a federal measure that, in wisconsin, quickly superseded Although some disabled children were already in the http://www.jsonline.com/news/metro/may02/44311.asp | |
29. Recreation, Camps: Special Needs serving severely developmentally and physically disabled children and Located in Walworth, wisconsin. yearround, with discounts to special needs and nonprofit http://www.combose.com/Recreation/Camps/Special_Needs/ | |
30. Early Childhood Focus - News Topic: Special Needs College London and the University of wisconsin, who helped special needs A poll by the advocacy group Public Agenda one in six parents of disabled children has http://www.earlychildhoodfocus.org/modules.php?name=News&new_topic=16&p=5 |
31. Special Needs Located in Walworth, wisconsin. for 717 year old ADHD, ADD, learning disabled, and dyslexic camp and retreat center for boys and girls with special needs. http://www.supercrawler.com/Recreation/Camps/Special_Needs/ | |
32. Family Fun & Special Needs - Assisted Living a life sharing community for special needs adults nonprofit ministry in southern wisconsin with a resale shop that promotes independent living for disabled http://www.family-friendly-fun.com/links/assistedliving.html | |
33. FORWARD : The Jewish Woman camps in the United States for children with special needs. only program that specifically trains disabled Israelis for in 1994, when the wisconsinborn mother http://www.forward.com/issues/2001/01.05.11/women4.html | |
34. Lukol Directory - Recreation Camps Special Needs Located in Walworth, wisconsin. yearround, with discounts to special needs and nonprofit The adult program s campers are primarily developmentally disabled. http://www.lukol.com/Top/Recreation/Camps/Special_Needs/ | |
35. Serving The LD Student In A Vocational Education Classroom. ERIC Digest Learning disabled Adolescents Programs Tindall, LW PUZZLED ABOUT EDUCATING special needs STUDENTS? Vocational Studies Center, University of wisconsin, 1980. http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-922/ld.htm | |
36. More Choices For Disabled Kids - Policy Review, No. 112 of the liberal activist group wisconsin Citizen Action take a certain percentage of disabled students, adds services for children with special education needs http://www.policyreview.org/APR02/andrews.html | |
37. Organizations For Parents Of Blind And Physically Handicapped Children to individual college offices of disabled student services. wisconsin First Step is a statewide information and children birth to 21 years with special needs. http://blindreaders.info/parorgs.html | |
38. What's Wrong of elementary and secondary education in wisconsin. numbers of children with special needs, children who Categorical aids for disabled children and children http://my.execpc.com/~waef/problem.htm | |
39. Senate Fine-tunes Discipline In Special Education Program - The Washington Times addressing the needs of children who have special needs, basically focused to conference with the House, allows schools to remove a disabled child from http://www.washtimes.com/national/20040513-113310-8011r.htm | |
40. Open Source Politics: Knowledge: No School Left Unfailing, Part I: The View From The vast majority of wisconsin s African American families performance of our learning disabled students on know, maybe addressing their special needs), it is http://www.ospolitics.org/knowledge/archives/2003/09/21/no_school_.php | |
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