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2. Publications free) Agriculture Communications service, Media Distribution Center, 301 S Growing Grapes in wisconsin. wisconsin coop. ext., A1656 ($2.20). coop. ext http://www.ristcanyonvineyards.com/growinfo.html | |
3. Abbreviated Titles 1995 : D-E cooperative extension service SF221.D33 Dairy Tales Univ Calif Berkeley coop ext Serv* Dairy Life Sciences, University of wisconsin, Agricultural Experiment Station HD1775.W6E25 http://www.nal.usda.gov/indexing/lji95/abrtie.htm | |
4. Home Freezing Of Fish The University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension service would like to thankthe University of wisconsin Cooperative Extension service and Sea Grant http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/publications/freepubs/FNH-00222.html | |
5. Under The Canopy - February `98 - Cooperative Extension Service risk of disruption of power service to the Specialist in Wood Processing, Universityof wisconsin, Madison. also mentioned a belief that a coop kiln operation http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/forestry/canopy/canopyfeb98.html | |
6. Strengthening Communities Enhancing Extension's Role State Program Leader. Univ. of wisconsinext. CNRED, Rm extension Educator-4-H Youth Dev. Purdue coop. ext. service-Hendricks Co http://www.srdc.msstate.edu/cred/02conf/participants.pdf |
7. Nutrition Education Resources - Adult childhood eating disorders.DIETARY GUIDELINES FOR AMERICANSNational Food service Management Institute, 2001 EATING DISORDERSUniv. of wisconsin coop. ext. service, 1992. AdultVideoA http://www.opi.state.mt.us/PDF/SchoolFood/CATADULT.pdf |
8. Abbreviated Titles 1996 : E E.C. Neb. coop. ext. Serv. EC - cooperative extension service, University of Nebraska of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of wisconsin, Agricultural Experiment Station http://www.nal.usda.gov/indexing/lji96/abrtie.htm | |
9. Pubs Main Bulletin 815, Agdex 231, Ohio cooperative extension service, Ohio State University,Columbus, OH 43235; Ph 614292-1607 wisconsin coop. ext., A1656 ($2.20). http://viticulture.hort.iastate.edu/pubs/pubsmain.html | |
10. Books And Publications Viticulture - Iowa State University free) Agriculture Communications service, Media Distribution Center, 301 S Growing Grapes in wisconsin. wisconsin coop. ext., A1656 ($2.20). coop. ext http://viticulture.hort.iastate.edu/pubs/pubs.html |
11. Lukol Directory - Science Agriculture Education Cooperative Extension University of wisconsin extension cooperative Offers educational of Alaska Fairbankscooperative extension service State outreach http//www.uaf.edu/coopext/. http://www.lukol.com/Top/Science/Agriculture/Education/Cooperative_Extension/ | |
12. I-une.com: Education > Cooperative Extension University of wisconsin extension cooperative Offers educational, research AlaskaFairbanks cooperative extension service State outreach www.uaf.edu/coopext/. http://dir.i-une.com/Science/Agriculture/Education/Cooperative_Extension/ | |
13. NACAA Other Links Alabama cooperative extension service University of Alaska University of Council FarmSafe Spooner Ag Research Station, wisconsin UC coop ext, San Joaquin http://www.nacaa.com/OtherLinks.htm | |
14. Main Body Regional service Office. Contact Person. Email Address. wisconsin, Kevin Bernhardt,bernhardyk@uwplatt.edu. Colorado, Dennis Kaan, dkaan@coop.ext.colostate.edu. http://ianrwww.unl.edu/ianr/agecon/vavluru/riskmgmt/MAINBODY.HTM | |
15. Life Planning News - September 2002 Planning News, contact Jacque Miller (jmiller@coop.ext.colostate.edu HSFPP) providedas a public service by the appointed by the Governor of wisconsin has just http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/lifeplan/life0209.html | |
16. Dried And Fresh-Cut Flowers Dwight Aakre, Farm Mangement Specialist NDSU Extension service. more than 200 membersfrom Minnesota, wisconsin and the Total sales for the coop have exceeded http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/alt-ag/flowers.htm | |
17. Friends Of The NRA Grants University of Arkansas coop. ext service 4H. Yell County 4H Shooting Sports. ShowAll States. NRA Field Representative in WI wisconsin Don Bassett 715536-1555 http://www.nrafoundation.org/friends/states/grants.asp?state=Wisconsin&show=Arka |
18. Permaculture Bibliography Jude Hobbs 1999 The Permaculture Design Available at he Country extension service for nominal price. species BiologicalControl of Insects and Mites NCR.481 University of wisconsin coop./ ext. http://www.ibiblio.org/ecolandtech/orgfarm/permaculture/literature/Permaculture. |
19. School Nutrition Program Resources, Other Resources - Massachusetts Department O Cardiovascular, Wellness Nutritionists) UA coop ext.Nutrition Tennessee Texas UtahVermont wisconsin Parents/Learning Safety and Inspection service Food and http://www.doe.mass.edu/cnp/links/other.html | |
20. Abbreviated Titles 1995 : P of Alaska, cooperative extension service 275.29 AL13P Publ Univ Wis coop ext Serv*Publication University of wisconsin, cooperative extension service S544.3 http://www.nal.usda.gov/indexing/lji95/abrtil.htm | |
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