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Wisconsin Boarding Schools: more detail | ||||
61. Abuse Charges Hit Reservation Church-Run Schools Cited In Wide-Ranging Lawsuit James Grummer, the superior for the wisconsin province of the Society of time, his father and mother were staunch Catholics, products of the boarding schools. http://www.nospank.net/n-a10j.htm | |
62. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: School Sisters Of Notre Dame Their principal boarding schools are Baltimore, Maryland; Fort Lee, New Jersey; Quincy, Illinois; Longwood, Chicago; Prairie Du Chien, wisconsin. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11130a.htm | |
63. KSU Career & Employment Services Education Employers Presented by the Association of boarding schools. Directory Directory of private schools (K-12 and Michigan, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, and wisconsin. http://www.ksu.edu/ces/education/employers.html | |
64. Edgerton, Wisconsin  Business & Industry Edgerton has one of the finest boarding schools in Oaklawn Academy located on Area Technical College, Beloit College and the University of wisconsin at Madison http://www.edgertonwisconsin.com/pages/business.html | |
65. Private School Employment Networks And Placement Agencies Project Connect Job Bank c/o University of wisconsin, Madison Teaching Directory (PetersonÂs Guide) Directory of private day schools and boarding schools. http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~rec/resources.html | |
66. The Virtual Schoolhouse's Guide To Schools On The Net - Secondary Schools Franklin High School Franklin wisconsin Students projects, school as an all male boarding school, today it Indiana; Grosse Pointe High schools Grosse Pointe http://www.ibiblio.org/cisco/schools/secondary.html | |
67. Encyclopedia Of North American Indians - - Kellogg, Minnie She was educated in the 1890s at Grafton Hall, an Episcopal boarding school largely for nonIndians located at Fond du Lac, wisconsin. http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/naind/html/na_018400_kelloggminni.ht | |
68. The SEED Foundation mechanisms to support an urban public boarding school. The SEED analysis determined that there is a need for such a school in southeastern wisconsin, but that http://www.seedfoundation.com/SEEDfoundation/SEEDSITE/Foundation_overview_resear | |
69. H-AMINDIAN: Discussion, News, And Resources For Students Of North America's Firs Madison University of wisconsin Press, 1963. McBeth, Sally. Ethnic Identity and the boarding School Experience of WestCentral Oklahoma American Indians . http://www.asu.edu/clas/history/h-amindian/bib_--_boarding_schools.htm | |
70. Menominee Places On The Reservation Joseph s boarding School. Government boarding School Keshena, WI, Old St. Joe s School and St. Admiral Perry Victory Celebration - 1913 Oshkosh, wisconsin. http://www.menominee.nsn.us/History/History/PhotoGallery/HistoryPlaces.htm | |
71. TABS - The Association Of Boarding Schools Search by School Programs. PG) Summer Programs 5 Day boarding Learning Differences (LD http://www.schools.com/ssearch/schoolsearch.cfm | |
72. Native Americans File Lawsuit Against Boarding School Abuses My Two Beads Worth The wisconsin Province Society of Jesuits, which sponsors St The lawsuit has cast an even darker shadow on the Indian boarding school system, which many Native http://mytwobeadsworth.com/Brdschoolawsuit81403.html | |
73. Course Information Carlisle Indian boarding School http//home.epix.net/~landis/. Go to the University of wisconsinMilwaukeeÂs home page and read the mission statement. http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/electaq/375.html | |
74. News > Anderson Visiting Boarding School In Oklahoma Springs teen dies at BIA boarding school (12/12 Feature Story Audit BIA emergency school money misused (5 wisconsin Supreme Court invalidates gaming pact (5/13 http://indianz.com/News/archive/001832.asp | |
75. Wisconsin Stories: School Days we believe that the great state University of wisconsin should ever Benedict the Moor, a nationally respected boarding school and Catholic Church that served http://www.wisconsinstories.org/2002season/school/index.cfm | |
76. Wisconsinmade: Department: ' Keyser is a northern wisconsin author, veteran, and storyteller who grew up in a boarding school on the Oneida Indian Reservation in northern wisconsin in the http://www.wisconsinmade.com/wiscmade/dept.asp?dept_id=79 |
77. School Districts List Wisconsin Organised By Town And City WI 380 Listed List of School Districts web sites in wisconsin. District Edgar; Web Site Edgerton School District Edgerton; Web Site Oaklawn Academy boarding School Edgerton; http://www.allwi.com/wischooldistricts.html | |
78. Wisconsin Dane County Auto Health Finance Media Realty Education Portal Sun Priarie Yellow and White Pages Web Site wisconsin Weather Forecast Edgerton School District Edgerton Web Site Oaklawn Academy boarding School Edgerton Web http://www.allwi.com/county_dane.html | |
79. Pine Ridge Pottery, South Dakota - ©2002 - Wisconsin Pottery Association brought white instructors to the boarding school, to provide to run the ceramics program in the high school. his father studied pottery in Madison, wisconsin. http://wisconsinpottery.org/PineRidge/press8-pineridge.htm | |
80. Milton Academy - Encyclopedia Article About Milton Academy. Free Access, No Regi boarding school A boarding school is a self contained educational institution where students not only study but also live. boarding schools in Fiction. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Milton Academy | |
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